Sunday, November 23, 2008




November 22, 2008


Since our extended family has started sharing their life stories on, great blessings have come into my family's life.  Samuel and Isaiah learn a great many things from their aunt's and uncle's examples. 


I'm going to give just one silly example.  Ever since I can remember Isaiah has hated wearing underwear.  So he decided never to wear it, not to school, not to church, not when climbing on the monkey bars, and even not when swimming in real loose shorts.  Josh and I tried to tell him that that is not a good idea.  His pants could rip or fall and he could be very embarrassed.  Well, Isaiah did not care.  Our pleading and persuasions had no effect on him, and he is 8 years old!


Well, a couple of weeks ago one of my husband's brothers wrote down his most embarrassing moments.  One of them included not wearing any underwear at school and having a big rip in the crotch of his pants, and people staring.  We read the story aloud to our kids and we just laughed and laughed.  Miraculously ever since then Isaiah has always worn underwear.  He even asked me to get him some more….


I'm attaching some pictures of bees in my flower garden. There are very few bees where I live in Georgia.  I had a lot of problems pollinating my garden.  There are no honeybees around here, so bumblebees do all of the work, but there are not enough of them.  Tomatoes self pollinate, but cucumbers and squash often have to be hand pollinated. 


Josh told me that he once heard that if all of the bees die out in the world, humans would only survive 4 years after that.  I make sure that we don't use pesticides in order not to harm the bees, and even though we catch and collect bugs, we would never kill a bee!



Favorite Books this week



The Abhorsen Trilogy: 1. Sabirel  2.  Lirael  3.  Abhorsen. 

( Fanstasy by Garth Nix) 



1. The Magic Pretzel (Humor by Daniel Manus Pinkwater)

2. The Giggler Treatment (Humor by Roddy Doyle)



A Drowned Maiden's Hair (Melodrama by Laura Amy Schlitz, one of my favorite books!)

Nephi and Grace's

1. Toby, Where Are You? (by William Steig and Teryl Euvremer)


22 Listopad 2008


Niedawno moja rodzina i rodzina mojego meza zaczela pisac ktorkie opowiesci ze swojego zycia na internecie.  To bardzo jest porzyteczne czyatac moim dzieciom.  Samuel i Isaiah duzo sie ucza od swoich wujkow i ciotek.

Dam wam jeden przyklad.  Moj syn Isiaiah bardzo nie lubi nosic majtek.  Ja mu mowie ze on musi nosic majtki do szkoly bo moze mu spodnie spadna lub sie podra.  On mnie nidgy nie slucha.  Nawet jak ma ktrotkie spodenki, na lub jak idzie plywac w luznich spodenkach.  Ja i maz go prosimy lub mu grozimy a on nadal  nie chce sluchac i on ma juz 8 lat!

Ale pare tygodni mojego meza najmlodszy brat napisal ze jak on byl maly to on tez nie lubil nosic majtek.  Raz poszedl do szkoly i spodnie mial w kroku podarte i wszycy sie na niego patrzyli.  Jak on zauwarzyl ze nie mial majtek i na co oni patrzyli to bylo mu bardzo glupio. 

Ja to przeczytalam moim dzieciom i sie dlugo smielismy.  Od tego czasu Isiah zawsze nosi majtki.  Nawet mnie poprosil abym mu wiecej majtek kupila…

Po angielsku napisalam tytuly ksiazek ktore nam sie w tym tygodniu podobaly.  Tez zalanczam zjecia trzmielow w naszym ogrodzie.  Tu w Georgia nie ma miodowych pszczol.  Zreszta na calym swiecie jest coraz mnie pszczol.  Tu gdize ja mieszkam to sa tylko sa trzmiele.  Ale ich jest za malo. Aby miec warzywa w orgrodzie to trzeba samemu plytek z jednego kwiatka na drugi przenosic.

Josh mi powiedzial ze jesli wszytkie pszczoly zgina, to ludzie tylko beda zyli na ziemi przez 5 lat i sami zanikna tez.  My szanujemy wszytkie pszczoly, osy, i trzmiele.  Tez nie uzywamy chemikalji w ogrodzie bo nie chcemy aby trzmielom zaszkodzilo.  No i nigdy ich nie zabijamy!


1 comment:

Angela said...

I had heard something like that about bees, that 3/4 of our food is bee/pollinator dependent and that in China where there are no bees all of the crops have to be hand pollinated. Sad.

My niece is the same about underwear. So was my brother. Some kids have that issue and never grow out of it. I'm glad to hear Isaiah made the choice himself. I would have definitely forced my child and I think your child having agency is a better way, despite the possible risk of humiliation.