Monday, August 18, 2008

Best Friends, Birds, & Birthday/Przyjaciele, Ptaki, i Urodziny

Best Friends, Birds, Birthday


August 17, 2008


When we moved to the new housing on Fort Gordon, Samuel and Isaiah instantly became best friends with our neighbors Zach and Dylan.  They are such wonderful boys raised by their exceptional parents Jennifer and Mike.  Every spare minute that my boys had, they played with their friends.  Samuel and Isaiah even asked to be excused from all extra curricular activities so they could play with their friends more. I was more than happy to allow them freetime.


The last 6 months have been a constant wholesome party either at our house or at Zach and Dylan's house.  Zach and Dylan love playing outside and playing with Legos.  They also each own bird. Zach has a parakeet named Tweeter, and Dylan has a lovebird named Harley.  My boys were fascinated by the birds and proudly took care of them when Zach and Dylan went to Disneyworld. 


One thing that I love about the military life is moving and meeting new people; and one thing that I don't like about military life is moving or having our friends move away.  Last week Zach and Dylan moved to a different Army base in a different state. 


My boys were very sad by the news, but they made the best out of the last few days with their friends.  They went swimming together and had a few sleepovers and pillow fights.  Samuel is now really into Star Wars Legos like Dylan, and Isaiah asked for a bird for his birthday. 


I did some research about birds on the internet, because I wanted a social bird that would like to be handled by 4 little kids all day.  I found that Quaker Parrots are such birds and I even found one for sale in South Carolina, then I found out that Quaker Parrots are illegal in Geogia because they are considered wild animals. 

I then found a bird called a Parrotlet, which is a miniature parrot who loves to he held and handled and bonds with the whole family and can even learn how to talk.  Two days before Isaiah's birthday we traveled an hour and bought his baby bird. 


Isaiah named his bird Ripclaw/Ripjaw and he gave him a middle name of Harley to honor Dylan.  He also wanted his bird to be blue so that it would resemble Zach's bird.


I have never owned a bird but we all love the little bird because it's so friendly and fun.  It eats at every meal with us because it's supposed to each fresh fruit and veggies everyday.  Enjoy the pictures!




Przyjaciele, Ptaki, i Urodziny


17 Sierpien 2008


Jak sie przeprowadzilismy do nowego domu tu na bazie wojskowej to Samuel is Isaiah odrazu znalezli ulubionych przyjaciol Dylan i Zach.  Razem sie codziennie bawili na drowrzu i  klockami Lego.  Ich koledzy tez maja ptaki, jeden ma kanarka a drugi ptaka milosci.  Samuel i Isaiah zajmowali sie tymi ptakami jak Zach i Dylan wyjechali na wakacje.


Przez ostatnie 6 miesiecy moje dzieci nie chcialy chodzic na lekcje pilki noznej lub karate, ale tylko chieli sie bawic na dworzu z tymi kolegami.  Wiec im pozwolilam. Kazda chwila z kolegami byla pelna radosci.  Ci koledzy sa bardzo dobrze wychowani i maja wpanialych rodzicow i to mi sie bardzo podobalo.


Jedna dobra cecha zycia w wojsku jest przeprowadzanie sie i poznawanie nowych przyjaciol. Ale tez to jest zla cecha zycia w wojsku bo wszyscy sie czesto przeprowadzaja.  Tydzien temu Zach i Dylam przeprowadzili sie do innego stanu.  Wszyscy bylismy smutni, ale bardzo dobrze sie bawilismy szczegolnie w ostatnie kilka dni.  Chodilismy plywac a wieczorami koledzy przysli do nas spac, bili sie poduszkami, i wkolko gadali i zartowali. 


Po ich wyjezdzie Samuel sie bardzo interesuje klockami Lego.  A na urodziny Isiaiah chcial ptaka, tak jak jego koledzy mieli.  Poszukalam informacju o ptakach na internecie i znalazlam ptaka co jest maluka papuga.  Kupisimy ta niebieska papuge i Isaiah go bardzo kocha.  Ja nigdy nie mialam ptaka, ale musze powiedziec ze to bardzo mily gatunek.  Lubi sie z dziecmi caly dzien bawic i nawet siedzi na swoim talerzu przy naszym stole i je owoce i warzywa! Przeslyam zdjecia kolegow i papugi "Ripclaw".  Imie po polsku to "Drapierzny Pazur", oczywiscie to zart.



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