Thursday, April 9, 2009


March 15, 2009


Lately Samuel and Isaiah have a new obsession.  They love a series of books called Naruto. It's a black and white graphic novel that doesn't even have very good pictures.  I was introduced to it by my friend Melinda. It's weird, but the boys read it over and over again and then they act it out on the trampoline.  Perhaps if you have boys their age or older, you may be interested.

On a different note, my friend Laura had these interesting questions on her blog.  I made sure to ask my youngest one first so that he wouldn't borrow his answers from the older ones.  I thought it was really funny and interesting how the answers turned out.  So here my kids speak out about me, their mother.


1.      What is something mom ALWAYS says to you?

Samuel-close the door

Isaiah-I love you

Nephi-be nice

2. What makes mom happy?

Samuel –food

Isaiah-when we clean up the whole house

Nephi-if I give her some bubble (carbonated) water and I sing her a song and be nice

3. What makes mom sad?

Samuel -being pregnant

Isaiah-not doing all the work she tells me

Nephi- not giving her bubble water

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

Samuel –when she complains how hard her life is

Isaiah-when she is sitting on the couch complaining

Nephi-when she is tickling me

5. What was your mom like as a child?

Samuel-neglected or scared



6. How old is your mom?



Nephi-I don't know

7. How tall is your mom?

Samuel-when slouching, around 5 feet

Isaiah-about 4 feet

Nephi-55 feet

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

Samuel-sit around reading emails

Isaiah- sleep


9. What does your mom do when you're not around?


Isaiah-cleans up the house

Nephi-goes to a lake and plays with her friends

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?


Isaiah-shouting super loud

Nephi-for going to sleep

11. What is your mom really good at?

Samuel-cooking, cleaning



12. What is your mom not very good at?

Samuel-answering questions, she makes me ask my dad

Isaiah-staying awake


13. What does your mom do for her job?

Samuel-takes care of her kids


Nephi- babysit

14. What is your mom's favorite food?


Isaiah-dal (Indian lentils)


15. What makes you proud of your mom?

Samuel-that she is so selfless and does everything for her kids

Isaiah-when she helps me find good friends

Nephi-being happy

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?


Isaiah-in Charlie Brown there is a girl who wants to be a queen of the world, she is very bossy like my mom

Nephi –superwoman

17. What do you and your mom do together?


Isaiah-lie on my bed and talk


18. How are you and your mom the same?

Samuel-we both like to talk

Isaiah-we both have dark hair

Nephi- we both have brown eyes

19. How are you and your mom different?

Samuel- she is a woman and I'm a man

Isaiah-I don't like to clean, and she likes to clean

Nephi- she has hair, I don't

20. How do you know your mom loves you?

Samuel-even though she is pregnant she cooks and cleans the house

Isaiah- she tells me a lot

Nephi-by giving me a hug

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?


Isaiah-to her bed

Nephi-to the store

P.S. I've attached some pictures from indoor ice skating ...sylwia

15 Marzec 2009


Od  niedawna Samuel i Isaiah maja nowa obsesje.  Bardzo lubia czytac serie ksiazek Naruto.  To wlasciwie nie ksiazki ale komiksy.  Nawet nie maja ladnych kolorowych obrazkow tylko czarno biale, ale moji synowie czytaja kazdy komiks po kilka razy tez na trampolinie bawia sie w to o czym przeczytali.  Moze komus z was te komisky tez by sie podobaly. Mi nie za bardzo.


Zmieniajac temat, moja kolezanka Laura miala te pytania na swojej stronie internetowej na ktore jej dzieci odpowiedzialy.  Ja tez zapytalam sie moich dzieci te pytania.  Oczywiscie zapytalam najmlodszego najpierw zeby nie powtarzal to co starsi powiedzieli.  Wiec tu sa moich dzieci odpowiedzi o mnie, ich matce.


