Monday, October 20, 2008




October 4, 2008


One of the great regrets of my husband's life is that he never took the time to learn how to play the piano or any musical instrument from his mom.  Josh says music is like a foreign language and that he missed out on his opportunity.  Now he is much too busy to learn anything other than medicine.


I never had the chance to learn music, so I decided that I had to give my kids the opportunity.  For a long time I felt that they were too young to practice without nagging, so I was not willing to start.  Then about a year ago, my friend Joe sent me a youtube video of his son playing the piano.  It was incredible.  Also I heard Kinga's kids play a bit while we were in Utah and I was pleased. 


I also thought about how Samuel has become a very responsible kid.  I never have to remind him to do anything, not even his homework.  Last year I never even looked at his homework and he got the highest average in his class. 


Every morning Samuel gets up at 6 am.  He showers, gets dressed, reads his scriptures, then he reads or plays on the computer.  At 7:15 am he sets up breakfast and then wakes me and Isaiah up to get ready for school.    


So I decided that Samuel was definitely ready to practice piano without being reminded, but alas, I could not find a teacher.  I prayed for a teacher to move on post, but none did.  Then one evening during a lady's night out I convinced my friend Stephanie to teach piano like she used to.  She agreed and she was even willing to come to my house to teach as soon as I bought a piano.


I soon found out that pianos are very expensive.  I thought about buying a cheap digital piano, but I did not like the sound.  Then Stephanie went to work for me, researching used pianos for sale.  She rode around town with me several times checking out pianos.  We finally found a good quality piano in perfect condition and I bought it for 650 dollars.   Josh and his friends Jeremy and Steve moved it into our home and it sounds beautiful!   


About this time Isaiah started having a hard time is school.  Not because he wasn't smart, but because he would space out, daydream and not do his work.  Both Samuel and Isaiah are in the gifted program, so once a week Isaiah gets to go a different school and do fun challenging things.  He loves that part of school.  But in order to stay in the program he has to get good grades at Prison Park Elementary.  And not doing his work could cause him to be kicked out of the gifted program... 


Both Josh and I became worried about what we could do to help Isaiah concentrate.  We tried a few things but they weren't working.  So we decided to pray for guidance.  The next day at dinner I announced that I got an answer to my prayer that Isaiah should take piano to help him focus.  Josh piped up and said that he got that very same answer.  We were both surprised that piano would be the answer because neither of us thought that Isaiah was ready to practice all the time. 


We followed our promptings and got Isaiah taking lessons too.  Now Isaiah is doing great in school finishing all of his work. 


I included a couple of pictures of our piano.  Notice the family bug collection above.  Also included is a picture of Isaiah with a landforms project, one of Samuel as the Greek god Apollo in his gifted class, and a picture of Josh and Gracie from our vacation. 




4 Pazdziernik 2008




Mojego meza mama gra na pianinie i ona nauczyla kilka jego brac i siostr grac.  Ale moj maz nie byl tym zainteresowany jak byl mlody i teraz bardzo zaluje ze nigdy nie nauczyl sie grac na pianinie.  Josh mowi ze muzyka to jak obcy jezyk, i jest mu zal ze tego jezyka nie zna. 


Ja tez nic nie wiem o muzyce, wiec chcialam dac moim dzieciom okazje sie nauczyc grac na pianinie.  Ale tez nie chialam caly dzien zrzedzac i przypominac moim dzieciom aby trenowaly.  Wiec zdecydowalam o tym na razie nie myslec.


Ale kilka miesiecy temu moj kolege przeslalm mi youtube video jak jego sym przepieknie gra na pianinie.  Tez jak bylam w Utah to slyszalam jak Kingi dziedzi troche graly na pianinie.  To mi sie bardzo podobalo.


Ja tez pomyslalam o tym, jakim odpowiedzialnym chlopcem moj syn Samuel jest.  Ja mu nigdy o niczym nie musze przypominac.  Nigdy mu  nie przypominal o odrabianiu lekcji.  W ostatnim roku ja nigdy nawet nie popatrzylam na jego lekcje.  Nie tylko on wszytkie lekcje zrobil ale on tez mial najlepsze stopnie w calej swojej klasie. 


