Wednesday, June 25, 2008


February 10, 2008

I have a costume "box" where I keep a bunch of dress up clothes for my
kids to play with.  They play with them year round.  I add to the
collection as I find cheap costumes at yard sales or in thrift shops.

For some reason a few months ago Nephi decided to worship Spiderman.
I don't exactly know when this obsession started.  It seems like
around the time that Nephi started to talk, he mostly talked about
Spiderman and spider webs.

I normally don't buy costumes for Halloween, but last year I decided
to give in, and buy Nephi a Spiderman costume.  Oh, he was so excited
and started wearing it the very day I got it.  And then he wore it the
next day, and the next, and the next, and the next.  He even wanted to
sleep in it.  This became a problem because I had to wash it and that
would mean that Nephi would have to do without it for a couple of
hours at a time.  Every morning Nephi would become frantic if he could
not find his costume.

This started grating on my nerves, but luckily my father came to visit
and he bought Nephi 2 sets of Spiderman pajamas.  This pacified Nephi
a bit and he enjoyed changing his clothes three times per day while
remaining Spiderman.  It was out of the question for him to wear
anything else.

This became a very big problem on Sundays when we insisted that Nephi
wear a white shirt and dark pants to church and not his costume.  We
had to hold him down to dress him, but our efforts were fruitless
because on the way to church Nephi would scream and undress himself
anyway.  At the church parking lot we had to redress Nephi, but by the
time we got into the chapel Nephi would be half naked, popping the
buttons off his Sunday shirt…

School wasn't much better.  I put Nephi in a little preschool a couple
of times per week.  I'm attaching a picture with his teacher.  At
first Nephi enjoyed school a lot, but later he started having tantrums
if he could not find a Spiderman outfit to wear to school.  I went to
Wal-Mart and bought every clearance Spiderman outfit I could find.  It
pacified Nephi for a time, but then came the Christmas concert…

Nephi was supposed perform at the concert in his Sunday's best but of
course this was not a viable option for Nephi.  He screamed and cried
and hyperventilated and resolved to never come back to his school due
to this injustice.  I'm sending a picture from Nephi's preschool
Christmas concert and reception.  Can you tell which one is Nephi?

After much persistence and tribulation I canceled Nephi's preschool
and let him relax and wear whatever he wanted at home.  For some time
he continued to only wear Spiderman attire, but then one day a miracle
happened…Nephi decided to dress himself in a regular striped shirt…in
all, it only took him 3 months to get over his Spiderman obsession.
Now that he is over it, I feel the need to write about it for my
personal therapy.

I'm sending some pictures from our last Halloween when Nephi's
Spiderman obsession first started.  Here in Fort Gordon on Halloween,
the military police closed off all of the streets leading to our
housing community.  No cars except for military police were allowed to
drive from 6 to 8 pm, and it was wonderful.  The weather was very warm
and there were hoards of kids trick-or treating.  Most candy givers
sat outside on the street in front of their houses and many of them
were dressed up in costumes.

We took our bikes and rode around the neighborhood.  It was so safe
and fun.  We saw some great costumes.  Of course Isaiah's bat costume
was the best, but my other favorites were: a kid dressed as an
outhouse, our neighbor Frankenstein, and a man dressed in a real gully
suit that is worn by real army snipers.  In case you are wondering
Gracie was dressed as Peter Pan, Samuel as a doctor, and Nephi as the
one and only…..Spiderman!


10 Luty 2008

Moje dzieci lubia sie przebierac w rozne kostjumy, i nie tylko na
swieto Halloween.  Wiec jam am dla nich miesjce na te ubrania dla
przebierania.  Od czasu do czasu ja kupuje jakies urzywane kostjumy i
dodaje do naszej kolekcji.

Kilka miesiecy temu Nefi zachwycil sie charaktrerem Spiderman.  Wiec
na Halloween ja mu kupilam nowy kostjum Spiderman.  On tak byl tym
ucieszony ze odrazu sie w to ubral.  I nawet mial to na sobie w
nastepny dzien, i w nastepny, i w nastepny.  Nawet chcial w tym
kostjumie spac.  Nefi byl bardzo zly jak musialam ten kostjum wyprac i
nic innego nie chcial na siebie zalorzyc.

To zaczelo mnie denerwowac ale okolo w tym czasie moj ojciec nas
odwiedzil i kupil Nefiemu dwie Spiderman pizamy.  Nefi sie bardzo
cieszyl ze mogl sie trzy razy dziennie przebierac i nadal byc

W niedziele mielismy najwiekszy problem, bo Nephi nie chcial sie ubrac
w biala koszule do kosciola.  Nadal chcial byc Spiderman.  Na sile
musielimy go ubierac, ale w samochodzie on zdejmowal wszytkie swoje
ubrania i krzyczal i plakal.  Musielimy go znowu ubrac przed samym
kosciolem, ale nawet to nie pomoglo bo on wyrywal guziki z koszuli w
kosciele i sie rozbieral.

W szkole tez nie bylo lepiej.  Zapisalam Nefiego do przeczkola dwa
razy w tygodniu.  Przesylam zdjecie z Nefiego klasy.  Na poczatku
szkola mu sie podobala ale potem Nefi nie chial chodzic do szkoly jak
nie mogl znalesc Spiderman ubrania.  Poszlam do skepu i kupilam mu
wiele Spiderman ubran na przecenie.

To pomoglo na jakis czas, ale w grudniu Nefi mial koncert w szkole.
Musial byc na ten koncert ladnie ubrany, ale Nefi tylko chcial byc
jako Spiderman ubrany.  Byl zly i plakal jak go ladnie ubralismy.
Przeslyam zdjecie z koncertu.  Zgadnij ktore dziecko jest Nefi.

Od tego czasu Nefi nie chcial wrocic do przeczkola.  Wozilam go do tej
szkoly jeszcze przez miesiac, ale potem zdecydowalam ze ta wojna nie
byla warta mojego wysilku.  Dalam Nefiemu byc w domu i ubierac sie w
to co chcial.  No i po 3 miesiacach Spiderman obsesji Nefi sam
zdecydowal sie ubrac w normalne ubranie.

Przesylam zdjecia z naszego ostatniego Halloween kiedy Nefiego
Spiderman obsesja sie zaczela.  Tu w Fort Gordon na Halloween policja
zamknela nasza ulice od 6 to 8 wieczorem.  Nikt oproz policji nie
mogli jezdzic po naszym osiedlu bo bardzo duzo dzieci tam biegalo od
domu do domu po cukierki.  Bylo bardzo cieplo i dorosli siedzieli na
dworzu i rozdawali dzieciom curkierki.  Tez wiele doroslych bylo
przebranych na Halloween.

Moje dzieci jezdzily rowerami i zbierali cukierki.  Bylo wiele fajnych
kostjumow.  Isaiah mial najfajnieszy co mu babcia Nancy uszyla, ale
tez nam sie podobaly jak chopiec by przebrany jako ustep, i jak nas
sasiad byl Frankenstein, i tez jak inny sasiad byl przebrany w
prawdziwym ubraniu strzelaca w armi.

Moje coreczka Grace byla przebrana jak Piotrus Pan, Samuel jako
lekarz, no i Nephi oczywiscie jako Spiderman!


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