Thursday, November 19, 2009

Moving Decisions / Decyzje Przeprowadzki

November 19, 2009

Moving Decisions


In about 7 months Josh will be done with his residency and the army will be moving us.  We don't get to make the decision where we will move but we can put in our preferences.  Here are our top 5:

1.    Colorado Springs, Colorado

2.    Germany

3.    Monterey, California

4.    Seattle, Washington

5.    Arizona


Yesterday we had a phone interview with the Colonel that makes the decision and when he heard our preferences he laughed.  I guess we picked the most popular places where all doctors want to go.  The only place where very few people want to move right now is Germany, so that is probably where we will end up.  But we are not giving up on Colorado just yet.


Regardless of where we move, Josh will be deploying to go to war.





Decyzje Przeprowadzki

19 Listopad 2009


Za okolo 7 miesiecy moj maz konczy praktyke, i wojsko nas przeprowadzi do innej bazy aby moj maz tam pracowal jako lekarz.  My nie wybieramy gdzie sie przeprowadzimy ale mozemy powiedziec gdzie wolimy jechac.  Tu nasze lista preferecji:

1.    Colorado Springs, Colorado

2.    Niemcy

3.    Monterey, California

4.    Seattle, Washington

5.    Arizona

Wczoraj mieslmy wywiad przez telefon z osoba ktora decyduje gdzie nas przeprowadzic.  Ten pan sie smial by my wybralismy tylko najbardziej popularne bazy.  Miesce do ktorego mamy najlepsza szanse wyjechac to Niemcy bo tam lekarze wojska teraz nie lubia sie przeprowadzac.  Wiec chyba do Niemiec pojedziemy, ale nadal mamy nadzieje ze jest szansa wyjechania do Colorado.


Bez wzgledy gdzie sie przeprowadzimy, moj maz bedzie musial jechac na wojne.





Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Mosiah

November 11, 2009

Baby Mosiah


Baby Mosiah is now 3 months old!    He is very cute and he loves to smile, but he also likes to fuss.  He likes to fuss all day and a lot of the night, and he even likes to fuss while he is breastfeeding.  What kind of baby fusses while breastfeeding?  I remember Samuel being that fussy, actually even fussier, but now he is our easiest child.  So if Mosiah wants to follow is his footsteps, that's just fine with me. 


Taking care of Mosiah is split up into 3 shifts.  I take care of him during the day shift, Samuel and Isaiah take care of him after school during swing shift, and Josh takes care of him overnight--the graveyard shift.  Isaiah loves taking care of the baby.   Mosiah hardly ever fusses when he is with him, but then Isaiah is always carrying him around and dancing with him.  Samuel prefers to read a book while holding the baby.


On October 11 Josh blessed Mosiah. 

Mosiah was blessed with the desire to understand God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He was blessed with a deep love for his fellow beings both in and out the church and in an out of his family.  He was blessed to dedicate his time and energy to the service of others, to have a keen mind, and to be active and energetic in both his temporal and spiritual callings. 

Mosiah was also blessed to always have a drive and a desire to serve God and to become like Him.  He was blessed to look to Jesus Christ and the prophets to be his examples and guides.  And he was blessed to always understand what's most important and to not be sidetracked by the things of the world.


I'm sending some pictures of Mosiah.  Samuel gave titles to the first few:

1.    Happy

2.    "Speaking of Holy Things"(must watch Nacho Libre to appreciate)

3.    The Hunted

4.    Barf Face

5.    Laughing Man



Dzidzius Mosiah


Mosiah juz ma 3 miesiace.  On jest bardzo slodki i lubi sie usmiechac ale tez lubi marudzic.   Cale dnie marudzi i tez w nocy, i on nawet marudzi jak go karmie.  Jakie niemowle marudzi jak je?  Pamietam ze moj najstarszy syn Samuel taz tak duzo marudzil a teraz on jest naszym najlatwiejszym dzieckiem.  Jesli Mosiah idzie je jego kroki to sie nie martwie.


Zajmowanie Mosiah jest podzielone w trzy dyzury.  Ja sie nim opiekuje rano, Samuel i Isaiah po poludniu, a Josh w nocy.  Isaiah najlepiej sie nim opiekuje, bo jak Mosiah jest z nim to on prawie nie placze.  Ale Isaiah tez go zawdze nosi i nawet z nim tanczy.  Samuel woli czytac ksiazki jak trzyma Mosiah.


11 Pazdziernika Josh poblogoslawil Mosiah.  Mosiah byl blogoslawiony aby rozumial ewanglie Jezusa Chrysusa, zeby zawsze kochal swoich bliznich,  i abym im zawsze sluzyl.  Byl blogostawiony aby byl madry i aby mial energie aby wypenic swoje duchowe i materialne zajecia.  Tez byl blogoslawiony aby sluzyl Bogu i aby go nasiladowal, i aby bral przyklad od zycia prorokow i od Jezusa.   I byl blogolawiony aby zawsze pamietal o tym co jest najwazniejsze w zyciu.


