Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 9, 2007

Well, the big news is here. We are for sure moving to Georgia on June 16, 2007. Josh will probably leave a couple of days before us because he will be driving one of our vans. The kids and I will fly, and a moving company will move our stuff. We will have to hire a company to move our other van. I guess that’s how it is with the military. They will move your stuff and buy your airplane tickets, but they will not move cars.
Josh is doing a two week ophthalmology rotation right now. He says it’s pretty boring so he doesn’t bring any gross or funny stories home. I sure hope that one day he will get an ER residency, because the ER has lots of weird, funny, and crazy stories. And that makes work fun for Josh and for me. When he was doing his ER rotations I couldn’t wait for him to get home and tell me about his day.

Ah, it’s so nice to be back in Iowa. We had a very nice time staying at Anne’s house (Joshua’s sister), but there is just no place like home and my own bed and pillow.

A couple days after getting home we went to the Raccoon River beach, which was flooded due to heavy rains. The kids and Josh went swimming anyway. Grace and I stayed at the playground, because even though we are having beautiful spring weather, it is still too cold for me to swim. Right before going home the kids found a couple of dead fish on the grass. They were fascinated so I told them to roll the fish up in a towel and that we could take them home and dissect the big one.

Some of the neighborhood kids showed up for the dissection. I got out a chart that pointed out all of the inner fish parts and we studied them carefully. The kids were so excited that Isaiah even brought the fish parts to school in a jar.

Isaiah also had an “All About Me” week at school. Everyday, he was supposed to bring something fun to show to the class. The first day he brought his bug collection. The second day he brought a marshmallow gun that grandma Nancy had made for him. By the third day we started to run out of fun things to show to the class.

My kids don’t like to play with toys and I don’t like the mess that toys make in my home. So we don’t have any cool toys to show off; we mostly play outside. Isaiah actually likes to make his own toys. I’m sending a picture of a clay volcano and a raft that he made.

We also don’t have any pets. If we ever feel that it’s time to have a pet, we are probably not very busy, so it’s probably time to have a baby. I do, however, allow very temporary pets for observation. These are always wild animals like a toad or a mole or a rabbit. Such a pet we keep for only a day or two. We observe it, we study about it on the internet, and then we release it back into the wild.

Since right now we don’t have any temporary pets, Isaiah brought his sister Grace and his brother Nephi for the third sharing day. He also brought a picture of Nephi smearing jam all over himself and his sister. He told a few stories about Nephi’s destruction talent. The kids laughed and laughed and cheered for Nephi. They decided that he is the coolest little brother and everyone wanted to shake his hand and get his autograph. Nephi didn’t know what was going on and was a bit stress out about being a celebrity. I guess it’s not that fun being in the spotlight.

The first picture is of Isaiah’s creations. The second of Isaiah presenting his brother and sister to the class. The third picture is of finding the dead fish. The fourth fifth are of the fish dissection. And last but not least, Samuel is holding the fish’s eyeball.


9 Maj 2007

Nareszcie mamy wiadomosci o naszej predprowadce. Jedziemy do stanu Georgia 16 Czerwca 2007. Ja lece z dziecmi samolotem, a Josh prowadzi jeden z naszych samochodow. Wojsko kupilo nam bilety samolotowe i tez placa za zpakowanie i przeworzenie naszych rzeczy, ale nie zaplaca za przeworzenie naszego samochodu. Wiec za to bedziemy musieli sami zaplacic.

Prez nastepne dwa tygodnie Josh pracuje z lekarzem oczu. To jest dosyc nudna praca bo nie ma zadnych dziwnych, lub obrzydliwych opowiadan. Josh bardzo lubial pracowac na pogotowiu bo zawsze cos interesujacego sie dzialo. Ja tez bardzo lubilam jak Josh wracal z pogotowia i mi opowiadal o smiesznych lub tragicznych lub dziwnych wydarzeniach. Mamy nadzieje ze Josh kiedys w przyszlosci bedzie pracowal na pogotowiu na stale.

Bardzo sie ciesze ze jestem w domu w Iowa. Fajna byla wycieczka do Utah i bardzo milo bylo u Josha siostry Anne w domu, ale ja wole spac w moim wlasym lozku i na mojej wlasnej poduszce.

Kilka dni po powrocie do domu poszlismy na plarze nad jeziorem. Duzo ostatnio padalo, wiec piasek byl zanany woda. Ale dzieci i Josh i tak chcieli plywac. Ja bawilam sie z Grace w parku obok. U nas jest ladna wiosenna pogoda, ale dla mnie to troche za zimno na plywanie.
Po plywaniu moje dzieci znalazly dwie niezywe ryby. Bardzo im sie ryby spodobaly, wiec ja im powiedzialam ze moga je zawinac w recznik i przyniesc je do domu zebysmy mogli jedna rybe rozkroic i popatrzec co jest w srodku.

Dzieci co mieszkaja dookola nas przyszly popatrzec na rozkrajanie ryby. Ja pokazalam dzieciom rysunek ryby ktory mial napisane imiona czesci w srodku ryby. Bardzo dzieciom ten projekt sie podobal. Isaiah nawet wziol czesci ryby do slojika i przyniosl je do szkoly pokazac klasie.

Isaiah mial w szkole “Jego Tydzien”. W tym tygodniu on opowiadal dzieciom o sobie i tez mogl codziennie cos przyniesc aby klasie pokazac. My mamy bardzo malo zabawek. Moje dzieci nie lubia sie zabawkami bawic. Wola sie bawic na dworzu. Ja tez nie lubie zabawek bo robia balagan. Isaiah lubi budowac swoje zabawki sam. Przesylam zdjecie wulkana z gliny i tratwy ktorej Isaiah sam zbudowal.

Tez nie mamy zwierzat do pokazywania. Jesli chce nam sie miec zwierze to znaczy ze mamy za duzo czasu i moze powinnismy miec nastepne dziecko, bo dzieci sa duzo fajniejsze od zwierzat. Od czasu do czasu mamy jakies dzikie zwierze na jeden dzien na obserwacje. Raz mielismy kreta, a raz ropuche, a raz zajaca. Trzymamy takie zwierze w duzym plastikowym przezroczystym pudelku i ogladamy. Tez na internecine uczymy sie o tym zwierzeciu. A nastepnego dnia zwierze wypuszczamy do natury.

Niestety w tej chwili nie mamy zadnego zwierzecia na obserwacji, wiec Isaiah pokazywal w szkole swoja siostre i swojego brata. Tez przyniosl zdjecie jak Nefi pomazal wszystko drzemem. Bardzo to sie dzieciom w szkole podobalo. Smieli sie, wiwatowali Nefiemu, prosili go o jego podpis. Nefi nie wiedzial o co chodzi i nie byl za bardzo tym zadowolony. Ale i tak on bardzo lubi odwiedzac Samuela i Isaiah w szkole.

Na pierwszym zdjeciu sa zabawki ktore Isaiah recznie zrobil. Na drugim Isaiah pokazuje swojej klasie swoja siostre i brata. Trzecie czwarte i piate zdjecie to jak dzieci znalazy niezywa rybe i jak ja rokrajaja. Na ostatnim Samuel trzyma oko ryby.


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