December 2, 2008
A while ago Josh asked for some time off during Thanksgiving, but it ended up that he had to work overnight every day. We were grateful that he at least got to spend all the days with us.
His leave did end up getting approved but for 4 days after Thanksgiving. I was a bit disappointed because I knew that the kids had to go back to school. But then last minute we decided to skip school and go ahead and go on vacation to Orlando Florida, 7 hours away from us. Our plan was to visit Sea World and Universal Studios in Florida. It turned out perfect to go right after a major holiday, because there were no crowds, no lines, and the weather was perfect, sunny and 65. I loved our choice of attractions because most shows in Sea World lasted half an hour and most rides in Universal studios lasted 15 minutes or more.
Wait a minute, Samuel wants to write this email because he felt that my last email and description of Sea World was not sufficient. So here is Samuel's description of our vacation at Universal Studios in his own words:
"I want to talk about Universal Studios. After we paid for our tickets we went on the 4-D Shrek ride first. During one part of the show we felt like spiders were crawling up our legs. Next we went on the Nickelodeon simulated ride.
The next ride was one of my favorites. It was The Mummy rollercoaster. All of the ride was inside of a building that was pitch black. One of my favorite parts was when the ride shot backwards. Next we went to Twister where you stood in a building and saw and felt a twister destroy a set that looked like a town, our own building even collapsed. After that, we went to Disaster where we helped make a disaster movie. We were actually part of the show.
The Jaws ride was next. We rode in boat and a mechanical shark kept trying to attack our boat. Nephi was absolutely terrified. He was crying afterwards. My favorite ride was the Simpsons ride. It had a domed screen and it felt really real. We got splashed by water and it smelled like baby powder when we got swallowed by Maggie.
Another thing that we went to was Fear Factor Live! You could even sign up and be one of the contestants. On of the things that happened was that they blended up a smoothie with rotten octopus, sour milk, and dead bugs, and asked two teams to drink it. Their reward: some cheap plastic mugs! Terminator was the last ride at Universal Studios that I'm going to talk about. It was sort of like Shrek 4-D, except that they had live actors in and off stage as well as in the movie.
Then we went to Islands of Adventure which is an adjacent park. We didn't have much time, but we went to an awesome Spiderman 3-D rollercoaster. At the very end we went to Seuss Landing so that the little kids could enjoy themselves.
Universal Studios was the best park I have ever been to in my life."
PS All the pictures are taken outside of the attractions themselves, because the attractions are mostly virtual entertainment, and they are therefore impossible to capture on a still photo.
2 Grudzien 2008
Teraz jak moj maz robi praktyke jako lekarz to mu nie wolno miec dlugich wakacji. Ona ma pozwolone aby tylko 10 dni w ciagu calego roku nie pracowac. Jego program wybiera w ktore dni on nie bedzie pracowal. Josh poprosil o 4 dni wolne w czasie swieta Thanksgiving. Niestety on musial pracowac w nocy przez cale swieta, bo jakis lekarz zawsze musi byc w szpitalu. Cieszylismy sie ze on pracowal w nocy, bo dni mogl z nami spedzic.
Tez po swietach on dostal pozwolenie na 4 dni urlopu. Na poczatku to nam sie nie podobalo, bo wtedy juz dzieci musily wrocic do szkoly. Ale po zastanowieniu sie zdecydowalimsy sie jednak pojechac na wakacje i zeby dzieci nie poszly do szkoly przez pare dni. Pojechalsimy do stanu Florida do Swiata Morskiego (Sea World), i do Universal Studios, to takie wielkie wesole miasteczko o filmach. To byl wspanialy czas na wakacje, bo bylo bardzo malo ludzi na tych atrakcjach. Nie bylo zadnych kolejek ani tlukow, i pogoda byla wspaniala, sloneczna i 15 stopni celciusza. Tez bardzo mi sie podobaly wszytkie atrakcje na naszych wakacjach. W Sea World kazde przedstawienie trwalo po 30 minut, a atrakcje w Universal Studios trwaly po 15 minut.
Samuel chce napisac reszte tego listu. On uwazal ze ja wystarczajaco nie opisalam Swiat Morski w moim ostatnim listcie, wiec on chce opisac Universal Studios. Tu jest Samula werzja naszych wakacji:
"Ja chce opisac Universal Studios. Po kupieniu biletow poszlismy na inna werzje filmu Shrek w 4 Wymiarach. To znaczy ze trzeba miec na sobie takie specjalne okulary i wtedy wszytko jest widziane przez 3 wymiary. Do tego dodany jest czwarty wymiar, taki jak tryskajaca woda, siedzienia ktore sie ruszaja, i inne efekty. Najbardziej mi sie podobalo jak czulem ze mi pajaki po nogach chodzily w czasie filmu.
