"And they were married and given in marriage, and were blessed according to the multitude of promises which the Lord had made unto them....and surely there could not be a happier people who had been created by the hand of God." ---Book of Mormon 4 Nephi v.11&16
"Zawierali malzenstwa i byli blogoslawieni zgodnie z wieloma obietnicami Pana...i zaden lud stworzony reka Boga nie mogl byc tak szczesliwy jak oni."---Ksiega Mormona 4 Nefi 11&16
Saturday, September 25, 2010
New Picture / Nowe Zdjecie
I finally took a picture of Grace that's worth hanging on the wall. So I will be replacing her scripture picture with this one. I love it.
25 Wrzesien 2010
Zrobilam nowe zdjecie Grace, ktore mi sie bardziej podoba. Wiec zmieniam jej zdjecie ktore wisi na scianie na te nowe. Jest przepiekne.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Living in New York / Mieszkamy w Nowym Yorku
September 22, 2010
Living in New York
When I first found out we were moving to New York, I was not happy. I've been spoiled living in the south wearing flip flops year round. In spite the many foot injuries, my kids always ran around barefoot. We could never do that in upstate New York; the frozen wasteland for six month out of the year. In addition to that there was no on post hosing and anything off post was either 200 years old, or really expensive. After three months of looking we finally found a house 500 sq feet smaller than our home in Georgia, but fairy "new".
So, we are here and we are actually really enjoying it. It's not freezing cold yet, we need a light jacket but it's fabulous to play outside. At first there were not kids outside in our neighborhood, but Josh built a tree house and a zipline in our back yard for Isaiah's birthday, and now we have half a dozen kids in our yard every day. It's great. The schools seem to be good and best of all there are farmers markets everywhere. I love eating fresh fruit and veggies. I even found a German lady that owns a bakery and sell authentic German bread. I buy some of my veggies from the Amish, who really fascinate me, and I want to be more like them.
I really love my ward (church congregation). It may be the friendliest ward I have ever attended. I like it so much that I even take my kids to scouts at the church, just so I can hang out with the church ladies. I just can't get enough of these wonderful people.
Near us, open only in the fall, is the Burrville Cider Mill. It's just a little barn that sells the best fresh tart cider, cider donuts, cider slushies, and farm fresh apples. We love going there. I'm sending some pictures of our home and the cider mill, some from the very dangerous Black River that my kids like swimming in.
22 Wrzesien 2010
Mieszkamy w Nowym Yorku
Kilka miesiecy temu, jak sie dowiedzialam ze przeprowadzamy sie do Nowego Yorku to bylam bardzo zla. Przyzwyczailam sie mieszkac na poludniu Ameryki, gdzie zawsze jest cieplo i caly rok mozna chodzic w sandalach. Choc czesto moje dzieci stopy rania, oni tylko lubia chodzic na bosaka. W Nowym Yorku gdzie jest snieg 6 miesiecy na rok to jest nie mozliwe. Takrze, baza wojskowa tu nie miala domu dla nas. A wszytkie domy po za baza albo mialy 200 lat, albo bardzo duzo kosztowaly aby wynajac. Po trzech miesiecach szukania domu na internecie, wreszcie znaleznismy dom choc on jest o ¼ miejszy niz nas ostatni dom.
No ale tu juz mieszkamy i jak doteraz to nam sie bardzo podoba. Pogoda nadal jest fajna. Trzeba kurtke nosic ale jest bardzo przyjemna pogoda do bawienia sie na dworzu. Na poczatku nie widzialam zadnych dzieci an dworzu, ale na Isaiah urodziny moj maz zbudowal domek na drzewie i taki metalowy kabel do zjezdzania. Od tego czasu codziennie okolo 6 dzieci przychodzi do nas sie bawic. To mi sie bardzo podoba. Szkoly dla dzieci tu sa dobre i bardzo duzo farmerow sprzedaje swierze owoce i warzywa na ulicy. To mis sie bardzo podoba. Tez jedna pani z Niemczech to ma piekarnie i sprzedaje prawdziwy Niemiecki chleb. Niektore wazywa kupuje z farmy Amishow. To taka religia i styl zycia, kotra mnie bardzo fascynuje. Oni sa farmerami, nie uzywaja elektryki, ciezko pracuje, itd. Bardzo to mi sie podoba.
