October 10, 2007
Yesterday I was running some errands and I decided to get an oil
change for my car at Wal-Mart. I figured I could do my shopping while
they worked on my car. When I bought all of the items I needed, and I
came to pick up my car, the mechanic was laughing. He said "Guess
what we found under the hood of your car…a dead giant sewer rat! It
got its head caught in a fan. All the service workers came to look at
it, and many took pictures of it with their cell phones."
Everyone was laughing and going on about it. It was very gross and
funny and I looked at their phone pictures. One guy emailed me the
picture, so I'm passing it along. Enjoy!
On my receipt, in the comments section, it said "Removed dead rat from
under the hood…no charge."
10 Pazdziernik
Wczoraj pojechalam do sklepu zeby zrobic zakupy i zeby mechanic mi
zmienil olej w samochodzie. Tu sa takie duze sklepy gdzie mozna dac
samochod na godzine do drobnej naprawy i w tym czasie mozna zrobic
zakupy. Tak wiec zrobilam. Ale jak przyszlam odebrac samochud to
mechanic sie smial i powiedzial mi ze znalazl wielkiego szczura ktory
napewno mieszkal w tunelu sciekowym bo byl taki wielki, pod moja maska
samochodowa. Szczur byl zmarly bo byl zniczony w jakims wiatraku
Wszyscy pracownicy sie smieli i poszli popatrzec na tego ogramnego
szczura. Nawet kilka z nich zrobilo mu zdjecie aparatem
fotograficznym w ich telefonie komurkowym. Jeden z pracownikow
przeslam mi to zdjecie do mojego email. Wiec wam wysylam!
Na moim rachunku bylo napisane. "Usunelismy martwego szczura z pod
maski samochodowej…bezplatny serwis".
Yesterday I was running some errands and I decided to get an oil
change for my car at Wal-Mart. I figured I could do my shopping while
they worked on my car. When I bought all of the items I needed, and I
came to pick up my car, the mechanic was laughing. He said "Guess
what we found under the hood of your car…a dead giant sewer rat! It
got its head caught in a fan. All the service workers came to look at
it, and many took pictures of it with their cell phones."
Everyone was laughing and going on about it. It was very gross and
funny and I looked at their phone pictures. One guy emailed me the
picture, so I'm passing it along. Enjoy!
On my receipt, in the comments section, it said "Removed dead rat from
under the hood…no charge."
10 Pazdziernik
Wczoraj pojechalam do sklepu zeby zrobic zakupy i zeby mechanic mi
zmienil olej w samochodzie. Tu sa takie duze sklepy gdzie mozna dac
samochod na godzine do drobnej naprawy i w tym czasie mozna zrobic
zakupy. Tak wiec zrobilam. Ale jak przyszlam odebrac samochud to
mechanic sie smial i powiedzial mi ze znalazl wielkiego szczura ktory
napewno mieszkal w tunelu sciekowym bo byl taki wielki, pod moja maska
samochodowa. Szczur byl zmarly bo byl zniczony w jakims wiatraku
Wszyscy pracownicy sie smieli i poszli popatrzec na tego ogramnego
szczura. Nawet kilka z nich zrobilo mu zdjecie aparatem
fotograficznym w ich telefonie komurkowym. Jeden z pracownikow
przeslam mi to zdjecie do mojego email. Wiec wam wysylam!
Na moim rachunku bylo napisane. "Usunelismy martwego szczura z pod
maski samochodowej…bezplatny serwis".
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