Sunday, December 27, 2009

Polish International Christmas Eve / Poska Miedzynarodowa Wigila

Polish International Christmas Eve


We had our second annual Polish International Christmas Eve.  Like last year, I made Polish pierogi, barszcz, and salatka and I invited friends from foreign countries to bring their traditional foods.  Our friends the Machados are from Korea and Brazil, Natalia is from Latvia, Leisha grew up in Hawaii, Rachel's parents are from Mexico, and my friend Ashley is from the US. 


Somehow we managed to have a sit down meal with 24 people in my living room!  It was tight, but the food was delicious.  We started out with the Polish tradition of breaking the oplatek and giving each other good wishes.  Polish Christmas music played in the background as we ate and talked about our various traditions.  After dinner the kids acted out the nativity while Josh read from the Bilble and the adults sung Christmas carols.  After that we had dessert and went caroling to our friends and neighbors.  It was a wonderful evening full of friendship and the spirit of Christ.       




Polska Miedzynarodowa Wigilia


Pare dni temu mielismy druga Polska Miedzynarodowa Wigilie.  Tak samo jak w ostatnim roku, ugotowalam Polskie pierogi, barszcz, i salatke i zaprosilam moich przyjaciol z roznych krajow.  Oni tez przyniesli jedzenie ze swoich krajow.  Byli znajomi z Korei, Brazili, Latwi, Hawaii, Meksyku, i ze Stanow Zjednoczonych.


Jakos nam sie udalo zmiescic 24 osob w moim duzym pokoju.  Kadzy siedzial przy jednym z trzech stolow.  Bylo troche ciasno ale jedzenie bylo wysmienite.  Na poczatku wigili dzielismy sie oplatkiem ktory kupilam na sieci. Polskie koledy graly jak jedlismy i rozmawalismy o tradycjach swiatecznych w roznych krajach.  Po obiedzie dzieci przestawily nam szopke, Josh czytal Pismo Swiete, a dorosli koledy spiewali.  Potem zjedlismy rozne pieczone slodycze, a na koniec cala wielka grupa poszlismy do roznych sasiadow i znajomych spiewac im koledy.  Byla to pieknie spedzona Wigila z przyjaciolmi z duchem Chrystusa.




Tina said...

What an awesome tradition Sylwia.

I bet the food was amazing!!!

Look at you, you are becoming such a host. :)

Nephi and Grace look adorable as Joseph and Mary, and of course Little Mosiah is just a cutie.

Thanks for posting a cute picture of him and his tubbit.

Much Love,

Staci said...

What a cool tradition to act out the nativity.. and how appropriate that you have baby Mosiah to fill in as baby Jesus.
Looks like you had a great night!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and we wish you a fabulous and joyous new year!

Than & Lina said...

What a fun idea!