Thursday, November 13, 2008

EdVenture/Muzeum Dla Dzieci



November 13, 2008


Where ever I live, I try to see all of the available attraction with my children.  We have therefore visited many parks, zoos, and museums. 


A couple weeks ago, for my birthday we met my father in South Carolina and we visited a children's museum called EdVenture, and then ate dinner at a great Indian restaurant. 


EdVenture was the funnest museum for children that I have visited so far.  The only thing that comes close is the Myrtle Beach Aquarium.  At Edventure when you first walk in, there is a two-story statue of a boy. You can climb in from behind and explore inside his stomach, heart, head, etc.  Then there was a hands-on exhibit about Timbuktu.  The kids fished, rode on a camel, braided hair, wrote in Arabic, sold goods at a market, played the African drums, and even pretended to drive a moped with fake chickens on the back. 


Downstairs the permanent exhibits featured a restaurant where the kids cooked and served plastic food and learned about digestion.  Then they pretended to be dentist, looked at x-rays and even played a life size game of Operation, to name just a few activities.   There was also a kid's size supermarket where the kids "shopped" and could operate a cash register that scanned and beeped.  There was a real life size fire truck for kids to play in and there were firefighter clothes and boots to wear.  There was a car to gas up, and a kid's size bobcat to operate, among other things.


EdVenture was a truly remarkable and fun filled place.  If I lived in South Carolina I would buy a pass and go there often to play pretend.  I suggest if you ever drive with small children through SC, that you stop and enjoy a day of educational fun!  Just look at the pictures! 


The last couple of pictures are from the Indian Restaurant with my dad.  He is a big time road biker and he organizes several biking clubs.  One club is composed of Polish guys and they all wear cool matching Polish shirts.  We all took turns taking pictures in my dad's shirt.




Muzeum Dla Dzieci


Wszedzie gdzie mieszkam to lubie zwiedzac wszystkie atrakcje.  Chodze czesto z dziecmi do muzeum, zoo, i innych parkow. 


Dwa tygodnie temu spotkalismy mojego ojca w stanie South Carolina na moje urodziny.  Tam poszlismy do muzeum co sie nazywa EdVenture, a potem poszlismy na obiad do bardzo dobrej Indjanskiej restauracji.


To muzem to chyba najlpsze miejsce dla dzieci ktore to tej pory znalazlam.  Nawet bardziej moim dzieciom sie podobalo niz nasze ulubione Myrtle Beach Akwarium.  Jak sie wchodzi do EdVenture to tam jest taka ogromna statula dziecka do ktorej mozna wejsc i pobawic sie w srodku brzuchu, w sercu i w glowie.  Tez byla piekna wystawa o Timbuktu.  Tam dzieci sie bawily jakby lowily ryby, sprzedawaly warzywa, wchodzily na wielblada, jechaly na motocyklu z kurami, graly na Afrykanskich bebenach, plotly wlosy, itd. 


Na dole muzeum to byly minjaturki naszego swiata.  Dzieci sie bawily jakby gotwaly w restauracji, jadly, naprawialy zeby jak dentysta, i robily operacje jak hirurg.  Tez byl skep w ktorym niby kupowaly i nawet same mogly byc kasjerka.  Tez byl tam prawdziwy woz stazacki, i dzieki sie ubraly jako strazaki i w wozie sie bawily. Byl samochod ze stacja benzynowa, i no i inne jeszcze atrakcje.


To naprawde jest wysmienite muzeum dla dzieci.  Jesli bym mieszkala w South Carolina to bym kupila bilet na caly rok i bym z dziecmi tam chodzilia sie bawic.  Jesli ktos z was bedzie w South Carolina z malymi dziecmi to naprawde warto tam pojsc.  Zreszta popatrz na zdjecia!


Ostatnie zdjecia to z naszego obiadu w Indjanskiej restauracji.  Tez sa zdjecia zrobione z moim ojcem.  Wlodzimierz bardzo jest aktywny i bardzo duzo jezdzi na rowerze.  On tez organizuje rozne kluby rowerowe.  Jeden klub to dla Polakow.  Wszycy nosza takie Polskie koszulki.  Robilismy zdjecia we Wlodka pieknjej koszulce.




Brandi said...

The museum looks so fun! I'll definitely be visiting it.


Becky said...

What an awesome place!! There is a really great children's museum in Indianapolis that we saw when we visited from Des Moines. Marcus called it the "Super Science Center". I wish there were some more things like that here in Washington!

Staci said...

Sylwia.. It looks like you all had an awesome time! Does Josh own pants.. other than scrubs? Every picture you post he is wearing scrubs.. Does he not get enough scrub wearing time at work? (If you can make fun of the fat on my husbands head.. I can so make fun of Josh's Scrubs!... Thank you by the way.. You can't even tell he had surgery!)

Pinky Homer said...

That museum is awesome! I bet the kids just loved it! As a child, that would of helped me to remember the body's anatomy better. How great is that!

Bastianclan said...

Awee I want to go... How fun. The children's museum looks like a blast. Cute pictues. I really loved seeing a picture of my friend. Thanks for taking the challange.

Talk to you soon

Angela said...

Yeah. I noticed the scrubs right away, too. Our attitude towards them is that they are always covered in fungus and lice and don't go near them...but it's funny that he mostly wears normal clothes at work and we don't feel the same about them. Thank goodness since I do the laundry.

Anyway. I realize I need to step it up on the field trips. Here we are living in DFW with so much to do and I barely take the kids to the park anymore!