Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Hand of God / Reka Boza

The Hand of God

December 13, 2007

A couple of months ago my church held a General Conference or a 10
hour meeting during which the prophet and apostles gave us instruction
on how to live and how to be closer to God.  My favorite talk was
given by Elder Eyring who spoke about remembering the hand of God in
our lives.  He told us how many years ago he began to keep a daily
journal in which he wrote down how God had blessed him or his family
that day.

I decided that that would be a great idea for my family.  Now, every
night as we sit down to scripture study, I ask my sons and husband to
tell me how God had blessed them that day and I write their responses

In addition to the scriptures, my church publishes a bible dictionary,
in which topics like faith and prayer are defined.  Some time ago I
read the definition of prayer.  It said "… the object of prayer is not
to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others
the blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made
conditional on our asking for them…"

After hearing this explanation I realized that if I prayed more, I
would have more blessings in my life.  I may not get everything that I
ask for, because it may not be the will of God, but then again it may.

So a few months ago I heard that there were new houses being built
here in Fort Gordon.  I thought that I would like to live in a new
house.  Josh went and inquired about moving but the office told him
that it would be a long time before the houses would be finished and
also that we did not qualify because we had a contract to stay in our
current house for at least one year, and we had only been there a few

I was bummed, but I didn't give up, instead, I decided to pray.
Sometimes when I have a hard time concentrating, I write my prayers
down in a notebook.  So one day I sat down and wrote a prayer.  In it
I asked that I would get to move into the new house by my birthday,
November 3rd.

Josh inquired a few more times at the office about moving and on
November 2nd, I got a call from the office telling us that we were
approved and we could move into our brand new house.  The lady gave me
my new address and we eagerly went to look at the new house.

When I saw the house I was very disappointed.  Fort Gordon is built in
the midst of a huge forest.  The nature and trees here are absolutely
beautiful.  My old yard bordered on the forest, but my new yard faced
another house.  In the new housing area there are only about 10 houses
that face other houses; all the others border the forest.  Why was I
assigned a house in such a dreadful location?  I called the office and
plead with the lady to switch to another house.  She refused.  Josh
called and asked as well.  Ours was the very last available house at
the time, so there was nothing she could do…

Again I turned to prayer.  There was no way out of this one, but I
decided that it wouldn't hurt to pray.  So I prayed and prayed and
prayed, and then I called the lady at the office, but she never picked
up the phone.

At last came the day that I had to sign for the new house.  I was very
discouraged.  I wanted my husband to go and do it, but he got held up
at work.  So I got ready, though I did not want to go and sign.

I walked into the office praying.  The receptionist told me that the
lady in charge had a family emergency and that she was not able to
meet with me.  Our meeting was rescheduled.  Next to the
receptionist's desk I saw a man standing.  I introduced myself to him
and he told me that his name was Harry Bloomer, the main boss and
project director of military housing at Fort Gordon.  I told him of my
dilemma and how I had a hard time moving into a house that faced the
neighbors because I love natural sunlight and I hate having my blinds
down.  I asked him to help me get into another house.  He was very
gracious and kind and said that he would try to help, although he
could not make any promises because he did not know if there were any
other houses available.

I don't know exactly how he did it, but this man was a direct answer
to my prayer.  He switched houses for me and I was assigned a house
the faced the trees.  Everyday I wake up and I look at the beautiful
trees and at the blue sky and I thank God for caring about my feelings
and my wants and for answering my prayers…

Moving to Georgia has not been easy for my family.  Iowa was truly
heaven to us.  I can honestly say that the happiest time in my life
was in Iowa.  One of the hardest things about moving here has been the
sorrow of my children, especially my son Samuel.  In Iowa he had good
close friends in our neighborhood and at his school.  Every week he
was either invited to a party or to play at someone's house.  Here he
has been terribly lonely.  In Iowa he had a great imagination and he
enjoyed running around and swinging his arms around and acting out his
imaginary stories.  When he was doing that I could tell that he was

But ever since we moved to Georgia, happiness left him.  He quit
playing and smiling and because of the no talking policy at school he
has not made any close friends.  He started to escape his lonely life
by reading.

