Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010! / Szczesliwego Nowego Roku 2010!

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2009


I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy New Year 2010!  To celebrate the New Year we always drink loads of carbonated juice as a family.  Everyone gets at least one bottle.


We also let the kids have parties.  Samuel loves to play RISK so he had Tristan, Tyler, and Jacob over from our neighborhood to have a RISK tournament. 


Isaiah had a sleepover with his friend Hayden, but Hayden was very interested in RISK so he and Isaiah joined in when the older boys  had to go home at midnight.  Isaiah and Hayden also played chess and Blokus 3D, a very fun game we got from Josh's brother Jared and his wife Karin for Christmas. 


This year we also got packages from both my father and my mom.  My father sent books, and my mom send the cutest softest clothes for Mosiah.  She also sent bracelets/armbands that she made for all of the kids.  Making bracelets is one of her hobbies.  Mosiah is wearing his new outfit in the pictures!




Szczesliwego Nowego Roku!

31 Grudzien 2009


Chcialam wam wszytkim zyczyc szczesliwego nowego roku 2010!  My w sylvestra zawsze pijemy bardzo duzo soku z babelkami. Kadzy dostaje przynajmniej jedna butelke.


Takrze pozwalamy dzieciom miec  przyjecia.  Samuel bardzo lubi grac w gre RYZYKO w ktorej kazdy chce panowac nad swiatem.  Zaprosil kolege Tristan, Tyler i Jacob z naszego osiedla i razem grali.


Isaiah kolega Hayden pszyszedl go odwiedzic na caly dzien i noc.  Hayden byl  bardzo zainteresowany w gre RYZYKO wiec on tez zaczol grac jak starsi chlopcy musieli isc do domu o dwunastej w nocy.   Isaiah i Hayden takrze grali w szachy i w taka nowe gre BLOKUS kotra dostaslimy na gwiazdke od Josha brata Jareda. 


W tym roku na sylwestra dostalismy paczki od mojego ojca i od mojej mamy.  Ojciec przyslal intersujace ksiazki, a mama przyslala piekne nowe mieciutkie ubrania dla Mosiah i brazoletki dla dzieci.  Ona robi piekne brazoletki dla dziewczynek i chopcow jako hobby.   Mosiah ma swoje nowe ubranko na zdjeciu!




1 comment:

Tina said...

Aweee I love that picture of Mosiah. That is a super cute outfit.

WE played Blokus too. We love it. Ours is not 3d though.

What a fun New Year!!!

Here's to 2010.