Saturday, December 26, 2009

Disney World / Swiat Disney !

Disney World


We had a wonderful vacation in Disney World with my father and his wife Shirley the week after Thanksgiving.  This was the right year for us to go because we live 6 hours away from Orlando and the military had a super good discount.  Josh got a free 5 day pass and the rest of the family got in for 99 dollars each for a 5 day pass.   My father generously paid for everyone's tickets and even covered our hotel, food, and souvenir costs!  And to top all that off, neither he nor Shirley, like super fast rides, so they held the baby whenever we wanted to ride the roller coasters.  You can't ask for better company than that!


Our first day was rather hectic because we were in Magic Kingdom which isn't really that magical.  Actually, it has older rides and attractions, and it was somewhat crowded.   In addition, there were some rude people during the parade which wasn't that great: just some lit up floats.   I have to admit, however, that Splash Mountain, Runaway Railroad, and the Haunted mansion made up for our inconveniences. Surprisingly, the Hunted Mansion was not gory or scary at all.  It was a beautiful mansion filled with funny ghosts. 


We enjoyed ourselves much more in the other 3 parks, especially Hollywood Studios where a lot of the shows were about how movies are made.  Indiana Jones stunt show was great, as was the car stunt show, and the boys loved being in the Jedi Knight Training show.  We enjoyed the Star Wars ride about 5 times.  We found a crowd predictor website that told us what park to attend on what day.  So, from the second day on we did not have to deal with crowds.  A lot of the rides had no lines at all, and our longest wait during our whole week was 20 minutes. 


At Animal Kingdom we loved the Safari, the Lion King Show, and the Himalayan roller coaster.  The boys went on it 7 times.  But the best part in Animal Kingdom was when we were having our picnic lunch outside.  A man (Disney worker) with a guitar came over and started singing about the kids.  He asked them their names and impromptu created a song about them eating their chips, sandwiches, and drinking juicy juice.  It was very funny and delightful.  Everyone around us in the park was laughing.


At Epcot the best ride by far way Soaring! We were sitting in some kind of contraption that resembled a hand glider, the wind was blowing gently in our faces and we were soaring over oceans, mountains, and forests.  It seemed like we truly were soaring over the beautiful earth.  Surprisingly enough, our second favorite ride was a boat ride through a greenhouse that used unconventional methods for growing food.    I am planning on growing a tomato tree at home.


At each park we attended spectacular night shows, but I must say my favorite was the traditional Christmas concert at Epcot, with spiritual Christmas songs, lights, and readings from the Bible about the life of Christ.


The weather was a sunny 70 degrees for the first 4 days.  On the last day when we were revisiting Hollywood Studios it rained, it poured!   We hit our favorite rides and went back to our hotel early.  We stayed in a great hotel that only cost 70 dollar per night for a two room suite with a full kitchen, a complimentary hot breakfast buffet, and a free shuttle to the parks.


Shirley enjoyed seeing "American Idol Live" the most, where the people who attended the park competed. My dad enjoyed buying pink things for Gracie the most…she went home with suitcase full of pink souvenirs.   We brought most of our own food, but in the parks we enjoyed the smoked turkey legs and dark chocolate Mickey Mouse ice cream. 


I must admit that even though this vacation was filled with excitement and thrills, it was also very exhausting.  It took me a full week at home to recuperate.    We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to see just about everything in all 4 parks and we got to do our favorite rides multiple times, so we do not have a need to go back. Once in a lifetime is good enough!  Enjoy the pictures!


Swiat Disney


Pod koniec listopada, pojechalismy z moim ojcem i z jego zona do Swiata Disney w Orlando.  To bym dobry rok aby tam pojechac bo mieszkamy tylko 6 godzin od Orlando, i tez w tym roku kazdy kto jest w wojsku mial bilet do Disney na 5 dni za darmo, a rodzina mogla kupic bilety za 99 dolarow na piec dni.  Moj ojciec za wszytkie bilety zaplacil, i tez za nasz hotel, nasze jedzenie, i za zabawki kupione na pamiatke.  Tez ani moj ojciec ani jego zona nie lubia szybkich kolejek gorskich, wiec jak my chcielismy na nich jechac, to oni trzymali dzidziusa Mosiah.  To byla wspaniala pomoc!


