Monday, September 20, 2010

"Not a Whit Behind" / Taki Sam Wspanialy

September 16, 2010

Not A Whit Behind


In our scriptures, in the Book of Mormon, there is a story about two brothers Nephi and Lehi.  They are both very righteous men, but the scriptures go on and on about how wonderful Nephi was and it goes on and on about the wonderful things that he did, but we never hear anything about Lehi his brother, except for this side note: "And behold, Lehi, his brother, was not a whit behind him as to things pertaining to righteousness." ( Heleman 11:19)


Sometimes I think I talk a lot more about Samuel's accomplishments because he is the oldest and he does everything first.  Well, today I'm here to say that Isaiah is not a whit behind him.  Isaiah just found out that he placed second in an international media festival for his original myth.  His myth first won the county contest, then the state contest, and then placed second in an international contest.  I'm attaching his myth again for those who want to read it.  I'm also attaching a poem he wrote about life and death. 


Mrs. Jeffers, both Samuel's and Isaiah's all time favorite teacher, submitted his work in the contests.  We all miss her terribly.  We love you Ms. Jeffers.




16 Wrzesien 2010


W naszym Pismie Swietym, w Ksiedze Mormona, jest opowiesc o dwoch bratach Nefi i Lehi.  Obywoje sa bardzo dobrymi ludzimi, ale ta opowiesc prawie wyjatkowa wymienia dobre zeczy kotre Nefi zrobil.  Prawie nic nie mowi o Lehim oprocze tego jednego fragmentu pod koniec opowiesci:  "I Lehi, jego brat, dorownywal mu w prawosci."


Nieraz mi sie wydaje ze ja najwiecej pisze o moim najstarszym synie, bo on wszytko pierwszy robi.  Wiec dzisiaj pisze o Isaiah, ze on dorownuje Samuelowi.  Isaiah wlasnie sie dowiedzial ze on wygral drugie miejsce w miedzynarodowy konkursu pisania.  Najpierw wygral w naszym miescie, potem w naszym stanie, a potem drugie miejsce w miedzynarodowym konkursie pisania.  Isaiah tarze bardzo lubi pisac wiersze.  Niestety tylko po Angielsku zalanczam jego dziela.


Nauczycielka Pani Jeffers znalazla te konkursy dla Isaiah.  Ona jest najbardziej ulubiona nauczycielka Isaiah i Samuela.  Bardzo ja kochamy i  za nia teskinimy. 



1 comment:

Mary said...

Judging by the last photo that has both boys in it, I'd say he isn't a whit behind in looks either. Except for the height difference, they could be twins!