Codziennie Samuel sie budzi o 6:00 rano.  On myje sie pod  prysznicem, ubiera sie, i czyta swoje pismo swiete.  Potem czyta ksiazki lub bawi sie na komputerze.  Potem on ustawia jedzenie na sniadanie i  o 7:15 on budzi mnie i Isaiah aby on sie przygotowal do szkoly i abym ja przygotowala im woreczki z obiadem do szkoly.  


Wiec ja zdeczydowalam ze Samuel jest wytarczajaco odpowiedzialny aby codziennie trenowac na pianinie.  Wiec probowalam znalesc nauczycielke niedaleko nas, ale zadnej nie bylo.  Pomodlilam sie aby jakas nauczycielka sie sprowadzila.  Tez nic.  A potem jednego wieczoru moja kolerzanka powiedziala mi ze ona kiedys uczyla dzieci grac na pianinie.  Ona teraz uczy gry innego insturmentu.  Poprosilam ja aby Samuela uczyla i sie zgodzila.  Nawet powiedziala ze przyjedzie do mojego domu go uczyc!


Musialam kupic pianinio.  To jest bardzo drogie.  Okolo 4 tysiace dolarow.  Myslalam ze moze kupie tansze cyfrowe pianino ale dzwiek mi sie nie podobal.  Wie moja kolezanaka i nauczycielka Stephanie zaczela mi szukac urzywanego pianina.  Duzo czasu nad tym spedzila.  Po calym miescie jedzilismy i ona probowala czy te instrumenty mialy dobra jakosc.  Po kilku tygodniach znalazlysmy bardzo dobrej jakosci pianino za 650 dolarow.  Moj maz z kolegami przywiezli je do naszego domu.  Jest to wysmienite pianino i ma piekny dzwiek!


W tym czasie Isaiah zaczol miec problemy w szkole.  On jest bardzo madry ale on tez lubi sobie marzyc.  Jak tak sobie marzyl w szkole to nie konczyl swoich zadan.  Samuel i Isaiah chodza w srody do innej szkoly dla dzieci utalentowanych.  Isaiah bardzo lubi tam chodzic bo zadania sa bardziej interesujace i trudniejsze.  Ale on moze byc wyrzucony z tego programu jesli on nie bedzie konczyl swoich zadan w normalnej szkole. 


Josh i ja sie martwilismy o Isaiah i probowalimsy mu pomoc, ale nic sie nie zmienilo.  Wiec pomodlismy sie o pomysl jak mu pomuc.  Nastepnego dnia wczasie obiadu powiedzialam rodzinie ze ja dostalam pomysl jak pomoc Isaiah sie koncentrowac- on tez musi sie uczyc grac na pianinie.  Josh odrazu powiedzial ze jak on sie modlil to on tez dostal taka sama odpowiedz.


Wiec obydwoje chloply ucza sie grac na pianinie i Isaiah juz nie ma zadznych problemow w szkole.  Bardzo dobrze teraz sie koncentruje.


Zalaczam pare zdjec naszego pianina.  Nad pianinem nasza kolekcja robakow.  Tez zdjecie Isaiah z jego projektem z plasteliny.  Samuel w klasie dla utalentowanych przebrany jako bog Grecki Apollo.  No i jeszcze jedno zdjecie z naszych wakacji.






Bastianclan said...

Your kids look so happy playing the piano. Samuel did a great job on his Greek God Apollo. How fun. Cute pics Sylwia. Thanks for sharing some of your fun family news. Have a great day

Bastianclan said...

Wow look at your blog!!! it looks so nice. Good Job!!

Alison said...

I am so glad you got a piano. I can't wait for a place big enough for one. And I am glad to see your boys interested in it :) It was fun seeing your blog.

Brandi said...

Sylwia, I love your blog! I'm glad you finally got the piano and that it's worked out for your sons.


Becky T said...

Hi, Sylwia! It's fun to see your blog and it was great to hear from you on our blog. It looks like you are all doing well. As far as my camera, I have a Nikon D50. I have owned it for 2 1/2 years and Nikon no longer makes that model, but the closest thing to it is the D80. Let me know if you have any other questions. Take care and have a great day!!