Saturday, June 6, 2009


Summer is for Swimming, Reading, Typing, and Vacationing?

June 5, 2009


I really enjoy having my big kids home from school in the summer.  Mostly because they do a large part of the housework and they entertain the little kids.    We always get a pool pass and try to go to the pool every day.  The kids especially enjoy it when Josh can come so they can attack him all the once, over and over again.  It's their favorite pastime at the pool.  Last time during one of the attacks Josh got a big cut under his eye when Samuel elbowed him on accident.  In spite of this Josh still likes to roughhouse with them in the water.  I guess that's just how boys and men are made.


I also like the fact that there is so much more time in the day that my kids can read, relax, and learn how to type.  I started with the typing last year.  I make them practice on a fun typing computer game called Typer Island for 20 minutes.  Nephi wanted to join his brothers this year, but I kept telling him that he is too young, and that his fingers are too small. But he did not listen.   So, he is practicing everyday as well, and he is doing great.  He always puts his fingers in the right places and he is just amazing on the keyboard.  For heaven's sake, he is 4!


I know that most people like to vacation.  I on the other hand, am not so fond of vacationing.  Because it's not really relaxing to be away from home, without my washer and dryer, my refrigerator, my closet, my bed, my pillow and with 4 children who always want to eat and keep the parents up.   I enjoy taking my children to sightsee as long as the attraction is less than an hour away. 


During the 3 years that my husband is doing his residency, he has very little time off.  14 days per year, in fact, and he does not even get to choose exactly which 14 days.  It just so happened that he got 5 days off in March, so he took all the kids on a vacation to Washington D.C.   They had a blast visiting the museums and other historic sites.  I had a blast staying at home all by myself!  I've never had so much peace and quiet and free time on my hands!


Now Josh has 7 days off in June.  He wanted to use the time wisely to spend with the kids.  We thought about it and explored different options.  I personally did not want to go anywhere.  Not when I'm pregnant and hot, and tired, and itchy, and on a restricted diet.  I keep my AC on 69 degrees.  I don't think other places would do that for me. 


Joshua's main criteria for a vacation was to have the kids somewhat entertained, so he could relax at least part of the time.  They wanted to go to Utah to spend time with cousins, but a trip all the way to Utah for 5 days did not seem reasonable.  We just have too much family to fit everyone in, in 5 days. 


Josh has had a few dreams/goals for his life.  One was to marry a wonderful wife--meJ, another was to have beautiful exceptional children, another was to be a soldier and then a doctor, and the last one was to someday go on a cruise.  I never shared his cruise sentiment.  I'd much rather go on a humanitarian mission to India than on a cruise.


Then it dawned on me that this summer was the perfect time for Joshua's final dream/goal to be fulfilled.  After all, we live in driving distance of Florida. I could stay home and relax, and he could go on a cruise with the kids!  So, we just bought a Disney Wonder cruise for Josh and the 3 boys!  Grace could have come, had she been 100% potty trained.   But since she only uses the toilet about 50 % of the time, she'll just have to go with Josh next summer.  I'm happy to stay home and relax, in my 69 degree environment, on the couch, with my sweet daughter, who is a lot more calm and quiet than my boys!


I'm attaching some pictures from Washington DC and some from our daily swimming activities. 



W Lato Plywamy, Czytamy, Uczymy Sie Pisac Na Kalwiaturze, I Jedziemy Na Wakacje?


5 Czerwiec 2009


Ja bardzo lubie jak moje duze dzieci sa w lato w domu i nie chodza do szkoly.  To mi odpowiada bo moje starsze dzieci wiekszosc domu sprzataja  i tez bawia sie z moimi malymi dziecmi.  Wiec mi jest duzo lzej.  W kazde lato tez prawie codziennie chodzimy na basen.  Dzieci najbardziej lubia jak Josh z nimi chodzi, bo lubia go wszycy naraz atakowac.  To taka ich zabawa.  Na ostatniej zabawie Samuel niechcacy uderzyl lokciem Josha w oko az mu krew zaczela leciec.  Ale Josh nadal lubi sie z nimi bawic.  Tacy juz sa chlopcy i meszczyzni.   


Fajnie tez ze w lato dzieci maja wiecej czasu na czytanie, no i ja tez w lato ucze ich pisac na klawiaturze komputera.  Ja to zaczelam w ostanie lato.  Codziennie dzieci musza sie bawic 20 minut w taka gre kotra uczy ich pisac.   Nefi tez chial sie uczyc, ale ja mu powiedzialam ze on jest za maly i ze jego palce sa za male.  Ale on mnie nie sluchal.  Sam zaczol sie uczyc.  Teraz bardzo ladnie wie gdzie palce na klawiaturze trzymac i bardzo ladnie uczy sie pisac.  To niesamowite, bo on ma tylko 4 lata!


