Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr.

January 17, 2011

My son six year old son Nephi woke up today and said that he wanted to write an essay.  So this is what he dictated as I typed.  He wanted to attach a picture, and he chose the Lego Martin Luther King Jr. figure.  Enjoy.



Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2011

By Nephi Hardman

On January 17, 2011 we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.  Because he made black and white people go together.  It is great that black and white people are together now. 

Everyone back in the old days didn't have white people and black people go together.  I saw a video about Martin Luther King Jr. with all of the white firemen who were putting water on the black kids, and a black police man let his police dog rip a white person's shirt.  Martin Luther King Jr. taught that it doesn't matter what color your hair is, your eyes are, or your skin is.  It only matters what's inside your heart.  People were being bullies in the old days.  The scriptures say 'men look on the outside, but Heavenly Father looks inside your heart'. 

I am proud to be an American because my uncle Daniel adopted 4 black kids and the rest of the family is white.  Also, my grandpa Woody who is white is married to a black person, Shirley. 


17 Styczen 2011

Moj syn Nefi ktory ma 6 lat, obudzil sie dzisiaj rano i powiedzial ze chcial napisac wypracowanie.  Napisal o tym ze Martin Luther King Jr. nauczyl nas za biali i czarni ludzie moga zyc razem, i ze to nie jest wazne jakiego koloru masz wlosy, lub oczy, lub skure.  Tylko jest wazne co jest w twoim sercu.  Tez w pismie swietym jest napisane ze ludzie patrza na zewnatrz, a Bog patrzy na serce.  Nefi napisal ze jest dumy byc Amerikaninem bo jego wujek Daniel zaadoptowal 4 czarnych dzieci choc jego rodzina jest biala.  A jego dziadek Woody choc jest bialy ozenil sie sa czarna kobieta Shirley.  Nephi tez chcial zalaczyc zdjecie Martin Luther King Jr i najbardziej mu sie podobala figurka Lego w jego postaci. 



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