Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fwd: A “Killer” 4th of July/Dzien Niepodleglosci

July 6, 2007

A "Killer" 4th of July

On the fourth of July, our church had an Independence Day program and
breakfast.  There was beautiful music, an interesting speech, and good
food.  Samuel and Isaiah ate really fast and ran outside to chase
their new friends around the chapel.

A few minutes later Samuel ran back in from the outside holding his
shorts and told us that he had been stung by a bee.  There were two
bees still on his shorts actively trying to sing him by pressing their
abdomen into his shorts.  They looked pretty aggressive, unwilling to
give up.  There was also a bee buzzing around inside his shirt.  Josh
took him to the bathroom and removed the 3 bees.  Samuel ended up with
one bee sting.

A few minutes later Isaiah staggered into church crying and trembling.
There were bees and stingers all over him.  He was stung on the head,
neck, back, hand, arm, and both legs—nine stings altogether.  We
removed the stingers, gave him some ibuprofen and Benadryl and drove
him home. He trembled and cried for over an hour.  At home I gave him
some Tylenol and a short bath and them he went to sleep for 4 hours.

The boys said that they did not disturb any bee nests and that the
bees attacked them out of the blue.  Another kid at the church told us
that his brother got stung the previous day 50 times, and the bishop
told me that one of the missionaries was attacked the previous day as

I researched aggressive bees and yellow jackets on the internet.
There are killer bees in the Southern United States who attack people
without provocation.  Yellow jackets can also be aggressive and their
venom contains a chemical "alarm pheromone," when it is released into
the air, it signals guard wasps to come and sting whomever and
whatever gets in their way.  Both killer bees and yellow jackets are
pretty small just like the ones we found on Samuel and Isaiah.  Their
main difference is that that bees are brown and yellow jackets are
yellow.  Also bees have a barbed stinger and can only sting once.
Yellow jackets have a lanced stinger and can sting multiple times and
not die.  The insects that attacked Isaiah were yellow but they left
their stingers in him, so I'm not sure if they were the killer bees or
the aggressive yellow jackets.  Maybe they were a mutant mix of both.

It's a good thing that we saw some fireworks the previous day here at
the army base, because on the fourth Isaiah did not feel very much
like going outside.  The fireworks on the third were put on by Fort
Gordon.  It was a great show and we were very close so we could not
only see them, but feel them as well.  Little Grace did not like that
one bit.  She was terrified and cried the whole time.  The boys loved
it, of course.  But on the Fourth of July we did not go down to see
the Augusta City fireworks; we went to the movies and saw Ratatouille

At the end of the day Josh taught the kids about Independence Day and
the Revolutionary war and George Washington.  Somehow, however, our
conversation always drifted back to killer bees.  It was a "killer"
fourth of July…..

I only took one picture of Grace eating on the 4th at the church
breakfast.  Soon after, our poor stung kids staggered in.  I'm sending
two cute pictures of Grace in Iowa.  Grace went through a stage when
she loved hats.  I managed to take one picture of the fireworks and it
even came out.  You can see on the last picture of Grace at the
breakfast that she has a bunch of bug bites on her face.  Ahh, the
joys of living in the south……..


6 Luty 2007

Na Dzien Niepodleglosci poszlismy do kosciola na snaidanie i aby
ogladac program.  Muzyka byla piekna, przemowienie bylo interesujace,
i jedzenie bylo smaczne.  Samuel i Isaiah bardzo szyblko zjedli i
wybiegli na dwor zeby sie poganiac z nowymi kolegami.

Kilka minut po bieganiu na dworzu, Samuel wrocil do kaplicy
przestraszony i powiedzial nam ze pszczola lub osa go uzadlila.  Na
spodenkach mial dwie osy co nadal probowaly go zadlic, i tez mial
jedna ose pod koszulka.  Joshua wzial go do lazienki i zdjal mu
ubranie i wygonil osy.  Samuel byl w jednym miejscu uzadlony.

