Sunday, July 12, 2009

Compassion / Wspolczucie

July 12, 2009



Since I have been in the hospital I have experience a great outpouring of compassion from my friends.  Many of my friends and family have called from all over the world.  Brother Machado, Brother Wilson, Brother Fanning, and Brother Bastian came to visit me at the hospital.  My friend Rachel, Dresden, Naila, and Miranda, watched my kids all week.  Also Jessica and Denise visited and helped make arrangements for my kids for the following weeks.  My friends Brandi and Jenny cleaned my messy house.


I feel in particular to mention that my friend Rachel who took care of my kids the most last week, has recently donated her kidney to her sister. Rachel is also pregnant and sick and weak herself.  She is the most Christ-like neighbor who is always willing and ready to help me.


My friend Dresden, who took my kids overnight one night, has 6 small children of her own, and she is in her 8th month of pregnancy as well.  Not only did she help me last week, but has offered to continue to take my children in the near future.


On the day that I went into the hospital, I informed my friend Brandi, that I have a complication in my life.  My house was very messy and father who is very critical of dirty houses was coming to visit.  Since I am on bed rest in the hospital, his visit worried me.   Brandi told me not to worry that she would clean it. 

On the same day as I was admitted to the hospital, however, my friend, Brandi had a lupus flare up.  She lost most of her vision, and was very weakened, was put on heavy steroids, which made her even more weak and nauseated, and very prone to infection.   She has not improved much since, but on Thursday, she put on 5x magnification glasses and sewed new coverings for my couch pillows.  On Friday, she came to my house and cleaned it spotless, though her immune system is suppressed and she is supposed to stay away from dirt.  On Saturday, she baked bread for me and bought me some other goodies, so that my husband could take them to me on Sunday...


…“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13


12 Lipiec 2009


Od czasu kiedy przyszalm do szpitala, wiele przyjaciol mi pomaga i wspolczuje.  Wiele dostalam telefonow z calego swiata od przyjaciol i rodziny.  Z kosciola Brat Machado, brat Wilson, brat Fanning, i brat Bastian mnie w szpitalu odwiedzili.  Moje kolezanki Rachel, Dresden, Naila, i Miranda caly tydzien sie moimi dziecmi zajmowaly.  Takrze Jessica i Denise mnie odwiedzily i pomogly mi ustalic plan na natepny tydzien dla moich dzieci.  Moje kolezanki Brandi i Jenny posprzataly mi dom. 


Musze tez dodac ze moja przyjaciolka, Rachel, ktora obok mnie mieszka i ktora sie najbardziej moimi dziecmi zajela, niedawno oddla swoja nerke swojej siostrze.  Rachel tez jest w ciazy i sie bardzo zle czuje i jest slaba.  Ona jest bardzo Chrzescianna osoba; zawsze i we wszytkim ona jest gotowa mi pomoc.


Moja przyjaciolka, Dresden, ktora tez zajela sie moimi dziecmi caly dzien i noc, sama ma 6 swoich malych dzieci.  Ona tez jest w 8 miesiacu ciazy.  W tym nastepnym tygodniu ona tez zaoferowala znowu moimi dziecmi sie zajac.


W dniu w ktorym bylam przyjeta do szpitala, zadzwonilam do mojej kolerzanki Brandi i powiedzialam jej ze jam am komplikacje.  Moj ojciec mial zamiar przyjechac do mnie i mnie odwiedzic.  Powiedzialam jej ze moj dom jest brudny i ze moj ojciec nie lubi brudnych domow.  Ona powiedziala abym sie nie martwila bo ona przyjdzie dom posprzatac.


Ale w ten sam dzien jak ja bylam przyjeta do szpitala, ta przyjciolka Brandi zachorowala.  Ona ma autoimmunizacyjna chorobe ‘Lupus’.  Na jakis kolwiek czasu ona stracila wiekszosc wzroku, jest bardzo slaba i chce jej sie wymiotowac.  Lekarstwa ktore ona na to bierze powoduja ze ona nie ma odpornosci na bakterie.  Narazie jej kondycja sie nie poprawila, ale pomimo to, w czwartek on nalorzyla 5 razy powiekszajace okulary i uszyla mi nowe pokrywy na moje podzuszki do kanapy.  W piatek przyszla do mojego domu caly posprzatala, a w sobote upiekla dla mnie chleb, i poszla mi kupila mi rozne poczestunki ktore da mojemu mezu aby on mi je przyniosl w niedziele do szpitala…


…”Nikt nie ma większej miłości od tej, gdy ktoś życie swoje oddaje za przyjaciół swoich.” Ew. Jana 15:13


Marianne said...

Sylwia, I hope everything goes well for you and your family. You are very blessed to have such good friends. I hope you get better soon.

Brandi said...

You know I'm going to have to post a gigantic, unflattering picture of you on MY blog now, right?

Honestly, I'm not as bad off as your post makes it seem. I'm feeling a lot better today. I was able to stop the yucky meds and am tapering off the steroids. I didn't even wear glasses to church.

And I feel like I need to confess since you've put me up for sainthood--there's a tiny part of me that was relieved to have an actual excuse to not babysit. (Not just your kids--any kids). See? I'm not so selfless after all. :)

Sylwia said...

thanks Marianne!

and Brandi, your picture i got off your blog! i thought you liked it. you are welcome to post any picture from my blog, since i only use pictures from 12 years ago before i was obese!

also my whole point about you is that you do things that are hard for you. that's real sacrifice and love. so even though you wouldn't want to watch my kids you would do it to help. that's what impressed me so much about you!

Stephanie said...

SYLWIA! I can't believe everything that has happened. I'm so sorry that 3 of the 4 Fat Frumpies are out of town! Thing have been really crazy and busy here for us, and today was the first day that I have had to check my email! Tina told me about everything, then I called Brandi and got an update from her. I'm glad you put your phone number on here, I will give you a call when it isn't 1:00am now! Hang in there, try not to drive the nurses to crazy, and hopefully everything will go well for the baby! I'm glad Josh got to come home, and everyone at home is so awesome! Sorry I'm not there to Rainbow your home for you:)
Get feeling better!
I'll talk to you soon!

Sylwia said...

thanks Steph. it really is ironic that the 3 are gone, and the two here are "lame". Tina said the baptism went great and that both you and Eric have huge families.

thanks for making me laugh about the rainbow your home thing! we all have our talents and the rainbow one is a great one!