Moj kosciol tu w Nowym Yorku jest wspanialy. Jest tak wiele milych ludzi i szybko sie zaprzyjazniami. Kilka razu w tygodniu chodzimy na spotkania bo takie fajne mamy towarzystwo.
Blisko nas jest taka stodola kotra sprzdaje swierze jablka, swierzy kwasny sok z jablek, paczki zrobione z soku jablkowego, i mrozony sok jablkowy. Bardzo tak lubimy chodzic. Presylam kilka zjec z tej stodoly, tez kilka naszego domu, i z bardzo niebiezpiecznej Czarnej Zeki, w kotrej moje dzieci bardzo lubia plywac.
Monday, September 20, 2010
An Original Myth by Isaiah Hardman
The Alteration of Arbez
By Isaiah Hardman
"Bang", Poseidon, Greek god of the sea slammed his trident against the rock, cracking it in half. In between the two sides of the rock, horses sprang. The first and most beautiful horses were born to the world. They were completely white, except for their manes which were a brilliant gold.
Three years later, a Trojan named Arbez owned half of all the horses in Troy. He loved the horses. One summer night, Arbez lost one of his beloved horses. Because all the horses in the world were identical, he didn't have the heart to take someone else's horse based on a suspicion. One night he prayed to Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, that his horses would have different coats. Arbez made it clear in his prayer that he wanted her to make his horses uniquely beautiful, because all she did was make beauty.
The next morning Arbez found Aphrodite at his diamond encrusted door. She asked where the horses were, and he led her to his majestic stables. She went to the first stall and began to caress the horse. With a shock Arbez realized that wherever her hand touched the horse, the color changed or a pattern appeared. Soon he left her.
Poseidon had been watching this trying to hold in his anger, but it was too much. To do something so ruthless, changing something that Poseidon had made, was more than he would tolerate. Poseidon rose up on the crest of a wave, pointed his trident at Arbez, and transformed him into a horse.
Frightened, Arbez galloped to Aphrodite to tell her what happened. As soon as he reached the stables, Aphrodite stated to caress him not knowing he was human. As she did, black and white stripes spread over his body and mane. She decided to give him a name because he was the only horse with stripes. "Zebra", she announced, "after all, it is your master's name spelled backwards".
Life and Death by Isaiah Hardman
Life and Death
Although life’s fruitful,
Although life’s sweet,
Life is not life’s greatest treat.
For at some time in man’s short life,
He will decide through toil and strife,
That his light is gone; his journey’s through,
To all his loved ones: “Toodle-oo”.
And then that night, he’ll go to sleep,
And in the morn his kin will weep
And though he’s in a better place,
Please do not follow him in haste.
"Not a Whit Behind" / Taki Sam Wspanialy
September 16, 2010
Not A Whit Behind
In our scriptures, in the Book of Mormon, there is a story about two brothers Nephi and Lehi. They are both very righteous men, but the scriptures go on and on about how wonderful Nephi was and it goes on and on about the wonderful things that he did, but we never hear anything about Lehi his brother, except for this side note: "And behold, Lehi, his brother, was not a whit behind him as to things pertaining to righteousness." ( Heleman 11:19)
Sometimes I think I talk a lot more about Samuel's accomplishments because he is the oldest and he does everything first. Well, today I'm here to say that Isaiah is not a whit behind him. Isaiah just found out that he placed second in an international media festival for his original myth. His myth first won the county contest, then the state contest, and then placed second in an international contest. I'm attaching his myth again for those who want to read it. I'm also attaching a poem he wrote about life and death.
Mrs. Jeffers, both Samuel's and Isaiah's all time favorite teacher, submitted his work in the contests. We all miss her terribly. We love you Ms. Jeffers.
16 Wrzesien 2010
W naszym Pismie Swietym, w Ksiedze Mormona, jest opowiesc o dwoch bratach Nefi i Lehi. Obywoje sa bardzo dobrymi ludzimi, ale ta opowiesc prawie wyjatkowa wymienia dobre zeczy kotre Nefi zrobil. Prawie nic nie mowi o Lehim oprocze tego jednego fragmentu pod koniec opowiesci: "I Lehi, jego brat, dorownywal mu w prawosci."
