
















Stronger, Swifter, Smarter
May 23, 2011
Winter is finally over in New York. But it took till MAY!!! As much as I love the people here, I really don't see how people to manage to live here all of their lives. It's just too dank and dark.
Now that we are having beautiful spring weather, Josh has been waking Samuel up at 5 am everyday to run together. They run a little over 3 miles each morning and at age 12 Samuel is quite a bit faster than Josh. Samuel is also smarter than us, since he reads about 300 pages per day. Who besides a kid has that much time to read? He is really interested in non fictions books. Really long hard to read nonfiction books. Recently he read a 500 page book called 'The Gun' which is a history of the AK-47. Now he is just finishing 'Black Hawk Down', a nonfiction book about war. If I ever need to answer a hard question that the little kids ask me, I just ask Samuel. Samuel is also a head taller than I am and he is much stronger than I. I no longer need to carry heavy loads, or get a chair to reach something up high. Samuel can get it for me. Nice.
During this long winter, Isaiah got a bad episode of asthma. To get to school he had to be on the bus at 6:40 am. Isaiah is a poor sleeper and every day he began to be too exhausted to go to school. I worried that this could make his very weak and vulnerable to all kids of colds and I found a private Catholic school that started much later, so he could sleep in about an hour and a half. This helped a little but only until he had to attend mass where they burned incense. He just about choked during the service and at home he just kept getting worse. He started wheezing terribly, had trouble breathing, and coughed so much he couldn't sleep. I decided to pull him out of school and home school him, so he could sleep and rest more. He was put on a heavy dose of oral steroids for about a month, with no improvement. Finally we saw a pediatric pulmonologist, who put him on an even heavier dose of oral steroids, and a new inhaled steroid Alvesco. Finally after 3 months Isaiah got better. It's been fun having him home. No one has a more pleasant personality than Isaiah, and he is very self motivated to do all of his work as long as he is learning something new. Mosiah, couldn't be happier to have Isaiah home too. Mosiah loves Isaiah more than anyone in the family and when Mosiah is hurt he will only be comforted by Isaiah.
In this ward Isaiah finally really got into scouts. This is all thanks to his scout leader James McCann. Brother McCann has came to our house every single Saturday for several months just to have Isaiah pass off all of his scout requirements. Isaiah adores Brother McCann, and wants to be dentist just like him when he grows up.
The other day Josh put Mosiah to bed, but Mosiah did not want to go to sleep. Somehow, he leaned out of his crib and reached a book off the bookshelf. He ripped the entire book to shreds. What's so funny about this is that the book that he ripped was entitled: NO DAVID! J
Grace recently turned five. For her birthday she got her ears pierced, and she had a Fancy Nancy tea party. Nephi said that her party was the 'funnest' day of his life because he got to chase so many girls. All the boys in our house agree that Grace is by far the nicest person in our family. Whenever I read stories about annoying or mean little sisters, I am flabbergasted. Grace is always so nice and loving to everyone in our family. She is our little gem.
Most people who know Nephi today, would never in their wildest dreams imagine that his name middle means 'destruction is imminent'. He is a model student. He loves to follow the rules and to do his work. He loves his teacher Mrs. Wagoner. The other day he told Josh that he doesn't understand why his classmates only like recess, but they don't like writing and math like he does. He was chosen as a good citizen for his school and as a bus good citizen. Nephi is a bit of a pessimist. He always fears that if something could go wrong, it will go wrong. Hence he is having a very hard time with Joshua's upcoming deployment. He prays everyday that Josh will not die. When Josh went to Germany for pre deployment training, Nephi cried just about every day. He wants to live with his grandma and grandpa during the deployment.
Nephi, like Samuel, is very motivated and had been exercising on his own every day to keep fit. He can do 26 army-standard push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and he likes to run a mile with his dad, even in the rain.
23 Maj 2011
Szybszy, Wyzszy, Madrzejszy
Wreszcie juz u nas wiosna. Ale byla zima az do maja! Choc mamy bardzo fajnych przyjaciol tu w Nowym Yorku, nie wiem jak ludzie tu mieszkaja cale swoje zycie. Jest po prostu za zimno, za ciemno, i za mokro tu.
Samuel ma 12 lat. On jest duzo wyzszy odemnie. Tez jest madrzejszy bo czyta 300 stron ksiazek codzinnie. Ja nie mam tyle czasu na czytanie. Tez najbardziej lubi czytac fakty. Ostatni przeczytal ksiazke nazwana "Karabin" o histori karbina AK-47. Ta ksiazka miala 500 stron. Ja nie wiem jak taka ksiazka mogla by byc interesujaca. Tez niedawno przeczytal ksiazke o wojnie w Somali. Jak male dzieci mnie sie czegos pytaja to ja im kaze Samuela sie zapytac bo on wiecej odemnie wie. Tez ostatnio Josz is Samuel zaczeli biegac razem o piatej rano. Biegaja 6 kilometrow, i Samuel jest szybszy od Josza. Samuel jest nie tylko wyzszy ale tez silniejszy odemnie. Wiec jak musze cos ciezkiego niesc, to on niesie, a jak musze cos wysokiego dostac to Samuel dostaje. To fajnie.