Josh and I prayed that he would find a friend his age in our old
neighborhood, but he didn't.  So we stared to pray that we would move
so that Samuel could find a friend in a new place.   God hears, and
God answers.  Not only did we move, but we moved just a couple houses
down from a very nice family that has two boys.  The older boy is
Samuel's age and they are friends.  Samuel is happy again.  He smiles
and plays and goes outside again and he is back playing his imaginary
games.  I can tell that he is happy….Thank You Heavenly Father.

I'm sending a few pictures of the new house that were taken last week
when my mom came to visit.

13 Grudzien 2007

Reka Boza

Pare miesiecy temu mielsmy konferencje w moim kosciele.  To jest take
dlugie spotkanie (razem 10 godzin) w ktorym prorok i apostolowie nam
mowia jak zyc i jak byc blizszym Bogu.  W moim ulubionym przemowieniu
starszy Eyring powiedzial nam ze wile lat temu on zaczol pisac w swoim
dzienniuku jak Bog mu i jego rodzinie pomagal.

Ten pomysl mi sie bardzo spodobal i wiec ja zaczelam pisal taki
rodzinny dziennik.  Wieczorem jak razem siadamy i czytamy pismo
swiete, to ja tez sie pytam mojego meza i moich dzieci jak im Bog w
tym dniu pomogl.  Pisze ich odpowiedzi w dzienniku.

Moj kosciol ma nie tylko pisma swiete ale tez biblijny slownik.  Ten
slownik wyjasnia takie zeczy jak wiara lub modlitwa.  Jakis czas temu
ja przeczytalam w tym slowniku o modlitwie.  Tak bylo napisane "Cel
modlitwy nie jest tym aby zmienic wole Boga, ale zeby dostac
blogoslawienstwa od Boga ktore On chce nam lub innym dac, ale On moze
tylko nam je dac jesli o nie poprosimy."

Po przeczytaniu tego wyjasnienia ja zrozumialam ze ja bym mogla miec
wiecej blogoslawienstw jesli bym sie o wiecej zeczy modlila.  Rozumiem
tez ze moze nie dostane wszytkiego o co prosze, bo nie wszytko jest
wola Boga, ale moze i jest.

Wiec kilka miesiecy temu ja sie dowiedzialam ze buduja tu w Fort
Gordon nowe domy.  Ja pomyslalam ze ja bym chciala w nowym domu
mieszkac, wiec moj moz poszedl do biura domuw i sie zapytal czy
moglibysmy sie przeprowadzic.  Pani powiedziala ze nie, bo my mamy
kontrakt byc w naszym domu caly rok i ze tez to dlugo zajmie az nowe
domy beda gotowe.

Nie podobala mi sie ta odpowiedz wiec ja zdecydowalam sie o to
pomodlic.  Nieraz jak mi jest trudno sie zkoncentrowac to ja pisze
moje modlitwy w dzienniku.  Napisalam list w ktorym poprosilam Boga
zebym sie mogla sprowadzic do nowego domu i zeby to sie stalo w
terminie moich urodzin 3 Listopada.

Jeszcze pare razy Josh poszedl sie zapytac o mozliwosc przeprowadzki,
i 2 Listopada pani z biura domow do mnie zadzwonila i mi powiedziala
ze ma nowy dom dla nas i ze mozemy sie przeprowadzic. Dala mi nasz
nowy adres i my poszlismy nowy dom obejrzec.

Jak zobaczylam nowy dom to bylam bardzo rozczarowana.  Ta baza
wojskowa jest zbudowana w pieknym wielkim lesie.  Drzewa i natura tu
jest przepiekna.  Z tylu mojego starego domu byl wielki las, a z tyly
tego nowego domu byl nastepny dom!  To mi sie bardzo nie podobalo, bo
ja lubie naturlane swiatlo wiec nigdy nie przykrywam okien.  W tym
nowym budownictwie jest tylko okolo 10 domow co patrzy na inne domy.
Wsztykie inne domy patrza na las.  Dlaczego ja dostalam dom w tej
okropnej lokacji?  Zadzwonilam do pani w biuze i poprosilam ja zeby mi
zmienila dom, ale ona mi powiedziala ze to jest ostani nowy dom jaki
teraz moze wynajac wiec nic nie moze zmienic.