Przesylam zdjecia Mosiah



Sunday, November 8, 2009

We Are the Titans / Jestesmy Rodzicami Bogow

November 9, 2009

We Are the Titans


For Halloween this year Samuel and Isaiah made their own costumes!  It's so nice to have kids old enough to do that!  They wanted to be Greek gods thanks to their gifted curriculum that teaches them Greek mythology.  They also love the series of books called "Percy Jackson and the Oympians".


Samuel was Apollo, the god of the sun, archery, youth, and music.  Isaiah was Hades, the god of the underworld.  His symbols include a helm of darkness, a two pronged staff, and a three headed dog named Cerberus.  


If our kids are the Greek gods, that makes me and Josh the Titans.  But we don't know what the Titans looked like, and since Nephi wanted to be wolverine, I decided to be Rouge.  Easy costume: a white streak of hair and a pair of gloves.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of myself, but it was pretty cool.  Josh was the Blob also from the X-men and the kids had great fun punching his pillow fat, both at home, at the church party, and while he gave out candy to the Trick-o-Treaters.


Gracie was a princess at school and a ladybug when she collected candy.  At school Gracie is pictured with her friend Harini.  All the kids in Nephi's kindergarten class had to dress up as scarecrows. In the last picture the boys are posing with their friends Tristan, Cameron, and Aiden.    




9 Listopad 2009

Greckich Bogow Rodzice


Na swieto Halloween, Samuel i Isaiah sami zorganizowali swoje wlasne kostjumy.  Fajnie miec dzieci wystarczajaco duze kotre sie same przebieraja.  Obydwoje chcieli byc Greckimi bogami,  bo oni sie ucza mytologi w szkole dla zdolnych dzieci do ktorej chodza raz na tydzien.  Tez Samuel i Isaiah bardzo lubia serie ksiazek "Percy Jackson" o mytologi. 


Samuel byl Apollo, bog muzyki, slonca, molodosci, i lucznictwa.  Isaiah byl bogiem podziemia, ktory ma psa Cerberus z trzema glowami, helm, i kij z dwoma zebami. 


Jesli nasze dzieci sa Greckimi bogami, to ja i Josh jestemy rodzicami bogow.  Ale nie wiemy jak rodzice bogow wygladaja, wiec sie przebralismy jako postacie z komiksu X-men.  Ja bylam Rouge, bo bardzo latwo pomalowac sobie kosmyk wlosow na bilao i zalozyc czarne rekawiczki.  Nefi byl psotacia "Wolverine".  Josh byl postacia Blob, to taki bardzo gruby czlowiek.  Dzieci bardzo lubily go uderzac w poduszki jak rozdawal cukierki tu przed domem i jak bylismy w kosciele na przyjeciu.


Grace byla biedronka jak zbierala cukierki, a w szkole byla ksiezniczka.  Na zdjeciu jest z kolezanka Harini.  Kadzy w przedczolu Nefiego musial byc przebrany jak starch na wroble.  Na ostatnim zdjeciu to nasze dzieci z kolegami Tristan, Cameron, i Aiden.



Indigenous People of South Carolina / Dzicy Ludzie Stanu South Carolina

November 7, 2009


About 30 minutes north of where we live there is a beautiful 13 mile bike route along the Savannah River in North Augusta, South Carolina.  For the past month I've been biking there every week with my friends and on several occasions with my family.  It's quite a production to get a family of 7 on a bike ride, but  it's so nice to have Samuel strong and old enough to pull Gracie in the tandem bike.    


The weather here is beautiful this time of year, 65-70 degrees, and the children love exploring the woods.  Today, Samuel led the kids in covering themselves in mud so they could look like what he called "the indigenous people of South Carolina". 


Last week when Nephi got tired of biking, Josh let him ride on the baby's trailer, while Josh not only pulled both of them, but also balanced Nephi's bike on one hand.  He rode like this for about 2 miles without complaint.  Did I ever tell you I married superman?




7 Listopad 2009


Okolo 30 minut od nas jest stan South Carolina w ktorym jest piekna scieszka rowerowa.  Ja tam jezdze raz lub dwa razy na tydzien po 13 mil.  Raz na tydzien jade z kolezankami, a innym razem z rodzina.  To nie jest latwo zorganizowac aby 7 osobowa rodzina poszla na rowery, ale jest fajnie ze Samuel jest wystarczajaca duzy aby ciagnac nasza coreczke Grace.


U nas teraz jest piekna pogoda, okolo 15 stopni.  Dzieci bardzo lubia byc na dworzu i bawic sie w lesie i w rzece.  Samuel dzisiaj kazal dzieciom sie posmarowac blotem aby wygladali jak "dzicy ludzie stanu South Carolina" (oczywiscie on to wymyslil). 


W ostatnim tygodniu jak Nefi byl zmeczony to nie chcial juz jechac rowerem.  Josh mu dal trzymac sie wuzka w ktorym byl dzidius i ktory Josh ciagnol.  Josh jechal przez nastepne 2 mile trzymajac Nefiego rower na jednej rece. Moj maz to superman!

