Friday, January 8, 2010

Isaiah's Myth / Isaiah Mitologia

Isaiah's Myth

January 8, 2010


I could go on and on about how awful Georgia schools are.  But I would not be telling you the whole story if I did not mention how wonderful their gifted program is.  Once per week Samuel and Isaiah are bused to a different school to attend their gifted classes.  Right now Samuel is studying about architecture and he often points out to me different styles of buildings and I have no idea what he is talking about. 


Isaiah just wrote a Myth for his mythology class.  The 4th grade gifted classes are taught by Ms. Jeffers.  She is the most wonderful teacher my kids have had anywhere.  Just being in her class makes our move to Georgia worthwhile.  She loves the kids she teaches, she encourages, she makes it fun, and she makes sure the kids do 100 % of the work themselves.  No help whatsoever from the parents.  I love it.


Last year when Samuel wrote his myth, he won an award for writing the best one in our county.  He did pretty well in the state competition, though he did not place.


Well, Isaiah just finished his myth, and I'm posting it here for posterity's sake.  I don't think you can ask for a more wonderful child than Isaiah.  Everyone who knows him loves him.  He is kind and a good friend.  He loves to entertain little kids.  He is wonderful with babies.  Every day, I can't wait till he comes home to hold Mosiah.  And he is wonderfully smart and creative.  In the past he wanted to be an engineer when he grows up so he could invent thing.  Lately he decided that he wants to be a dentist so he can work 4 hour per day 4 days per week, and enjoy his inventing in his spare time…

(I'm attaching some random pictures of Isaiah having fun during Christmas vacation and some of our whole family at the Thanksgiving chow hall with our friends the Douglasses.)



How The Zebra Got Its Stripes

By Isaiah Hardman


"Bang", Poseidon, Greek god of the sea slammed his trident against the rock, cracking it in half.  In between the two sides of the rock, horses sprang.  The first and most beautiful horses were born to the world.  They were completely white, except for their manes which were a brilliant gold. 

          Three years later, a Trojan named Arbez owned half of all the horses in Troy.  He loved the horses.  One summer night, Arbez lost one of his beloved horses.  Because all the horses in the world were identical, he didn't have the heart to take someone else's horse based on a suspicion.   One night he prayed to Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, that his horses would have different coats.   Arbez made it clear in his prayer that he wanted her to make his horses uniquely beautiful, because all she did was make beauty.    

          The next morning Arbez found Aphrodite at his diamond encrusted door.  She asked where the horses were, and he led her to his majestic stables.  She went to the first stall and began to caress the horse.  With a shock Arbez realized that wherever her hand touched the horse, the color changed or a pattern appeared.  Soon he left her. 

          Poseidon had been watching this trying to hold in his anger, but it was too much.  To do something so ruthless, changing something that Poseidon had made, was more than he would tolerate.  Poseidon rose up on the crest of a wave, pointed his trident at Arbez, and transformed him into a horse. 

Frightened, Arbez galloped to Aphrodite to tell her what happened.  As soon as he reached the stables, Aphrodite stated to caress him not knowing he was human.  As she did, black and white stripes spread over his body and mane.  She decided to give him a name because he was the only horse with stripes.  "Zebra", she announced, "after all, it is your master's name spelled backwards".  



Mitologia Napisana Przez Isaiah

8 Styczen 2010


Moge dlugo pisac o tym ze szkoly tu w stanie Georgia sa bardzo slabe.  Ale to by nie byla calkowita prawda, bo tu w Georgia jest wysmienity program dla zdolnych dzieci.  Raz na tydzien Samuel i Isaiah jada autobusem do innej szkoly na ten program i tam sie ucza innych zeczy.  Samuel teraz sie uczy o architektuze i czesto mi pokazuje rozne style budynkow.  Ja o tym nic nie wiem, wiec tylko slucham, nie komentuje.


Isaiah teraz ma klase w kotrej studjuje Grecka mitologie.  Niedawno on sam musial napisac swoja wlasna mitologie.  Podloaczylam jego dzielo po angielsku, ale nie tlumacze, bo jak przetlumaczyc dziecka prace?  Jesli ja napisze to bedzie przezemnie napisane.  4-te klasy dla zdolnych dzieci sa uczone przez pania Jeffers.   Ona jest najlepsza nauczycielka ktora moje dzieci mialy, I cieszymy sie ze przyjechalismy do Georgia bo dzieci mialy okazje byc w jej klasie.  Ona kocha swoich studentow, bardzo dobrze i dokladnie uczy, ma bardzo przyjemna atmosphere w klasie, i nigdy nie daje rodzicom pomagac dzieciom w zajeciach.  Dzieci musza wszytko 100 procent sami zrobic w klasie.  Do domu tylko idza skonczone lekcje.    To mi sie bardzo podoba. 


W ostatnim roku Samule napisal swoj mit.  Wygral nagrode za najlepszy mit w naszym okrego.  Tez jego praca poszla na kokurs stanowy, i choc nie wygral na caly stan, tez dostal dobre miejce w kakursie.


Isaiah wlasnie skonczyl pisac swoj mit.  Jest o tym jak Zebra dostala swoje paski czarno biale.  Isaiah jest bardzo wspanailym dzieckiem.  Kazdy kto go zna to go bardzo lubi. On jest bardzo uczynny i jest dobrym przyjacielem. On tez lubi sie bawic nawet z malymi dziecmi.  On bardzo lubi naszego dzidziusia i ja sie nie moge doczekac codziennie aby on wrocil ze szkoly i aby trzymal Mosiah na rekach.  On jest bardzo madry i kreatywny.  On kiedys chcial byc inzynierem aby mogl wymyslac nowe wynalazki.  Ale on teraz zmienil zdanie.  Chce byc dentysa zeby  mogl pracowac 4 dni w tygodniu po 4 godziny.  Tu detysci malo pracuja i duzo zarabiaja.  On chce miec wolny czas na wynalazki w domu…

(Zalanczam zdjecia jak Isaiah sie bawi w czasie pszwerwy szkonej na swieta i tez kilka zdjec naszej calej rodziny ze znajomymi na Thanksgiving)



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