March 3, 2009
A couple of weeks ago Samuel turned 10! My friend Ashley made a great R2D2 cake for him and Josh threw him a party.
Since Josh works 16 hour days lately, he stayed up all night making party preparations. It turned out great. Josh set up clues in the yard, on the computer, at the playground, at the neighbor's house, on the phone, ect. One clue led to another and ended up in a place where everyone could claim their "ticket" to the party room. The ticket was a laser pointer attached to a cool laminated card stating the name and rank of each participant and on the back it had the Book of Mormon quote:
"And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted."
The boys were divided into two teams and they had had a lot of fun. Samuel invited two Tristans, Cameron, Jonas, Michael, and of course Nephi and Isaiah.
I just have to add that Samuel is the best son. He does whatever chore I ask him anytime without complaint and he does it quickly. When Josh is not around, I can totally depend on Samuel. Every morning he wakes up at six, showers, gets breakfast ready, wakes up Isaiah, and lastly wakes me up. He makes lunches, changes diapers, takes out trash, and makes sure we read scriptures and pray. What more could a mom ask for? He is truly an amazing 10 year old son.
In the past Samuel did not like the sight of blood. But today when Nephi decided to jump off the counter and hit his head on a bucket and needed stitches, Samuel assisted Josh in the stitching. My friend Jill and her son Nick stayed to watch.
Samuel decided that maybe he wants to be a doctor after all. When he was little, his dream was work at Krispy Kream doughnuts when he grew up…
When Josh and Samuel were stitching up Nephi I had to laugh because just a couple of weeks ago my friend Brandi wrote an exaggerated blurb about my family on her blog. I had called her to go on an "emergency" trip with me… to IKEA. Before mentioning the IKEA part, she was a bit worried:
Brandi: " (Now, please note that Sylwia is pregnant and also has 4 kids who are prone to stabbing one another, burning themselves... that sort of thing. The family motto seems to be, "If you maim yourself, Dad (who is a doctor) can just fix it." So, they live on the edge. Anyway, armed with this knowledge, I was thinking premature labor or pre-schoolers missing limbs.) "
Given today's circumstances, I'm thinking that maybe Brandi wasn't exaggerating that much after all…
3 Marzec 2009
Pare tygodni temu moj syn Samuel mial urodziny i on skonczyl 10 lat! Moja kolerzanka Ashley zrobila mu swietne ciasto z filmu Wojny Gwiezdne. Moj maz zorganizowal mu party.
Ostatnio moj maz musi pracowac 16 godzin na dzien, wiec aby zorganizowac party dla mojego syna, to on nie spal cala noc. Zabawa byla doskonala. Josh pochowal kawalki papieru z insturkcjami w domu, na dworzu, u sasiadow, na placu zabawy, itd. Koledzy byli rozdzieleni w dwie grupy i kazda grupa musiala czytac instrukcje gdzie mieli isc i co zrobic. Latali po calym osiedlu az znalezli legitimacje i latarke z promieniem laserowym, kotre daly im zezwolenie usiasc przy stole z ciastem. Wszyscy bardzo dobrze sie bawili. Na legitimacjy byl cetat z Ksiegi Mormona:
"A wszyscy byli mlodzi, niezwykle odwazni, silni i dzielni, ale to nie wszystko, gdyz mozna bylo na nich polegac we wszystkim, co im powierzono."
Samuel jest najlepszym synem. Jak ja go o cos prosze to on robi to odrazu, dobrze, i szybko. Jak mojego meza nie ma w domu, to ja zawsze moge polegac na Samuela pomoc. Codziennie on sie sam budzi o 6 rano, kapie sie, robi sniadanie dla siebie i dla brata Isaiah, budzi Isaiah, i po sniadaniu dopiero on budzi mnie. On tez codziennie pakuje woreczki z obiadem do szkoly, wynosi smiecie, zmniena pieluchy, czyta pismo swiete i sie modli. Naprawde o nic wiecej matka by nie poprosila 10 letniego syna…
Przed dlugi czas Samuel bardzo nie lubial patrzyc na krew. Wiec on nie chcial byc lekarzem. Jak byl bardzo maly to chcial pracowac w piekarni gdzie robia paczki. Juz Samuel sie krwi nie boji, i on teraz mowi ze on moze by chcial byc lekarzem tak jak jego ojciec. Pare dni temu moj syn Nefi wszedl na blat i skoczyl na ziemie i spadl powieka oka na wiadro. Potrzebowal szwy. Moj maz z pomoca Samuela zaszyli mu rane u nas w domu. Moja sasiadka Jill i jej syn Nick ogladali te operacje u nas.
Moja kolezanka Brandi niedawno opisywala na swojej stornie interenetowej ze moja rodzina nie martwi sie ranami bo wszycy wiemy ze Josh jako lekarz zawsze moze wszytko nam naprawic… moze ona i ma racje.