Isaiah w ta zime chorowal na astme. Najpierw nie dobrze spal wiec codziennie do szkoly byl nie wyspany. Szkola tu sie zaczyno okolo 7 godziny. Wiec znalazlam inna szkole, Katoliczna, ktora sie zaczynala o 9 godzinie. Myslalam ze to pomorze. Ale tam musial chodzic na msze, a podczas mszy palilo sie kadzidlo. To bardzo nie dobrze na jego pluca, wiec nie mogl oddychac. Dostal lekarstwa sterydow ale nic nie pomagalo. Caly miesiac bral bardzo duzo sterydow, i nadal nic. Poszedl do specjalisty od ploc i on my dal nawet wiecej sterydow, i tez nowe lekarstwo Alvesco. Zajelo okolo 3 miesiace aby wyzdrowial. W tym czsie nie chodzil do szkoly wiec zaczelam go uczyc w domu. Bardzo fajnie miec go w domu bo on ma bardzo przyjemna osobowosc. Tez zawsze lubi sie uczyc cos nowego. Mosiah najbardziej lubi Isaiah z naszej calej rodziny, i jak placze to tylko chce isc do Isaiah. Wiec Mosiah tez sie bardzo cieszyl tym ze Isaiah w domu byl podczas szkoly.
Nasz kosciol sponsoruje harcerstwo. Jak doteraz to Isaiah lubil chodzic tam aby sie z kolegami spotykac ale nie interesowal sie harcerstwem. Ale teraz to sie wszytko zmienilo, bo jego nowy doradca James McCann jest bardzo fajny i przez kilka miesiecy w kazda sobote obieral Isaiah aby razem chodzili na ryby, na wycieczki w lesie, pomagali sie komus przenosic, itd. James McCann, jest dentysta, i Isaiah zdecydowal sie on tez chce byc denstysta, tak jak James.
Grace niedawno miala piate urodziny. Na urodziny mila uszy przeklote i dostala kolczyki. Tez na urodziny miala przyjecie na ktorym jej kolezanki jadly kanapeczki i pily soczek w filizankach. Nephi powiedzial ze to przyjecie sie mu najbardziej podobalo bo bylo duzo malych dziewczynek do ganiania. Wszyscy w naszym domu sie zgadzaja sie Grace jest najmilsza osoba w naszym domu. Nieraz czytam ksiazeczki dla dzieci w ktorych mala siostra innym dokucza. Grace nikomu nie dukucza ale jest bardzo kochana i mila.
Niedawno Mosiah byl polozony spac w lozeczku, ale jakos reke z lozeczka wystawil i zdjol ksiazke z regalu i cala ja rozerwal na kawalki. Bylo to smieszne bo ksiazeczka byla o malym chopcu co zawsze rozrabial i wszytko w domu niszczyl. Najczesciej Mosiah lubi ksiazki i ich nie rwie. Ale w tym wypadku bylo innaczej. Moze temat mu sie nie podobal J.
Jak Nefi byl maly to bardzo rozrabial i wszytko niszczyl, ale teraz jak ma 6 lat to by go nikt nie poznal. On jest najbardziej poslusznym dzieckiem w jego klasie. Bardzo lubi nauczycielki sluchac i pracowac w szkole. On nie rozumie dlaczego inne dzieci tylko lubia sie bawic a nie robyc matematyke i pisac tak jak on. Nefi dostal dwie nagrody za jego doskonale zachowanie. Jedno za dobre zachowanie w szkole a drugie za dobre zachowanie w autobusie szkolnym.
Nefi jest troche pesymista. Zawsze mysli ze cos zlego sie moze za chwile stac. Z tego powodu on sie bardzo boji tego ze Josh wyjezdza na wojne niedlugo. Jak Josh pojechal do Niemiec na pare tygodni na trening, to Nefi codzinnie plakal i sie modlil zeby Josh nie umarl. Jak Josh bedzie na wojnie, to Nefi by chcial mieszkac ze swoimi dziadkami w Utah.
Tak jak jego starszy brat Samuel, Nephi bardzo lubi cwiczyc. Codziennie sam cwiczy: robi papki, cwiczenia na brzuch, i biega 1.6 km z Joszem, nawet jesli deszc pada.