The Belligerent Patient Is Back (but only for a day or two)
July 26, 2009
Since I've been long term in the hospital I have been allowed to have a three 10 minute walks per day. This suited me just fine because I like to go down to the cafeteria to pick out my food. Well, this morning my blood pressure was pretty low and I took my sweet time going down to the cafeteria. My blood sugar was low too and I started to feel a bit dizzy. So I hurried back to my room and laid down, and informed my nurse.
Big mistake. Panic of course. The on call doctor came in and confined me to bed rest. She forbid me to leave my room, and forbid me from going to the cafeteria and she put it in my orders. I begged for a second chance, but the on call doctor was a very old bossy woman. You can't reason with her kind. What's wrong with us old women?
When my Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist came to see me, I begged her to change my orders. "I need pick out my precious delicious food, please!" I begged and begged. She finally told me that I can leave my room if someone wheels me around in a wheel chair. But who is going to do that? The nurses told me that they are too busy.
Where is my friend Ashley when I need her? Ashley is my friend who lives close to me on post. We are very close friends and since I don't like to drive, she is my driver. She drives my kids to preschool, she drives me to the store, and she drives me to women's church activities. But Ashley is currently on vacation till the second week in August. Is she were here, I bet she would drive me around in my wheelchair…
This confinement to my room was not good for my mental well being, or for my belligerent attitude, or for my blood pressure. I've had to download some church hymns and continuously play them to keep my attitude at bay.
Luckily this confinement only lasted a couple of days till my new regular doctor returned. Dr. Christy thought it was silly to keep me from short walks, so she changed my orders to back like they were before. I love my new doctor. She and I just think alike, so she must be right.
In other news, my family came to visit Sunday. They always have a grand old time here and they never want to leave. Samuel and Isaiah usually engage in a pillow fight, that we had to modify to pillow fencing. You can hit your opponent's pillow and your object is to knock his pillow out of his hand. If, however, you hit our opponent, you lose.
My friend Ashley's husband, Stephen, also came Sunday with my husband to give me the sacrament. They both hold the priesthood in our church and they were directed by our bishop to do so until I leave the hospital.
My kids had an especially grand time playing with Stephen. He invented a game of chasing Isaiah and Grace with Samuel and Nephi in the wheel chair. My room is big enough to rearrange into a wheelchair racing track. There was lots of running and giggling and running into the curtain.
When my husband wheeled me to the cafeteria, Stephen stayed behind to watch our hyper kids. He convinced them to go turn all the lights out, close the blinds, and go to sleep in my bed so maybe they wouldn't have to leave. They readily agreed. But when it was time to go, they would not get out of the bed and a new game commenced. As Stephen dragged one giggling kid out of bed, another one would climb back in. Round and round the running and laughing continued 'till Josh finally somehow firmly called the activity to a stop and dragged the kids home. It was very nice to have Stephen playing with the kids and entertaining them. So often Josh and I are into guiding and correcting that we miss out on the fun.
Niemila Pacjentka Wrocila (ale tylko na dzien lub dwa)
26 Lipiec 2009
Od czasu kiedy moja kondcja w szpitalu sie poprawila, to dostalam pozwolenie chodzic 10 minut na dzien. To mi sie bardzo spodobalo bo lubie chodzic na stoluwke i wybierac sobie jedzenie. Pare dni temu jak sie obudilazm to moje cisnienie bylo bardzo niskie, tez bylam bardzo glodna. Wiec poszlam na stoluwke wybrac sobie sniadanie. Ale jak doszlam do stoluwki to zaczelo mi sie w glowie krecic i bylo mi slabo. Odrazu wiec wrocilam do pokoju , polozylam sie, i powiedzialam o tym mojej pilegniarce.
Niestety to byl blad. Wszyscy zaczeli panikowac. To sie stalo w sobote, wiec inna pani lekarz mial dyrzur. Przysla do mojego pokoju i powiedziala mi ze musze caly czas lerzec w lozku i wcale nie wstawac. Nie wolno mi nigdzie chodzic szczegolnie na stolowke. Powiedzialm jej ze jak sie napilam soku to sie lepiej poczulam i zeby zmnienila zdanie. Ale ona powiedziala Nie. Ta pani lekarz to bardzo stara uparta kobieta. Z takimi nie ma co sie klocic, bo nigdy nie wygrasz.
Jak pani specjalistka przyszla robic sonde dziecka, to zapytalam czy ona moze zmienic te nowe reguly dla mnie. Powiedziala ze stara pani doktor ma racje i ze powinnam lezec w lozku. Zaczelam ja blagac ze ja musze isc na stolowke wybrac moje jedzenie. W koncu powiedziala mi ze moge isc na stolowke jesli ktos mnie zawiezie krzeslem na kolkach dla invalidow.
Tu w Georgia ja mam bardzo bliska przyjaciolke ktora nazywa sie Ashley. Ja nie lubie prowadzic somochodu, a ona bardzo lubi. Wiec najczesciej jak gdzies chce jechac to ona prowadzi samochod. Ona wozi moje dzieci do przedszkola, wozi mnie do skepow, i na spotkania dla kobiet w kosciele. Niestety Ashley jest na wakacjach przez ostatnie 2 miesiace. I nie wroci az w polowie Sierpnia. Jesli ona by tu byla to napewno by przyszla do szpitala codziennie mnie wozic na wuzku dla invalidow. Ale niestety jej nie ma!
To ze bylam zabroniona gdziekolwiek chodzic i tylko lezec w lozku, mnie denerwowalo i tez nie dobrze wpywalo na moje samo poczucie i na moje cisnienie.
Ale naszczescie w Poniedzialek jak moja wlasna Pani lekarz wrocila to powiedziala ze ona zmnienia te reguly, i ze znowu mam prawo chodzic 10 minut na dzien. Bardzo lubie moja nowa Pania lekarz, bo ona mysli dokladnie tak jak ja. Wiec napewno ma racje.
W niedziele Josh i moje dzieci i mojej kolerzanki Ashley maz Stephen przyszli mnie odwiedzic. Josh i Stephen maja kaplanstow w moim kosciele wiec przyniesli mi komunie do szpitala. Nasz biskup im powiedzial ze maja zezwolenie co tydzien mi komunie przynosic jak jestem w szpitalu.
Stephen tez bardzo fajnie sie bawil z naszymi dziecmi. Wsadzil dwoje (Samuel i Nefi) do wuzka dla inwaliduw, przesunol meble, i ganial za Isiaiah i Grace wuzkiem. Dzieci bardzo chetnie lataly i sie smialy. Tez jak Josh mnie zawiolz wuzkiem dla invalidow na stolowke, to Stephen powiedzial ze jesli dzieci moje pojda spac, to moze nie beda musialy isc do domu. Bo moje dziec bardzo lubia tu byc w szpitalu i tu sie bawic, i nigdy nie chca isc do domu. Wiec Stephen zgasil wszstkie swiatla i chopcy udawali ze spali w moim luzku.
Ale jak juz byl naprawde czas aby pojc do domu to nowa gra sie zaczela. Stephen by wyjol jedne dziecko z lozka a inne by spowrotem wskoczylo. Tak skakali z lozka do knapy. Po pol godzinie jakos Josh wreszcie te gre zatrzymal i wszycy poszli do domu. Bardzo fajnie ze Stephen mogl tak z dziecmi szalec. Nieraz my jako rodzice tak duzo dajemy wzkazuwek i tak duzo uczymy, ze czesto nie mamy okazji na take szalenskie zabawy!