Natepna atrakcja to byl film z firmy Nickelodeon w ktorym fotele na ktorych siedzielismy sie szybko ruszaly zwglednie z tym co ogladalismy. Natepna atrakcja to byla kolejka gorska ale w zupelnie ciemnym budynku. Temat tej atrakcji to byl film Mumia. Najbardziej mi sie podbalo jak kolejka gorska raptem bardzo szybko zaczela jechac wtecz. Nastepna atrakcja to Tornado. Tam bylismy w budynku i czulismy i widzielsimy Tornado. Samochody spadaly, wiatr wial, ogien sie palil. Nawet nasz budynek w ktorym stalismy spadl. Nastepna atrakcja to Katastrofa. Tam robilismy film w ktorym metro bylo pod ziemia i ziemia sie zawalila. My bylismy w tym filmie.
Rekini to byla nastepna atrakcja. Jechalismy lodka na wodzie i wielkie plastikowe rekini atakowaly nasza lodke. Ten kto operowal lodke strzelal w rekini, no in a koncu rekina zabil. Nefi myslal ze to wszytko bylo prawdziwe i on sie bardzo bal i plakal. Moja ulubiona atrakcja to film Simpsons. To tez byl 4 Wymiarowy film. Zupelnie sie czulem jakbym w tym filmie byl. Znowu woda w nas tryskala i nawet dziecinnym kremem pachnialo jak weszlimsy do Maggie gardla.
Tez bylismy na przedstawieniu Czynnik Strachu. Ten kto chcial sie zapisac mogl brac udzial w tym przedstawieniu. W jednej czesci trzeba bylo jesc robaki wymieszane z zgnilymi osmiornicami i z kwasnym mlekiem. Nagroda dla tego co to wypil i wygral to byl bardzo tani plastikowy kubek!
Ostatnia atrakcja w Universal Studios o ktorej opowiem to Terminator 2. To tez film w 4 Wymiarach. Ale co w tym bylo innego to to ze byli aktorzy na scenie i tez w filmie.
Potem poszylismy do parku obok, ktory nazywa sie Wyspy Przygod. Tam poszlimsy na 4 wymiarowy film Spiderman w kolejce gornej w budynku. Na koncu poszlismy do czesci parku dla malych dzieci udekorowanym w charaktery Dr. Seuss. Tam sie bardzo mojej siostrze podobalo.
Universal Studios to moje ulubione wesole miasteczko ktore do teraz odwiedzilem."
PS Zdjecia sa zrobione na dworzu poza atrakcjami, bo prawie wszytkie atrakcje w Universal Studios sa wirtualne. No i tego nie mozna zlapac na nie ruszajacym sie zdjeciu.
Looks like you had a great time.. I love Samuels description.. the best is the Fear Factor.. and they just got a cheap mug.. very funny!
Yeah for family time!
Okay Sylwia are you sure you were there? I didn't see any pictures of you with your family??? HUMMM
I love family time.... Sounds like the boys will never forget this vacation. Good Job MOM
Those descriptions make me want to go visit!
Ummm....Samuel didn't wear a coat in Iowa winters but there he is in Florida wearing a jacket. Was he cold or was the jacket just really comfortable?
Why didn't I know you had a blog? You're bookmarked now! I love keeping up with my friends this way, and I love that you keep up your Polish! (That's got to be a lot of work to type everything twice, but I'm glad you do it.)
Hi Sylwia, I saw some of your comments on Brandi's blog and on the Galan's blog (we were in the same ward before they moved), and I just want to say that your views are conservative and it's so refreshing to see someone who feels the same way I do about 1) the Duggar family (they're fantastic); and 2) teaching children the truth about Santa Claus. I'm right there with you! We probably share a lot of conservative child-rearing ideals. Oh, and even though I've got such high ideals, I'm often despicably lazy too (haha, like you said on your Duggar comment). Love ya :)
This post makes me want to book a flight to orlando right now! I am glad you had such a good time. When I worked at Disneyworld in 1997, the week after Thanksgiving was the least busy of the entire year. It is definitely the time to go- Holiday hours and events without the crowds! We went to Disneyworld last spring- it seems like we never take time to do Universal Studios too. Last time I went was when I worked in Florida in 1997 - - it sounds like there are a lot of newer fun things to do there. We will have to take the kids eventually. It is a lot farther for us to come from Washington state!!! My 7 year old would die to see his favorite cartoon character- Spongebob . . .
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