Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Released from Prison/Wypuszczeni z Wiezienia

June 1, 2008


Released from Prison


May 23 was the last day of school for Samuel and Isaiah.  Their elementary school is called Freedom Park Elementary, but they like to call it Prison Park Elementary.  No talking is allowed in class, in the hall, or at lunch.  Also there is no scheduled recess.  If a teacher chooses to give the kids recess, she may, but most of the time there is no recess, my kids were lucky if they had recess once per month.  At school the kids are expected to sit quietly at their desks and do their work.  I suppose school was like that in the old days, but then again, school did not last 7 hours like it does now. 


In spite of the rigorous circumstances, Samuel and Isaiah did very well in school.  Samuel survived school days by bringing a thick book to school and quietly reading at his desk about 500 pages per day.  He earned all A's and had the highest class average without even trying. 


Recently Samuel was jumping on the trampoline with Josh, and Josh landed on Samuel's leg.   This happened in the evening and Josh had to be at work at 4:30 am the next day, so I decided to take Samuel to the ER to have his ankle X-rayed.  It looked all twisted and deformed and swollen.  Both Josh and I thought that it was broken.  As it turned out, it was not broken but the ER doctor said it was the worst sprain that he had ever seen.  For three weeks Samuel was on crutches and now he is finally limping around on his own legs.  The doctor said he would be very surprised if Samuel's ankle heeled in a month.  You can see Samuel receiving his school medals and trophy on crutches. 


Isaiah was very lucky at Prison Park Elementary because he got to have the only nice teacher in the school. Mrs. Tara Geoque was always sweet and she really loved all the kids in her class.  Isaiah also earned all A's and was very close to having the highest class average.  But he mostly went to school to see his friends, to have fun and to cheer everyone up.  Isaiah also sprained his foot on the trampoline, but it nothing like Samuel's.  He limped on it right away, and it got better in one week.  On the pictures Isaiah is receiving his awards, is standing next to his sweet teacher and is eating cake with Grace in his class. 


My kids are very excited to be home during the summer.  Everyday they play with their friends Dillon and Zach, most days we go swimming the outdoor pool here at Fort Gordon. At night they read or listen to audio books. Also the boys love to bounce on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath them to get them wet.  Yes, even with their sprained ankles.  They simply jumped on the other foot.  It is already 100 degrees everyday here.  We already eat tomatoes and cucumbers from our garden everyday.  On the pictures the kids are swimming at the base pool or in the kiddie pool in the backyard with their friends.


Nephi is still 3 years old and last week he learned how to swim in deep water during his swimming class.  He especially likes to jump off the diving board now!!!




1 Czerwiec 2008


Wypuszczeni z Wiezienia


23 Maja moje dzieci skonczyly szkole.  Ich szkola sie nazywa "Podstawowa Szkola Wolnosci" ale moje dzieci nazywaja ta szkole "Podstawowa Szkola Wiezienia".  Nie wolno dzieciom rozmawiac w klasie, lub w czasie obiadu, ani nawet na korytarzu.  Tez ta szkola nie daje dzieciom zadnych przerw.  Raz na miesiac, lub raz na dwa miesiaca, dzieci moje mialy pszerwe.  Cale dnie dzieci musialy ciocho siedziec i sie uczyc.  Tak pewnie tez dzieci musialy sie zachowywac w starodawnych czasach, ale wtedy szkola nie trwala 7 godzin na dzien. 


Choc szkola moich dzieci jest bardzo rygorystychna, moje dzieci i tak mialy w niej sukces.  Samuel wytrwal szole przez to ze przynosil codziennie gruba ksiazke do klasy i codziennie czytal okolo 500 stron.  Samuel dostal same piatki i tez mial najlepsze stopnie z calej swojej klasy choc on nawet sie nie staral, wolal czytac.  Za najlepsze stopnie dostal pod koniec roku medale i trofeum. 


Kilka tygodni temu jak Samuel skakal z Joszem na trampolinie, i Josh upadl na Samuela noge i Samuela noga sie wykrecila i bardzo spuchla.  Wygladala na to aby byla zlamana.  Moj maz musial isc spac bo mial pracowac nastepnego dnia o 4 rano, wiec ja poszlam z Samuelem do szpitala aby przeswietlic mu noge. 


Kostka nie byla zlamana, ale lekarz mi powiedzial ze to jest najgorsze zwichniencie jakie on kiedykolwiec widzial.  Samuel musial chodzic na kulach przez 3 tygodnie i do dzisial kuleje.  Na zdjeciach w szkole on odbiera medale i trofeum na kulach.


Isaiah w szkole mial jedyna mila nauczycielke w tej szkole.  Ona bardzo kochala wszytkie dzieci w klasie i byla do nich bardzo mila.  Isaiah tez mial same piatki i mial prawie najlepsze oceny z calej klasy, ale on chodzil do szkoly aby bawic sie ze swoimi kolegami i aby wszytkich rozweselac.  To jest jego osobowosc.  Isaiah tez sobie zwichna kostke ale to nie bylo takie okropne zwichniecie jak Samuela.  On od razu mogl na nodze chodzic i po tygodniu kostka mu sie wyleczyla.  Na zdjeciu Isaiah dostaje swoje medale, jest z nauczycielka, i je ciasto z Grace w klasie. 


Moje dzieci bardzo sie ciesza ze juz jest lato.  Codziennia bawia sie ze swoimi kolegami Zach i Dillon.  Prawie codziennie chodzimy plywac na basen tu na bazie.  Tez codziennie dzieci skacza na trampolinie, nawet jak mieli zwichniete kostki.  Po prostu na innej nodze skakali.  Od polowy maja u nas jest 37 stopni celciusza codziennie.  Juz jemy codziennia pomidory i ogorki z naszego ogrodka.  Na zdjeciach dzieci plywaja na basenie i tez bawia sie w wodzie o ogrodzeniu domu ze swoimi kolegami.


Nefi nadal ma tylko 3 lata, ale w ostanim tygodniu on sie nauczyl plywac w swojej klasie plywania.  Teraz bardzo on lubi skakac z deski do nurkowania!!!



1 comment:

Becca said...

Check out my blog at least once a month. the address is

-becca vincent