Sunday, April 3, 2011

Temporary Pet: Woodland Vole / Tymczasowe Zwierze Domowe: Nornik

March 19, 2011

Temporary Pet: Woodland Vole


I think I've written before that I do not like pets.  A long time ago I decided to either have kids or pets, but not both.   

Kids love pets, especially Isaiah, but they do not love taking care of them.  At least not long term.  So, in order to satisfy their curiosity about animals, I let them catch wild animals and keep them for a few days.  Then it's back into the wild.  We've had a mole, a toad, a rabbit, a snake, a lizard, etc.

A couple of days ago Isaiah caught what I thought was a mouse.  I was not happy about it.  Mice once infested my house.  I am disgusted by the vermin.   I told the kids that the box would have to stay outside.  We bought some wood chips and some mouse food and even a wheel.  I also gave the "mouse" some grain and bread.  It did not touch it.  It would only eat the carrot that I dropped in there.  I looked up the New York mouse species but it did not resemble any of them.  Instead I found out that it's a vole. 

I was very happy to know that because voles do not infest homes.  They only eat roots and grass and they only live on average 3 months. 

"Our" vole is a baby and it is very friendly and loves to run on the wheel. We've been having fun with it.   After a few days Isaiah noticed that the vole was not so happy in the cage and he decided that when you love something it's more important for them to be happy then for you to be happy, so he let it go.  Isaiah is such a wonderful boy.




19 Marzec 2011


Tymczsowe Zwierze Domowe: Nornik

Ja nie lubie zwierzat domowych.  Za duzo pracy jest miec dzieci i zwierzeta, wiec my tylko mamy dzieci.

Ale dzieci bardzo lubia zwierzeta, szczegolnie moj syn Isaiah, choc nie lubia sie nimi zajmowac.  Wiec od czasu do czasu ja pozwalam im zlapac dzikie zwierzata i ogladac je w plastikowym pudelku przez pare dni.  A potem oddajemy je do natury.  Mielismy juz kreta, ropuche, zajaczka, weza, jaszczurke, itd.

Pare dni temu Isaiah zlapal "mysze".  Ja nie lubie mysz.  One sa brudne i rozmnazaja sie w domach.  Powiedzialam dzieciom ze pudelko musi zawsze byc na dworzu bo nie chce myszy w domu.  Kupilismy wiorki, jedzenie i nawet kolko dla mysz.  Ja sprawdzilam rodzaje mysz Nowego Yorku na interecie.  Nasze zwierze nie wygladalo jak zadna mysz, i tez nie jadlo jedzenia dla mysz.  Tylo jadlo marchewke.

Dowiedzialam sie ze to nie mysz, ale nornik.  One sie szybko nie rozmnazaja, zyja tylko trzy miesiace, mieszkaja tylko na dworzu, bo jedzo tylko trawe i korzenie.

Nasz nornik jest bardzo mlody.  Lubi ludzi, siedzi nam na rekach, i lubi biegac na kolku.  Bardzo nam sie podoba.  Po kilku dniach Isaiah zauwarzyl ze nornik byl nie szczesliwy w klatce.  Isaiah powiedzial ze jest wazniejsze aby nornik byl szczesliwy niz zeby on sam byl szczseliwy, wiec nornika wypuscil.  Isaiah jest wspanialym chopcem. 




Erin said...

How awesome that you write your blog in both languages!! I'm definitely coming back to try and learn something :)

Mary said...

Aargh! I really DON'T like voles! They ruined our front yard. A few years ago I noticed holes in our grass that looked like someone had taken a broom stick and punched it all over the ground. When I tried to rake the clumpy holes smooth again, the grass just came up in chunks. Within a few days, half of the front yard was dead. Come to find out, it was the voles. I ended up just killing the rest of the grass and making some cool flower beds. When they got into the backyard where we laid expensive sod, I was very worried. In one night, they tunnel and make dozens of holes. I've found poison that seems to work. Though I feel bad about killing the little creatures, I don't feel bad enough to let them ruin my yard and garden.

I'm glad someone enjoys them. :oP