Znowu zaczelam sie modlic.  Nic nie bylo mozliwe w tej sytuacji
zmienic ale pomyslalam ze nic mi nie zaszkodzi Boga poprosic. Wiec
modlilam sie i modlilam sie, i znowu zadzwonilam do tej pani ale ona
nie obierala sluchawki.

Kilka dni minelo i przyszedl dzien w ktorym mialam podpisac umowe na
nowy dom.  Nie chcialam tego zrobic, wiec poprosilam mojego meza zeby
to zalatwil, ale no nie mogl urwac sie z pracy.  Wiec ja musialam isc,
choc nie chcialam.  Przygotowalam sie i poszlam do biura.

Jak weszlam do budynku biura to caly czas sie modlilam.  Pani przy
recepcji powiedziala mi ze ta pani co podpisuje umowy miala chore
dziecko i nie mogla byc w pracy wiec nie przyszla na nasze spotkanie.
Jak pani recepcjonistka zmieniala termin mojego spotkania, to ja
zauwarzylam pana stojacego blisko nas.  Przedstawilam mu sie i
zapytalam go kim on jest.  On mi powiedziam ze on sie nazywa Harry
Bloomer i ze on jest glownym kierownikiem domow na bazie wojskowej.
Ja mu powiedzialam ze mi sie moj nowy dom nie podoba bo patrzy on w
czyjes okna i ze ja bym chiala aby on mi pomogl zmienic dom.  Ten pan
byl bardzo uprzejmy i mily i powiedziam ze on sprobuje mi pomoc, ale
nic mi nie przyzekal bo nie wiedzial czy jakies inne domy sa do

Ja nie wiem jak ten pan to zrobil, ale wiem on on bym opowiedzia na
moje modlitwy.  On zmienil mi dom i moj nowy dom patrzy na las.
Codziennie budze sie i patrze na dzrewa in a niebieskie niebo i
dziekuje Bogu za to ze moje uczucia i pragnienia sa wazne dla Niego i
za to ze On opdowiada na moje modlitwy...

Przeprowadzka do stanu Georgia nie byla latwa dla nas.  Stan Iowa byl
niebem dla nas.  Naprawde te 4 lata co tam mieszkalismy to byly moje
najbardziej szczesliwe.  Jedna z najtrudniejszych zeczy jesli chodzi o
ta przeprowadzke, to smutek moich dzieci, szczegolnie mojego syna
Samuela.  W Iowa on mial duzo przyjaciol dookola naszego domu i w
szkole.  Przynajmniej raz na tydzien byl zapraszany na party lub aby
po prostu sie bawic u kogos w domu.  Za to tutaj w Gerogia on jest
bardzo samotny.  W Iowa Samuel bardzo lubial latac dookola i bawic sie
w swoje wymyslone gry.  Jak on tak biegal to je wiedzialam ze on byl

Od przyjazdu tutaj do Georgia Samuel przestal byc szczesliwy.
Przestal sie bawic i przestal latac i przestal sie usmiechac.  Tez w
jego szkole nie wolno dzieciom rozmawiac, wiec on tu nie ma szansy
nikogo dobrze poznac wiec nie ma kolegow.  Zeby uciec o tej
samotnosci, Samuel zaczol czytac cale dnie.

Josh i ja modlisimy sie zeby Samuel znalazl jakiegos kolege obok
naszego domu, ale tam nie bylo nikogo w jego wieku wiec nie znalazl.
Wiec zeczelismy sie modlic abysmy sie przeprowadzili.  Bog nie tylko
nas slucha, ale tez nam odpowiada na modlitwy.  Nie tylko sie
przeprowadzilismy do nowego domu ale pare domow odnas mieszka bardzo
fajna rodzina co ma dwoch chopcow.  Samuel ma przyjaciela w swoim
wieku i znowu jest szczesliwy.  Znowu Samuel biega i sie usmiecha i
gra w swoje wymyslone gry.  Ja widze ze on jest szczesliwy….Dziekuje,
Ojcze w Niebie.


Przesylam kilka zdjec z nowego domu jak Babcia Grazyna nas odwiedzala
w ostatnim tygodniu.

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