1.      Co twoja mama ci ZAWSZE mowi?

Samuel-zamknij drzwi

Isaiah-kocham ciebie

Nephi-badz mily

2. Co przynosi szczescie twojej mamie?

Samuel –jedzenie

Isaiah-jak sprzatniemy caly dom

Nephi-jesli dam jej wode z bombelkami i zaspiewam jej piosenke,      i jak jestem mily

3. Co zasmuca towja mame?

Samuel –to ze jest w ciazy i sie zle czuje

Isaiah-jak ja nie pracuje i nie robie wszytkiego o co ona mnie prosi

Nephi- jesli nie dam jej wody z babelkami

4. Co robi twoja mama, co ciebie rozsmiesza?

Samuel –jak ona narzeka ze jej zycie jest ciezkie

Isaiah-jake siedzi na kanapie i narzeka

Nephi-jak ona mnie laskocze

5. Jaka byla twoja mama jak ona byla dzieckiem?

Samuel-wystraszona lub zaniedbana



6. Ile towja mama ma lat?



Nephi-nie wiem

7. Jak wysoka jest twoja mama?

Samuel-jak sie garbi, okolo 152 cm

Isaiah-okolo 122 cm

Nephi-1676 cm

8. Co twoja mama najbardziej lubi robic?

Samuel-siedziec i czytac email

Isaiah- spac

Nephi-modlic sie

9. Co twoja mama robi jak ciebie nie ma w domu?


Isaiah-sprzata dom

Nephi-jedzie nad jezioro i bawi sie z kolerzankami

10. Jesli twoja mama kiedys bedzie slawna to za co?

Samuel-za gotowanie

Isaiah-za to ze glosno krzyczy

Nephi-za to ze spi

11. Co twoja mama bardzo dobrze robi?

Samuel-gotuje, sprzata



12. Co twoja mama zle robi?

Samuel-zle odpowiada na pytania, zawsze mi karze tate zapytac

Isaiah-nie potrafi nie zasypiac

Nephi-zle myje naczynia

13. Co jest twojej mamy praca?

Samuel-zajmowanie sie dziecmi


Nephi- pilnowanie dzieci

14. Jakie jest twojej mamy ulubione jedzenie?

Samuel-jedzenie z Indji

Isaiah-dal (groch z Indji)


15. Za co jestes dumny z twojej mamy?

Samuel-za to ze ona nie mysli o sobie i ze wszytko robi dla swoich dzieci

Isaiah-za to ze ona mi pomaga znalesc dobrych przyjaciol

Nephi-za to ze jest szczesliwa

16. Jesli twoja mama by byla karakterem z jakiegos filmu dla dzieci, to kim by byla?

Samuel-Elastagirl (zona z filmu "Incredibles")

Isaiah-w komiksie Charlie Brown tam jest dziewczynka ktora chce byc krolowa swiata i kazdemu rozkazuje tak jak moja mama

Nephi –Superkobieta

17. Co z twoja mama robisz?


Isaiah-lerzymy na moim lozku i rozmawiamy

Nephi-bawimy sie

18. Jak ty i twoja mama jestescie podobni?

Samuel-obydwoje lubimy rozmawiac

Isaiah-obydwoje mamy ciemne wlosy

Nephi- obydwoje mamy brazawe oczy

19. Jak sie roznisz od towjej mamy?

Samuel- ona jest kobieta a ja jestem meszczyzna

Isaiah-Ja nie lubie sprzatac, a ona lubi sprzatac

Nephi- ona ma wlosy a ja nie mam wlosow

20. Skad wiesz ze twoja mama ciebie kocha?

Samuel-bo choc ona jest w ciazy to nadal nam gotuje i sprzata dom

Isaiah- bo czesto mi mowi ze mnie kocha

Nephi-bo ona mnie przytula

21. Gdzie towja mama najbardzie lubi chodzic?

Samuel-do sklepu IKEA


Nephi-do sklepu

P.S.  Zalanczam kilka zdjec z jazdy na lodzie w budynku, bo na dworzu tu nigdy nie jest wystarczajaca zimno la lud...sylwia






Brandi said...

#4 cracks me up.

Staci said...

I love that your kids tell it like it is.. very funny.. Moms of course love to cook and clean right.. don't all moms? :) Maybe not~!

I love that they're ice skating with walkers.. I have never seen those before. Way fun. We haven't taken the kids because I was afraid they would just fall all over the place and get hurt, but with a little help..maybe they could do it!
Very Fun!

Than & Lina said...

Cute kids!

Bastianclan said...

Awee Sylwia that was awesome. I copied it and i'm asking my kids all the questions. super fun. I laughed so hard. I guess you get a specil prize for yelling so loud from Isaiah. Giggles. So funny!!! Love it. Your kids know you pretty well. That is awesome. What a fun idea...

Becky said...

Adorable answers- - I am going to have to try that one on my kids.