Nieraz mi sie wydaje ze ja najwiecej pisze o moim najstarszym synie, bo on wszytko pierwszy robi. Wiec dzisiaj pisze o Isaiah, ze on dorownuje Samuelowi. Isaiah wlasnie sie dowiedzial ze on wygral drugie miejsce w miedzynarodowy konkursu pisania. Najpierw wygral w naszym miescie, potem w naszym stanie, a potem drugie miejsce w miedzynarodowym konkursie pisania. Isaiah tarze bardzo lubi pisac wiersze. Niestety tylko po Angielsku zalanczam jego dziela.
Nauczycielka Pani Jeffers znalazla te konkursy dla Isaiah. Ona jest najbardziej ulubiona nauczycielka Isaiah i Samuela. Bardzo ja kochamy i za nia teskinimy.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Project / Projekt
September 6, 2010
I did a very fun project recently. Since all of my kids are named after prophets or a spiritual concept (Grace), I matched their name up with a scripture. I printed the scripture as well as a picture of them, framed them and put it on the wall. The results are breathtaking. Enjoy.
And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, speak; for thy servant heareth. And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.
Old Testament 1 Samuel 3: 10, 19
And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.
Book of Mormon 3 Nephi 23: 1
Wherefore, I, Nephi, did strive to keep the commandments of the Lord and I did exhort my brethren to faithfulness and diligence. And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.
Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 17: 15, 50
For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by Grace that we are saved, after all we can do.
Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 25: 23
And they did wax strong in love towards Mosiah; yea, they did esteem him more than any other man; for he had established peace in the land, and he had granted unto his people that they should be delivered from all manner of bondage; therefore they did esteem him, yea, exceedingly, beyond measure.
Book of Mormon Mosiah 29: 40
6 Wrzesien 2010
Ostatnia zrobilam bardzo fajny projek. Wszytkie moje dzieci maja imiona prorokow z pisma swietego. A imie Grace to znaczy “Laska Boza”. Wiec znalazlam odcinki w pismie swietym z ich imionami. Wydrukowalam te odcinki i tez dzieci zdjecia, wsadzilam je w ramki i powiesilam na scianie. Reslutat jest przepiekny.
Przybył Pan i stanąwszy zawołał jak poprzednim razem: Samuelu, Samuelu! Samuel odpowiedział: Mów, bo sługa Twój słucha. Samuel dorastał, a Pan był z nim. Nie pozwolił upaść żadnemu jego słowu na ziemię.
Stary Testament 1 Samuel 3: 10, 19
Mowie wam ze powinniscie to rozwazyc; daje wam przykazanie, abyscie to dokladnie rozwazyli, albowiem slowa Izajasza maja doniosle znaczenie.
Ksiega Mormona 3 Nefi 23: 1
Dlatego Ja, Nefi, usilnie staralem sie przestrzegac przykazan Pana i namawialem moich braci, aby byli wierni i pilni. I powiedzialem im: Jesli Bog nakazalby mi dokonanie czegokolwiek, bylbym w stanie to zrobic. Jesliby mi nakazal, abym powiedzial do tej wody, stan sie ziemia, mialaby sie stac ziemia, i jeslibym to powiedzial , tak by sie stalo.
Ksiega Mormona 1 Nephi 17: 15, 50
Grace (Laska Boza)
Albowiem piszac trudzimy sie, by przekonac nasze dzieci, a takze naszych braci, aby uwierzyli w Chrystusa I pojednali sie z Bogiem , bo wiemy, ze dzieki Jego Lasce zostaniemy zbawieni, gdy dokonamy wszystkiego, co jest w naszej mocy.
Ksiega Mormona 2 Nephi 25: 23
Ich milosc do Mosjasza przybrala na sile, i cieszyl sie on u nich nawiekszym szacunkiem, bo zaprowadzil pokoj w kraju I sprawil, ze zostali wyzwoleni od wszelkiego rodzaju niewoli, mieli wiec dla niego wielki szacunek, ponad wszelka miare.
Ksiega Mormona Mosiah 29: 40