Sunday, November 21, 2010

Birthday Wishes / Zyczenia Urodzinowe

Birthday Wishes

November 8, 2010


I recently had a wonderful birthday.  I woke up to find cards that the kids had made for me.  For brunch I went out with some friends to eat stuffed french toast at the Tin Pan Galley.  In the afternoon I shopped with some friends and picked out my dishwasher.  The kids made cards for me, Josh bought me flowers and bought and installed a new dishwasher for me.   Here is the text from the cards I received.



Mommy I love you.  Tomorrow is your birthday.



Dear Mommy. I love you, on, your. Birthday and, for ever, and for, always.  



I once was walking,

Drinking sprite,

Until I saw

Lit Dynamite.

And when the lit part

Hit a bend, well,

We all know,

That, that's the end.




You're as powerful as dynamite, brighter than an explosion, and a lot more helpful than a can of sprite!  You're the best mother I could wish for, and it's time to wish you a Happy Birthday!



Mommy I hope you have a wonderful birthday.  You always work so hard to keep us clean and healthy. I hope you get a hard earned rest after all you have done for us.  I know it doesn't seem like it, but we really do appreciate all that you do for us.  Love, Samuel



To my Beloved Sylwia,

I want you to know, in case you were wondering, how much I love you. You are the light of my life, the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I work, the reason I live. You are my best friend. You laugh at my silly jokes and make me laugh back. You like my figure, tell me I'm handsome, and don't mind my baldness. You have brought five fantastic children into the world and raised them to be clever, polite, and relatively odor free.  Thank you for marrying me.

Love, Joshua.


PS  I'm sending picture of my dishwasher and cards, as well as our last Halloween pictures. The boys dressed up as modern, civil war, and revolutionary war soldiers.  Josh and I and the baby were the Shrek family.   We actually hosted a huge Halloween party at our house.  42 people were here.  The kids want to have one every year.  I usually don't like hosting parties, but I do love the people from my church congregation, so it was fun to have everyone here.




8 Listopad 2010

Zyczenia Urodzinowe

Mialam bardzo przyjemne urodziny w tym roku.  Maz mi kupil roze i nowa zmywarke do naczyn i sam ja zainstalowal.  Dzieci mi napisaly piekne kartki, jeden nawet z wierszykiem od syna Isaiah.  A ja z kolezankami poszlam do swietnej restauracji na pyszne sniadanie.  Przesylam zdjecia zmywarki i tez zdjecia z ostatniego Halloween.  Ja i maz i Mosiah przebralismy sie jako rodzina Shrek.  A Samuel, Isaiah, i Nefi przebrali sie jako zolnierze z roznych wojn. Samuel byl nowoczesnym zolnierzem, Isaiah z roku 1770, a Nefi z roku 1850.  Na Halloween mielsimy przyjecie w naszym domu.  U nas bylo 42 ludzi.  Dzieci chce miec takie przyjecie kazdego roku. 






Stephanie said...

The cards were so cool! Isaiah's was so clever!
Awesome you got a dishwasher...but aren't you living in a rental??? What are you going to do when you move?

Awesome costumes!

Laura Bernard said...

How sweet to share the cards with us! Glad your birthday was great. I'm so impressed that you have such great friends already. You are so good at getting to know people and not just being acquaintances, but developing deep friendships. I've lived in this town of ours for two and a half years now and I'll bet you have more and better friends than I do.

Love your boys. Love Josh's note. Hooray for a new dishwasher!

Happy Birthday!