Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New York?! / Nowy York?!

New York!?

April 4, 2010


Following the tradition of the army, they decided to completely ignore our list of preferences of where we want to move.  So about a week ago we were informed that we are moving to Ft Drum, New York.  This is not the famous crowded city part of New York.  Actually it's very close to Lake Ontario and the Canadian border and it will be the most rural place we have ever lived. 


So, I'm having a dilemma and it's driving me crazy.  What shall we do?  Josh will very very very likely be deployed. 

1.     Do I move to New York and enjoy meeting new friends and seeing new places?  We will have Boston, Toronto, Montreal, New York City, Niagara Falls, and even Philadelphia within driving distance.  Samuel and Isaiah are old enough to take Josh's place when it comes to helping with little kids.  Also, we are watching the TV series called 'John Adams'.  It's our favorite new series.  The kids would love to see those historical sites…

2.    Or do I just move to Utah and live at my mom's house and let my kids hang out with their grandmas and grandpas and cousins for a year?  We will continue to move around the world with the military, so do I have an obligation during Joshua's deployments to move back to Utah and stay closer connected with the family?

3.    Or do we continue to have new experiences and see the world, meet new friends, touch new lives?

4.    I don't know.  Hosing is so hard to find in that part of New York.  Renting is almost out of the question.  So do we buy a house in the far north?  Just to have Josh leave for a year?

5.    Or do we just move to Utah and let the kids attend Cascade Elementary just down my mom's sunny street?

6.    Yes, yes, I'm thinking, I'm praying, I'm doing research, but I'm not coming up with anything so far.  In fact, I'm just going crazy…


In other news, spring in over in Georgia.  It's 90 degrees every day, the kids swim in the kiddie pool and my garden is thriving.  We had our first harvest of peas and I use fresh herbs in my cooking every day.  Also, my camera broke.  So it's time for an upgrade.  Taking pictures of my kids is my favorite hobby.   Enjoy some older pictures while I take my time to decide whether to buy a Canon or a Nikon.  Samuel and Isaiah are taking golf lessons.  I figured we can't leave Augusta until someone learns how to play golf around here...




Nowy York!?

4 Kwiecien 2010



To jest chyba tradycja armi aby nie patrzec na ludzi prefrencje i wysylac ich w nieznane miejsca.  Tydzien temu armia zadecydowala ze przeprowadzi nas do stanu Nowy York.  To nie jest blisko miasta Nowego Yorku.  Ale to jest bardzo daleko na polnoc, zaraz obok Kanady obok 'miasta' Watertown.  To nie takie prawdziewie miasto, bo bardzo malo ludzi i te miasteczka to sa naprawde wsie.  Nigdy w takim otoczeniu nie mieszkalam.


Wiec mam dylemat.  Co mamy zrobic?  Josh prawie na sto procent pojedzie na wojne.

1.     Wiec mam sie przeprowadzic do stanu Nowy York i milo tam mieszkac poznajac nowych przyjaciol i odwiedzajac nowe historyczne miejsca?  Latwo bedzie mi dojechac samochodem do miasta Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Nowy York, i nawet Philadelphia.  Samuel i Isaiah so wystarczajaco duzi aby mi pomoc z malymi dziecmi.  Wlasnie ogladamy serie telewizyjna o drugim prezydencie Ameryki, John Adams.  To nasza nowa ulubiona seria.  Dzieci chetnie by te historyczne miasta zobaczyly...

2.    Czy mam jechac na rok do Utah?  Mieszkac z moja mama i dac dzieciom okazje mieszkac blisko babci i dziadkow, i kuzynow przez rok?  Jest to wazne ze jak Josh bedzie na wojnie abym ja mieszkala blisko rodziny?

3.    Czy powinnam poznac nowe miejca i nowych ludzi?

4.    Nie wiem. Wiem natomiast ze jest bardzo trudno wynajac w Nowym Yorku dom lub mieszkanie.  Mam kupic dom tak daleko na polnoc, tylo aby moj maz wyjechal na rok?

5.    Czy lepiej przeprowadzic sie do mojej mamy domu i dzieci moga bardzo blisko na piechote chodzic do szoly zaraz obok mamy domu?

6.    Oczywiscie mysle, modle sie, zastanawiam sie, ale jeszcze nie mam zadnej odpowiedzi.  Czyba niedlugo moja glowa peknie z myslenia. 

Wiec zmieniam temat.  U nas juz lato.  Jest po 25 stopni codziennie.  Dzieci sie kapia w malym baseniku, i moj ogrod pieknie rosnie.  Dzisiaj zjedlismy groszek z ogrodu, i prawie codziennie uzywam ziola z ogrodu do gotowania.  Tez moj aparat fotograficzny sie zepsol.  Wiec musze kupic nowy bo robienie zdjecia moim dzieciom to moja ulubiona rozrywka.  Nie wiem tylko czy kupic Canon czy Nikon.  Samuel i Isaiah biora lekcje sportu golf.  Myslalam ze nie wolno nam wychac z miasta Augusta az ktos z nas nauczy sie grac w golf....




Mary said...

That's a tricky dilemma. I guess my advice would be choose New York if you can rent a home, but not if you have to buy. If you live with relatives in Utah, you could always plan a one- or two-week trip back East to tour all the historical sites.

The camera dilemma is easier. I vote Canon.

Angela said...

I think it's better to be stimulated by new people and environments. BUT I can see evidence in my own life of how HF wants families to stick together.

So that probably doesn't help at all. Either decision may be right which may mean you simply have to choose...and that's hard. Your family will be blessed either way, right? What do the kids want to do?

Than & Lina said...

I'm afraid I can't offer any advice. I can only sympathize. I really don't like having to make decisions like that! Good luck! If you do move out to Utah, it will be nice to see you more often though :)

Nancy said...

You know that we'd love to have you nearby, and there is something to be said for having family close at hand. This may be your best/only opportunity for your kids to get to know your grandmother. Even so, I don't think you have any "obligation" to move to Utah.

Can you stay together any place back there until Josh leaves? It would be a shame to move out here and then have Josh hang around in New York for months waiting for orders--and you know that the Army is quite famous for doing that, too. It's a pain to move period, and annoying to do it very often, but maybe you could get your New York sightseeing done before Josh leaves and then do more when he comes back. It would be a whole lot easier and more fun with him than without.

Becky said...

Change is exciting but scary. So good luck with your move from Georgia. No matter what you choose to do, the Lord will be with you and help you know what is right. Sometimes there is more than one thing that can be right!

Jon and I visited the rural part of New York years ago when we were first married. It was sooo beautiful. Rochester was one of the prettiest cities I had ever seen and the surrounding rural country side had so much charm. This is where the church began! Though I am guessing the winters would be a hard change from Georgia!

How long does your husband get deported for? I can see your dilemma- on one hand I like experiencing new things- - but on the other having my husband gone is stressful and I would love to live near my family for the extra support and so I don't feel so lonely. So- good luck with your choices!