Wiem zie wiekszosc ludzi lubi podrozowac i jezdzic na wakacje.  Ja to nie za bardzo.  To dla mnie nie jest odpoczynkiem byc daleko od mojej pralki, suszarki, lodowki, szafy, lozka i poduszki.  No i tez to nie jest latwo karmic 4 dzieci poza domem, i tez dzieci na wakacjach nigdy nie daja rodzicom spac.  To nie wypoczynek!  Lubie z dziecmi  jezdzic cos zwiedzac ale najdalej to godzine od nas. 


Teraz prez 3 lata jak moj maz robi praktyke jako lekarz, to mu wolno tylko 14 dni na rok nie pracowac.  On nawet nie wybiera kiedy te 14 dni on moze miec wolne, i nigdy to nie moze byc 14 dni pod rzad.  W ostatni Marzec Josh mial 5 dni wolengo, wiec pojechal z dziecmi do Washington DC, do dziadka Woodiego.  Tam odwiedzali historyczne budynki naszej stolicy i muzea.  Bardzo dobrze sie wszycy bawili.  Ja za to bardzo fajnie odpoczywalam w domu, sama!  Zupelnie sama!  Bylo tu tak cicho i spokojnie!  Tyle czasu mialalm dla siebie samej i dla odpoczynku!


Teraza w czerwcu moj maz ma 7 dni wolnego.  On chcial spedzic ten czas z dziecmi ale tez on chcial miec troche wolnego czasu.  Myslelysmy zeby pojechal z dziecmi do Utah, bo tam dzieci by sie bawily z kuzynami. Ale tak daleko teraz od Utah mieszkamy, ze oni tylko by tam byli 5 dni.  A piec dni to za malo aby odwiedzic cala nasza wielka rodzine.  Mi to sie nie chcialo nigdzie jechac.  Jestem w ciazy, jest mi nie wygodnie, goraco, cialo mnie sfedzi, i moge tylko niektore zeczy jesc.  W domu mam klimatyzacje nastawiona na 20 stopni, bo tak mi wygodnie.  Wszedzie indziej jest cieplej, a mi to nie odpowiada. 


Moj maz w zyciu mial kilka celow/marzen.  On chcial ozenic sie ze wspaniala zona -mnaJ, tez on chcial miec piekne i madre dzieci, tez chcial byc zolnierzem a potem lekarzem,  no i tez chcial kiedys pojechac na statek wycieczkowy.  Ja nigdy nie mazylam o wakacjach na statku.  Ja bym wolala pojechac na humanitarna misje do Indji. 


Wiec pomyslalam ze w to lato to by byla doskonala okazja aby Josh pojechal z dziecmi na statek turystyczny.  Kupilismy bilety dla niego i dla moich chopcow na statek Disney Wonder.  Grace by mogla pojechac jesli zawsze by sie zalatwiala do ubikacji.  Ale ona tylko 50% sama chodzi do ubikacji.  Wiec Josh bedzie musial z nia pojechac w nastepnym roku.    Ciesze sie ze mojego meza ostatnie mazenie bedzie wypelnione, i ciesze sie za ja w domu moge odpoczywac, w klimatyzacji, na kanapie, z moja coreczka, ktora jest bardzo cicha i spokojna w porownaniu do moich synow!


Zalanczam zdjecia z wycieczki do stolicy Washington DC i tez kilka z basenu do ktorego prawie codziennie chodzimy.



Brandi said...

I'm pretty sure you're the only female I know who would stay home and send her husband off on a cruise.

I'd rather be pregnant and miserable on a cruise than at Fort Gordon any day.

Bastianclan said...

I am with Brandi, you are the only one that I know that has ever turned down a cruise.
However, I understand the wanting to eat what you want and not being prego.
There is always another cruice right?
I can't wait to hear about the Disney Cruise, the kids are going to have so much fun.

Staci said...

What a great husband and a fun Dad!

I hope you enjoy your rest while they go on a fabulous cruise! That isn't cheep.. I am sure it will meet all of his dream expectaions!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Angela said...

I came to ask you a question, then I got wrapped up in your blog. Thanks for warning other moms about inappropriate childrens' literature, and thank you for recommending better books for boys to read. Then I saw pictures of your children in Washington D.C. and my first thought was, how sad that she didn't come visit me! Haha. Then I saw that you enjoyed some blissful time at home instead, believe me, I understand! Anyway, my question is that I've been going through all my emails and blog comments from you, but I can't seem to come across the one where you told me about the "meetings" you're recommending for me. Can you refresh my memory? I think I'm ready to try it, our family will probably benefit from some help like that. Thanks!