Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted for Change!/Glosowalam na Zmiane!

November 4, 2008


I Voted for Change!


There has been so much talk about change during our last election. Our economy has been changing for the worst, the deficit has been growing, and the dollar has been dropping in value. So I decided that maybe it really is time for a change. 


Today, instead of voting for either of the two main contenders, I wrote in and voted for Ron Paul.  Now there is a guy who not only talks about change, but lives it. 


I'm tired of choosing the lesser of the two evils.  My job is to vote my conscience in order to make America a better place for my kids.




4 Listopad 2008


Glosowalam Na Zmiane!


Prez cale te wybory wszycy rozmawiali o zmianach.  Nasza ekonomia zmienia sie na gorsza, nasz zad ma coraz wiecej dlugow, i dollar jest coraz mniej warty.  Wiec ja zdecydowalam ze naprawde jest czas na zmiane.


Jak dzisiaj glosowalam to nie zaglosowalam ani na Obama ani na McCain.  Ja wpisalam innnego kandydata Ron Paul.  On nie tylko gada o zmianach ale on zyje zgodnie z tym co mowi.


Nie chce mi sie glosowac na lepszego kandydata z dwoch zlych.  Musze glosowac tak jak mi sumienie mowi, aby ulepszyc moj kraj dla moich dzieci.




Staci said...

I love the pictures of your kids all wearing white.. I know it doesn't last long! Gracie is getting so big!
Who knows where this election will go! I feel like my vote counts for nothing anyway!

The Galan Family said...

Good for you for going with your gut! Thanks for keeping me company at the polls. :)