Kilka minut pozniej Isaiah powoli wszedl do kaplicy.  Caly sie trzasl
i plakal.  Na sobie mial kika os i wiele zandl.  Osy go uzadlily w
ucho, w glowe, w szyje, w plecy, w dlonie, w reke, i w obydwie nogi.
Mial 9 zandl w sobie.  Dalismy mu leki na bol in a spuchlenie i
pojechalismy do domu.  W domu dalam mu troche wiecej lekow na bol i
tez go wykapalam.  Przez cala godzine on plakal i sie trzasl.  Ale
wreszcie w domu polorzyl sie spac i spal przez 4 godziny.

Po tym Isaiah nie chcial wychodzic na dwor, wiec czwartego nie
ogladalimsy fajerwerki.  Ale za to trzeciego lipca tu na bazie
wojskowej byly fajerwerki i poprzedniego dnia ogladalismy.  Bylismy
bardzo blisko i byly to piekny widok i tak bylo glosno ze as nas
trzeslo.  Grace sie bardzo bala fajerwerkow.  Caly czas plakala i
zamknela oczy i nie ogladala.  Oczywiscie wszytkim chopcom sie ten huk
podobal.  Ale czwartego lipca nie poszlimy do miasta ogladac wiecej
fajerwerkow, bo Isaiah sie za dobrze nie czul, wiec poszlismy do kina
ogladac film Ratatouille.

Pod koniec dnia Josh uczyl nasze dzieci o dniu niepodleglosci, o
rewolucyjnej wojnie, i o George Washington.  Ale wszytkie nasze
dysykusje wracaly do tematu pszczol i os.  Ja na internecie poszukalam
rozne artykuly o groznych osach i pszczolach.  Jedna osa tu jest
agresywna.  Jak kogos uzadli to wydaje takie chemikalie co mowi innym
osom zeby tez przylecialy i zaczely ta osobe zadlic.

Tez tu w poludniowiej ameryce sa "zabijajace pszczoly".  Jakis
naukowiec pomieszal ladgodna europejska pszczole z agresywna
afrykanska pszczola.  Niestety nowa kombinacja tez byla bardzo
agresywna i on mial zamiar te pszczoly zgladzic, ale byl wypadek i one
wyfrunely na swiat.  To zaczelo sie w Brazyli w latach 50tych.  Okolo
10 lat temu dofrunely te pszczoly do Stanow Zjednoczonych.  One
atakuja ludzi bez powodu i jak czlowiek nie znajdzie ochrony to nawet
zabija czlowieka.  Juz okolo 20 osob od tych pszczol umarlo.

Ja nie wiem czy to byly pszczoly czy osy so uzadlily Isaiah.  Obydwie
te gatunki sa bardzo male.  Osy sa zolte, a pszczoly brazowe.  Na
Isaiah byly male zolte osy, ale zostawily w nim zadlo.  Osy nie
zostawiaja zadla.  Wiec moze to byla jakas mieszanka tych agresywnych
os i pszczol.

Ani Isaiah ani Samuel  nie dotykali gniazda pszczol.  Po prostu
biegali na dworzu.  Tez jeden chopiec w kosciele nam powiedzial ze
dzien przed tem jego brat by uzadzony 50 raz przez te osy.  I tez
biskup nam powiedzial ze jeden z misjonarzy byl zaatakowany przez te

Tak tez spedzilimy nas 4 Lipiec, Dzien Niepodleglosi!

Tylko zrobilam jedno zdjecie na sniadaniu w kosciele bo potem dzieci
byly uzadlone.  Na ostatnim zdjeciu nawet troche widac ze Grace jest
pogryziona na twarzy przez komary i moze inne robaki.  Tak to jest jak
sie mieszka na poludniu Ameryki gdzie jest zawsze cieplo.  Jest tu
wiele robakow.  Jedno zdjecie zrobilam fajerwerkom i nawet wyszlo.  A
pierwsze dwa zdjecia to byly zrobione w Iowa. Przez jakis czas Grace
bardzo lubila kapelusze.


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