Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Sunny Side of Georgia/Sloneczna Georgia

The Sunny Side of Georgia

February 8, 2008

For those of you living at the "north pole", I really have to admit
that there are some nice things about living in Georgia.  It has been
so warm and pleasant here during the last few months.  Yes we have had
some days when it dropped into the 40's, but most of the time it has
been in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s.  I can count on my fingers
how many days my children elected to wear shoes while playing outside
this "winter".

In early December my mom came to visit us from Utah.  It was so nice
to have her here.  We celebrated an early Christmas with her.  She
made each of the kids a fancy magnetic bracelet.  Making bracelets is
her new hobby.  They are really fun to play with because they can be
made into many different shapes thanks to the magnets.  They are also
to fun to stick on the fridge.  I'm sending a picture of my mom
staying up with Samuel and Isaiah in the storage room making
bracelets.   Notice Samuel sleeping on the table…

The first couple of days that my mom was here it was in the 50's so we
did some hiking around the forest and lake the surrounds my
neighborhood.   Even in the winter the forest here seems colorful
because some of the leaves stay on the trees and because there are a
lot of pine trees.

When the weather climbed to the 80's the next few days, we took a boat
ride on the Augusta canal where we learned about the nature and
history of Augusta.  One of the reasons that the city of Augusta
thrived and stayed on the map is because one man had the idea to build
the Augusta canal as well as fabric mills.  He reasoned that it would
be a good idea to have manufacturing in the south and not rely on the
north so much.  Many opposed him but eventually the canal and mills
were built.  The mills gave great economic advantage to the city of
Augusta as well as to the south during the civil war.

With my mom, we toured a mill museum and we were reminded of the
terrible long working hours and conditions people endured for so many
years.  It is good to be reminded how easy our lives really are
compared to our progenitors.

During our boat ride it was fun to see turtles and blue herons, but we
were disappointed that we did not see an alligator.  Nephi wanted to
swim with the alligators, but it was not that warm!  Enjoy the picture
of Nephi standing by the alligator warning sign.

One of the highlights of my mom's visit was going horseback riding
here on post.  Fort Gordon has beautiful riding stables and gorgeous
trails.  Samuel, Isaiah, my mom, and I went on an hour horse ride
through the forest.

Josh pulled Nephi around on a stubborn cranky pony. Nephi had a great
time, while Grace and Josh suffered.  Grace is deathly afraid of
animals.  She loves animals in books or as stuffed toys, but as soon
as a live animal comes near, she panics.  We have no clue why.

It was really relaxing and fun to have my mom here.  We had a great
time sightseeing and she got to rest from the cold and snow of Utah,
in the sunny state of Georgia!


Sloneczna Georgia

8 Luty 2008

W tym roku na polnocy USA jest bardzo zimno i jest bardzo duzo sniegu.
 Ja zato mieszkam na poludniu i tutaj cala zime jest cieplo.  Kilka
razy temperatura spadla do 5 stopni, ale najczesciej jest 10, 15, lub
nawet 20 stopni tu zima.  Tylko w kilka dni moje dzieci zakladaly buty
aby sie bawic na dworzu.  Najczesciej cala ta "zime" lataja na bosaka
bo tu jest tak cieplo.

Na poczatku grudnia moja mama przyjechala z Utah nas odwiedzic.
Bardzo milo spedzilismy z nia czas.  Urzadzilismy z nia wczesne swieta
Bozego Narodzenia.  Mama zrobila kazdemu dziecku taka magnetyczna
brazoletke.  Te brazoletki sa bardzo fajne do zabawy bo mozna je
roznie ukadac bo maja magnety.  Przesylam zdjecie jak mama te
branzoletki ukladala z Samuelem i Isaiah jednego wieczoru w takim
malutkim pokoju kotry jest naprawde szafa.  Samuel zasna na stole na
ktorym babia pracowala…

Pierwsze pare dni jak moja mama tu byla to bylo troszeczke zimno wiec
poszlismy na spacery dookola jeziora i lasu przy moim domu.  Potem jak
bylo 20 stopni to pojechalismy na lodke na kanale  Augusta.  Tam pani
nam opowiadala o naturze Georgia i o histori miasta Augusta.  Ten
kanal byl bardzo dawno zbudowany aby poludnie Ameryki tez mialo
fabryki a nie tylko polnoc.  To bardzo pomoglo poludni w czasie wojny
domowej.  Tez ten kanal pomogl miescie Augusta ekonomicznie.

Z mama zwiedzielismy muzeum o starodawnych fabrykach i o tym jak dlugo
i ciezko ludzie w starodawnych czasach pracowali.  Dobrze jest nam
zawsze przypomniec sobie ,jakie my to latwe zycie w tych czasach mamy.

Jak bylismy na lodce to fajnie bylo ogladac zlowie i czaple na wodzie,
ale smutno bylo ze nie widzielismy zadnego krokodyla.  Tu sa krokodyle
i ja Nefiemu przeczytalm tabliczke ktora nam kazala byc ostroznym.
Nefi oczywiscie chcial plywac z krokodylami ale bylo za zimno.

Tez bardzo fajnie bylo pojechac z mama moja na konie.  Tu na bazie
jest wielkie miejsce gdzie mozna wypozyczyc konie i jezdzic nimi po
lesie.  Tu nawet w zime lasy sa kolorowe, bo niektore drzewa nie traca
wszytkich lisc, i tez jest wiele choinek. Dzien byl bardzo cieply i
sloneczny.  Samuel, Isaiah, mama i ja jezdzilismy sobie fajnie na
koniach, a Josh musial Nefiego prowadzic na bardzo kaprysnym kucyku.
Grace tez sie bala kucyka bo ona lubi tylko zwierzeta w ksiazkach lub
jako zabawki.  Ona sie bardzo boi prawdziwych zwierzat.  Nie wiemy

Bardzo byly fajne krotkie wakacje z moja kochana mama.  Dobrze sie
bawilismy i mama odpoczela od sniego i zimna tu w slonecznym stanie


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