Monday, February 15, 2010

Tree House and Pets / Domek Na Drzewie I Zwierzeta Domowe

14 February 2010

Tree house and Pets


Raising 5 fabulous kids takes a lot of time and effort and leaves us no time to take care of pets.  So, every once in a while we catch a frog or a snake and we keep it in the house for 24 hours.  This satisfies our kids' need for a pet.  In the winter, when wild animals are hard to come by, we discovered that it's good enough to have dried pets.  Our neighbors gave us an awesome porcupine puffer fish and I bought a dried alligator head for the kids.  My brother in law Nephi has been begging for a picture, so enjoy…


In other news, even though we only have 5 months left in Georgia, Josh decided to build a tree house with the kids.  We have a forest in our backyard and they've had a great time building it together.  Josh is the best dad.  He was up all Friday night working and on Saturday he spent the whole day building with the boys instead of catching up on sleep.  In the evening during scriptures he fell asleep, but he promptly woke up and took Samuel to play laser tag as a gift for his birthday.    Happy Valetnine's day to the best husband and dad in the world!





14 Luty 2010

Domek Na Drzewie I Zwierzeta Domowe


Wychowywanie 5 wspanialych dzieci zajmuje duzo czasu i wysilku.  Dlatego tez nie mamy energi na zadne zwierzeta domowe.  Jak dzieci chca sie jakims zwierze zajac to od czasu do czasu znajdujemy ropuche lub weza w lesie i przynosimy ich do domu na 24 godziny.  Potem znowu do lasu wypuszczamy.  To daje dzieciom satysfakcje i czuja sie ze oni tez nieraz maja zwierze.  W zime jest trudniej znalesc zwierzatko do obserwacji, ale to nie szkodzi, bo  nawet wysuszone zwierza ich interesuja.  Nasi sasiedzi dali nam wysuszona morska rybe 'jez'.  A ja kupilam im wysuszona glowe aligatora.  Mojego meza brat bardzo chcial zobaczyc tego aligatora zdjecie, wiec mam nadzieje ze wam sie spodoba…


Choc mamy tylko 4 miesiace wiecej mieszkania tu w Georgia, moj maz zaczol budowac domek na drzewie dla dzieci.  On go buduje razem z ich pomoca.  Bardzo fajnie im sie tak buduje.  Josh jest najlepszym ojcem.  W piatek on musial cala  noc pracowac.  A jak wrocil do domu w sobote to zamiast isc spac to on z chopcami caly dzien budowal.  Wieczorem byl tak zmeczony ze zasnol jak czytalismy pismo swiete. Ale od razu sie obudzil i poszedl grac w laser pistolety z Samuelem, bo niedlugo sa jego urodziny i ta wycieczka to jego prezent.  Zyczenia dla mojego ukochanego meza i najlepszego ojca na swieto Valentine's!




Mary said...

Those "pets" crack me up. I've tried to convince my kids that our houseplants are our family pets. If they cared for a live animal the way they care for our plants, our pets would be dried up too! (We do have a stray cat that adopted us; it's a good thing there are plenty of mice for her to eat in the field next to us!)

That tree house is awesome! Even though you guys can only enjoy it for a short time, I imagine that the children of future families to live in your house will spend many hours in that hideout in the trees. So great!!!

Staci said...

Sylwia.. do you know where you are going next??
I love your tree house. That is something the kids will remember forever. I never had a tree house but always thought it would be so cool and somehow more "magical" than anything I could imagine..
Your baby is so cute.. I love his new picture on the blog.. hug everyone for us!