Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grandpa Woody/Dziadek Woody

November 10, 2007

Grandpa Woody

Last Week my father came to visit us for a week and we had a very nice
time together.  Every morning he got up at 6 am and helped the older
kids do their homework.  Every evening we discussed the good things
that happed to us that day and what we did for others.  Every day
Grandpa Woody found ways to help us.  He brought the kids 500 books to
read, he bought Nephi 2 Spiderman pajamas, he bought me new tires for
my car and a wonderful light-weight bike trailer.  Samuel also got a
new bike and all of the kids got new blankets.  Samuel and Isaiah
really enjoyed having Grandpa Woody around.

All through his visit grandpa Woody was giving us gifts and taking us
out to restaurants and even to the movies.  The last day grandpa Woody
was here, we went together to the zoo in Columbia South Carolina.  It
was a chilly day for Georgia, 65 degrees, but all of the animals were
out and it was very fun.  Nephi was most rambunctious and excited.  He
threw his map into the sea lion's pool and he tried to climb into
every exhibit, even the tiger's.

We watched the elephant eat, the tiger pace, and the gorillas poop
slowly, up close!  The gorillas were constipated so one of them pulled
out the poop with his hand and the other shook it out.  Now you might
think that's really gross, but at least the gorillas had the decency
to fix the problem by themselves.  Unlike the patients that Josh sees,
who come to the hospital and expect the doctor (Josh) to do it for
them.  I really feel sorry for Josh when he tells me constipation

Somewhere at the zoo we saw a big lizard.  I had no idea what it was,
but right away Isaiah told us it was a monitor.  I looked around and
found the mostly hidden sign and Isaiah was right.  He said he learned
about monitors from his friend Noah in Des Moines.  How in the world
do kids know this kind of stuff?  You can see Grace and Nephi checking
the monitor out on the picture.

There was a place at the zoo where you could feed the goats by hand.
I got the idea that it would be even more fun if we fed the goats from
Joshua's head.  Enjoy the pictures!  And Thanks Grandpa Woody for a
fun visit!


10 Listopad 2007

Dziadek Woody

W ostatnim tygodniu przyjechal do nas dziadek Woody na tydzien i
bardzo mile spedzilismy czas razem.  Codziennie rano dziadek wstawal
ze starszymi dziecmi i pomagal im robic lekcje.  Codziennie wieczorem
razem rozmawialismy o tym co dobrego sie w ten dzien stalo i co
dobrego zrobilismy dla innych.  Codziennie dziadek Woody robil dla nas
co milego.  On przywiozl dzieciom 500 ksiazek do czytania.  Dla
Nefiego on kupil 2 Spiderman pizamy.  Dla mnie kupil nowe opony do
mojego samochodu i tez kupil mi takie lekkie siedzenie na dwoje dzieci
co sie  podlancza do roweru.  Dla Samuela dziadek przywiozl nowy rower
i wszytkie dzieci dostaly nowe koce.  Samuel i Isaiah bardzo lubili
spedzac czas z dziadkiem rano i po szkole.

Podczas calej wizyty dziadek Woody dawal nam prezenty i tez stawial
nam obiady w restauracjach i tez wziol dzieci do kina.  W ostatni
dzien poszlismy razem do zoo w stanie South Carolina.  Na poludnie
ameryki to bylo troche zimno, 18 stopni, ale i tak wszystkie zwierzeta
byly na dworzu.  Nefi sie bardzo wizyta to zoo cieszyl ale tez bardzo
duzo rozrabial.  Wrzucil swoja mape do wody fok i probowal do
wszytkich wystaw ze zwierzetami wejsc, nawet do trygrysa.

W zoo ogladalismy jak slon jadl, jak tygrys chodil w kolko, i jak
goryle kupe robily bardzo blisko nas.  Goryle byly troche zaparte ale
same to rozwiazaly.  Ludzie niestety to chodza do lekarza na zaparcie
i moj moz musi to naprawiac.  Praca lekarza nie jest zawsze fajna.
Szkoda mi mojego meza jak on mi opowiada o pacjentach z zaparciem...

W pewnym miejscu w zoo ogladalismy wielka jaszczurke.  Od razu Isaiah
mi powiedzial ze to zwierze nazywa sie "monitor", no i mial racje.
Powiedzial ze nauczyl sie tego od swojego kolegi Noah w Iowa.  Skad
dzieci take fakty wiedza?  Na zdjeciu Nefi i Grace ogladaja tego

W jednym miejscu w zoo mozna bylo karmic kozy z reki.  Ale ja
wymyslilam ze jeszcze by bylo fajniej jesli kozy by jadly z mojego
meza glowy.  Mam nadzieje ze zdjecia sie spodobaja!  I dziekujemy
dziadkowi Woodjemu za wspaniala wizyte!


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