Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baptism and Birthday Olympics/Chrzest i Olimpiada Urodzinowa

Baptism and Birthday Olympics


August 18, 2008


Last Saturday was Isaiah's birthday and he turned 8 years old!  At age eight children get baptized in our church if they have faith in Jesus Christ and if they are willing to follow His commandments.  Isaiah is full of faith and was very happy to be baptized by his Dad last Sunday.  Isaiah was also very happy to get  his very own set of scriptures from his Grandpa Stephen.


We had a very nice small baptism and a dinner at my house that my friend Ashley planned and organized.  She is an amazing planner and organizer, so I had a very good and relaxing time.


For his birthday, Isaiah invited 2 of his best friends from church, Kadyn and Camden.  We had a 7 hour party that included Olympics at the pool.  Josh organized races and diving competitions for the boys and he awarded them home-made gold medals.  Kadyn and Camden were excellent at doing synchronized dives, Samuel was the fastest swimmer and Isaiah could swim the longest under water.  Go figure, the asthmatic has the largest lung capacity.  Pretty Amazing. 


The boys rode on their scooter to and from the pool and Samuel and Camden crashed.  Samuel had no injuries, but Camden scraped his whole face knees and elbows.  I was terrified that I let a child get hurt under my supervision.  He was fine however and continued the day with us eating cake and ice cream, playing with legos, and of course, playing with the Ripclaw (our bird).

I'm sending some pictures from the baptism, one of Isaiah with our bishop Jason Claar, some cool shots from the b-day olympics, and one of some of our friends here in Georgia.



Chrzest i Olimpiada Urodzinowa


Sierpien 18, 2008


W Sobote Isaiah mail osme urodziny.  Jak dziecko ma 8 lat w naszym kosciele to moze byc ochrzczone jesli wierzy w Jezusa Chrystusa i chce przestrzegac Jego przykazan.  Isaiah ma bardzo duzo wiary i byl bardzo szczesliwy aby byc ochrzczony przez swojego Tatusia.  Isaiah tez byl bardzo ucieszony jak dziadek Stephen mu przyslal Pismo Swiete aby mial swoje osobiste.


Chrzest byl bardzo mily i duchowy, a po Chrzcie moja kolezanka Ashley zorganizowala obiad w moim domu dla 30 osob.  Ja nie lubie organizowac przyjec, bo zawsze czegos zapominam.  Moja kolerzanka ma prawdziwy talent organizowania przyjec wiec moj wieczor byl dla mnie bez stersu bo ona sie wszytkim zajela.


Na urodziny Isaiah zaprosil dwoch jego ulubionych kolegow, Kadyn i Camden na party do naszego domu.  Bawili sie razem przez 7 godzin.  Razem poszlismy na basen i tam Josh zorganizowal chopakom olimpiade i nawet rozdal im medale.  Samuel wygral bo najszybciej plywal.  Kadyn i Camden najlepiej nurkowali razem jako druzyna.  Nie wiem jak to sie mowi po Polksu jak nurkuja dwoje razem i musza dokladnie tak samo nurkowac.  Isaiah najdlurzej nie oddychal pod woda.  To naprawde cud bo on jedyny ma asthme a on tez ma nawieksza pojemnosc ploc. 


Po basenie wszycy chlopcy jedzili na hulajnogach.  Samuel sie przewrocil ale mu sie nic nie stalo.  Kolega Camden za to sie podkna o Samuela i twarza upadl na beton.  Bylam bardzo przejeta ze czyjes inne dziecko u nas sie pobilo. Zadzwonilam do rodzicow, ale Camden nie chcial isc do domu, wiec zostal z nami 3 jeszcze godziny i razem jedlismy ciasto, lody, otwieralismy prezenty.  Chloplcy tez bawili sie klockami lego i nasza malutka papuga.

Zalanczam zdjecia z chrztu.  Na jednym zdjeciu Isaiah jest z naszym biskupem Jason Claar.  Tez przesylam zdjecia z urodzinowej olimpiady, i tez jedno zdjecie z niektorymi naszymi przjacielmi w naszym domu.



Staci said...

Sylwia, That is so fun! I am amaized at what a fun day you and Josh had planned.. what a great way to celebrate turning 8! Congratulations to you on another member of the church in your family! I miss you!

The Galan Family said...

Sylwia, I found your blog link from Tina's. I didn't know you were a blogger. Looks great! Your family is beautiful. Keep up the posting.