Pierwszego dnia bylysmy w parku Krolestwo Magiki.  Tam bylo za duzo ludzi i wiele jazd bylo troche starodawnych dla bardzo malych dzieci.  Tez wieczorem jak byla parada to ludzie byli nie mili i sie pchali alby lepiej zobaczyc. Parada miala pelno swiatel ale nie byla juz taka wspaniala.  Chlapiaca Gora, Zabiegla Kolejka, i Rezydecja Duchow to byly atrakcje ktore nam sie najbardziej w Krolestwie Magiki podobaly.


Musze powiedziec, ze lepiej nam sie podobaly inne parki Disneja.  W innych parkach nie bylo tloku.  Najlepiej sie bawilismy w parku Hollywood Studios gdzie sa przedstawy jak sie filmy produkuje.  Najlepsze przedstawienie to bylo Indiana Jones, i tez przedstawienie o wybuchowych samochodach, no i tez moji synowie sami lubili byc w przedstawieniu Jedi Knights.   Shirley najbardziej sie podobal American Idol, na ktorym ludzie odwiedzajacy park spiewali.  Nie bylo prawie zadnych kolejek, chyba najdluzej tylko raz czekalismy 20 minut.


W parku Krolestwie Zwierzat nam sie bardzo podobal safari, przedstawienie krola lwow, i kolejka gorska Himalaji.  Ale najbardziej nam sie podobalo jak jedlismy obiad na dworzu i pan (pracownik Disneja) podszedl do nas i zapytal sie naszych dzieci imiona.  Od razu zaczol grac na gitarze i bardzo piekna piosenke spiewac o tym jak nasze dzieci jedza kanapki i czipsy i pija sok.  To bylo tak przyjemne i smieszke ze wszyscy ludzie w parku dookola nas sie smieli.


W parku Epcot najbardziej nam sie podobalo jechac niby samolotem, niby spadachronem naz lasami, morzem, nad gorami.  To oczywiscie byl tylko otoczajacy nas film, i dmuchany na nas wiatr, i tyklo tak w powiertrzu siedzielismy, ale nam sie wydawalo ze to tak naprawde lecielismy nad ziemia.  Tez bardzo nam sie podobala jazda lodka przez ogromna szklarnie w ktorej warzywa i owoce rosly nie tradycjonalnymi metodami.  Ta teraz sama chce zasadzic drzewo na ktorym rosna pomidory. 


W kazdym parku byly piekne spektakularne przedstawiena w nocy, ale mi sie narjbardziej podobal koncert w Epcot na ktorym chor spiewal koledy i czytal o zyciu Chrystusa z Bibli.


Pogoda byla swietna, 15 stopni i slonce swiecilo przez pierwsze 4 dni.  Piatego dnia zaczelo padac i to bardzo!  Na szczescie tego dnia odwiedzalismy Hollywood Studios drugi raz, wiec poszlismy na nasze ulubione przestawienia i poszlismy wczesnie do hotelu.


Hotel byl wysmienity.  Kosztowal 70 dolarow na noc; kazdy pokoj mial dwa pokoje, 3 duze lozka na 6 osob, kuchnie i lazienkie.  Tez cieple sniadanie bylo za darmo, i za darmno autobus codziennie  na wozil do Disneja. 


Z calych wakacjach, Shirley sie najbardziej podobalo przedstawienie American Idol gdzie ludzie co odwiedzali park spiewali i konkurowali.  Moj ojciec najbardziej to lubil kupowac rozowe upominki da mojej coreczki Grace.  Pojechala do domu z cala walizka wypelniona rozowymi zeczami.  Wiekszosc jedzenia sami przynieslismy ze soba do parku.  Ale jak juz tam jedlismy to najbardziej nam smakowaly wedzone nogi indyka i gorzko czekoladowe lody Mickey Mouse.


Wakacje byly pelne rozrywki i zabawy, ale tez byly bardzo meczace! Tydziem mi zajelo wypoczac od tych wakacji!  Dobrze ze tym pierwszym razem mielismy okazje zobaczyc prawie wszytko we wszytkich parkach Disneja.  Tez mielismy okazje wiele razy jezdzic na naszych ulubionych atrakcjach.  Dlatego tez nie mamy potrzeby jeszcze raz tam jechac.  Raz w zyciu chyba wystarczy! 



1 comment:

Becky said...

I LOVE Disneyworld at that time of year. I worked there from Aug of 1997 to Jan of 1998, and was even part of the candelight processional (the Massed Choir production) at EPCOT. Jon even proposed to me there the day after Thanksgiving 1997! IT was an experience. The time when it was the least crowded was seriously the week after Thanksgiving- and yet the park had their holiday hours, parades, and such going on. So you picked the BEST time to go! Glad you had fun!