Saturday, February 13, 2010

Totally Awesome! / Wspaniale!

February 12, 2010

Totally Awesome!


We have really enjoyed living in Georgia because of the weather. It's nice to be able to wear sandals year round.  But every once in a while my kids do mention that they miss playing in the snow.   Yes, After three years of warmth we really do miss it.


Well, today we got lucky.  It snowed.  It really snowed.  The kids built a fort, an attempted snowman, had a snowball fight and they even snowboarded!  It was totally awesome!  We stayed up half the night playing outside.  All the kids fell asleep within 5 minutes of coming inside.   Check out the precious picture of Nephi and Mosiah sleeping on the rug.


I think it's ironic that today every single state in the US has snow on the ground, but alas, there is not much in Vancouver for the Olympics.


12 Luty 2010



Przez ostatnie trzy lata bardzo lubimy mieszkac w Georgia bo tu pogoda jest wspaniala.  Prawie zawsze jest cieplo.  Caly rok mozna nosic sandaly.  Ale musze sie przyznac ze od czasu do czasu moje dzieci tesknily za sniegiem.  3 lata to za dlugo bez sniegu.


Dzisaj dzieci mialy powodzenie.  Snieg popadal.  Bardzo mocno popadal.  Juz trzy late nie widzielismy sniegu.  Dzieci budoway, rzucaly sie sniegiem i nawet jezdzily na desce po sniegu!  Bylo naprawde wspaniale!  Pol nocy bawilismy sie na dworzu wiedzac ze nastepnego dnia sniegu juz nie bedzie.  Po powrocie do domu dzieci odrazu zasnely.  Na jednym zdjeciu Nefi slodko spi z Mosiah na dywaniku.


Pogoda dzisiaj powiedziala ze w kazdym stanie w USA jest snieg na ziemy.  Szkoda tylko ze nie ma sniegu w Vancouver w Kanadzie na Olimpiade…



1 comment:

Angela said...

We have loved the warmth of Texas also, and I know what you mean. It's nice having 80 degree weather in January sometimes, but we miss the snow, too. Thank heavens we've all gotten some this year. Now everything is nice and muddy!

Can't wait to hear where you guys are going!

Your family is awesome. I just love reading your blog :)