Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Residency Sonnet / Koniec Praktyki

June 16, 2010

Hurray! Josh graduated from residency.  He had three graduation ceremonies.  Samuel attended the first one, I attended the second one, and the family went swimming while Josh attended the third one.  Josh of course attended all three of them. So we are off to Utah for a month, then to the cold state of New York for who knows how long.  It's been a great three years here in warm Georgia.  Josh always made us his priority so we haven't even noticed how hard he has worked for the last three years.  Heroes are like that.  They make it look easy. Here is a poem Josh wrote about his three year residency:

Ode to Three Years of Indentured Servitude

A Sonnet in the Shakespearean style by

Dr. Joshua Hardman


"Write me for Motrin so I don't have to pay,"

 "I blacked out on the couch and I started to drool."

 "…Can't breathe…," says some guy who smokes all day,

 "Type two diabetes?  Quit eating, you fool."


An hour behind after patient number two,

The nurses just sigh, roll their eyes at my plight,

I'm still here talking about some patient's poo,

Now three hours in, and still no end in sight.


Your home visits don't count, so do them again,

Remember: stay focused and be patient centered,

T-cons piling up, will this drudgery end?

Your duty hours still need to be entered.



Three years of this work and I've aged at least twenty

Lucky the army is paying us plenty.



  16 Czerwiec 2010

Moj maz skonczyl prakrytke medyczna!  Na miesiac jedziemy do Utah, a potem do Nowego Yourku.  Josh mial trzy rozne uroczystosci na zakonczenie praktyki.  Moj najstrarszy syn Samuel poszedl na pierwsza uroczystosc, ja na druga, a ja i dzieci poszlismy plywac, jak Josh poszedl na trzecia uroczystosc.  Josh oczywiscie byl na wszytkich uroczystosciach.  Na koniec tez on napisal wiersz o tych ostatnich trzech latach.  Niestey, ja nie umie wierszow przetlumaczyc.   Moj maz zawsze uwazal ze jego rodzina jest najwazniejsza, wiec my nie odczulismy jak ciezko on pracowal przez ostatnie trzy lata. 




Heitmann Family said...

Congrats Josh!! We are almost there ourselves!!

Than & Lina said...

Wonderful news; what an accomplishment. We enjoyed his sonnet, and are excited to see you.