Friday, July 10, 2009

In the Hospital / W Szpitalu

July 9, 2009

In The Hospital


Hopefully this is going to be short, both my stay and my update because I've been admitted to the hospital with severe preeclampsia and I only have my mini laptop with me.  So it's hard for me to type on this tiny keyboard, and I will never get used to a laptop mouse…


But, back to the news.  My husband is away in Kentucky for a month delivering babies at an army base.  My two older very helpful kids are away at an overnight camp for a week since Monday.  Well, Monday afternoon about 2 pm, I started having a headache.  So I went to check my blood pressure.  I was not good: 150/100.  I took a blood pressure pill but my headache and BP kept increasing to 160 to 170 to 180.  I took another pill and made sure to lie down and do nothing.  My BP dropped to 140 but only for an hour or so.  By 11 pm it was back up to 185.  I knew it was time to go to the hospital.  I called my friend Rachel and she and her husband picked up the sleeping kids and took them to their house.   Then Rachel took me to the maternity ward at Trinity hospital. 

Once there, my blood pressure rose to 210.  Not good, I was told, stroke and seizure level. They gave me a painful drug called Magnesium Sulfate.  My whole arm hurt as they were pumping it in through the IV.  It made me a bit nauseous, very nervous, and very loopy, with slurred speech.  I felt horrible all over from the drug, but it kept me from having seizures.  Dr. Noble informed me that there was a chance that they may have to deliver the baby right then at 32 weeks, and therefore I would have to be transferred by ambulance to another hospital that had a facility where they can treat preemies.  At first I did not want to go.   I did not believe my condition was that serious, but everyone thought it was extremely serious.  Dr. Noble was very sweet cheerful and nice throughout the whole ordeal when I did not want to sign my transfer papers.  Thanks to his disposition, I signed them and an ambulance brought me here to University Hospital.


When I got here the nurses informed me that I would be catheterized.  I refused, because I did not want to pick up a urinary tract infection at the hospital.  Hospitals are famous for spreading germs and introducing new conditions to patients.   So I knew it was not in my best interest to have a catheter put in.  The nurses freaked out.  One even started screaming at me.  They said it was hospital policy and that I can't go against it.  I informed that that by law a patient can refuse any care they want to refuse.  (My doctor husband told me that that a while ago).  So after a long fight they brought me a bed pen.  Ha! No catheter for me!


Well, another side effect of the Magnesium Sulfate is that your whole body feels really hot.  I started getting really thirsty.  I asked for some ice chips.  The nurses informed me that while on Mag Sulfate I may not have anything to eat or drink because I could go into surgery anytime.  I asked the nurse to ask the doctor if I could have ice chips.  The nurse refused to call him about my ice chips.  She said he is too busy for that.  I told her she better bring me some or I was going to unhook myself and walk down the hall and find myself some ice chips.  This argument went on for about an hour.  Luckily the doctor came around, and I asked him if I could have ice chips, he said, "sure". End of story.  Silly, controlling nurses…


Things went better from then on.   I got the best nurse.  The sweetest and most easy going 28 year old girl ever: Tanya Quarels.  And, no she did not quarrel at all.  We chatted for at least 4 hours.  She let me use the bathroom, shower, anything I wanted.  Doing things for myself and hanging out with her brought my blood pressure down and I stabilized.


The doctor informed me, however, that I may not go home.  Not until I deliver the baby, however long that takes.  I may have to stay at the hospital for up to 6 weeks.  Preeclampsia can take a turn for the worse pretty quickly.  The placenta may rip away from the uterus any moment killing the baby, or I may simply go into seizures or have a stroke.  So for now I'm stuck here in the hospital.  I'm trying to convince the doctor that I can stay on bed rest at home, monitor my blood pressure at home, and I have the advantage of being married to a doctor.  So far he is not convinced, so I'm here.


At first I was furious that I could not go home, but then my home teacher, Brother Fanning, came to visit me and he told me just to enjoy my free time.  And for some reason, I heard him.  Right after he left I changed my attitude.  I decided it's nice to have time to shower slowly twice per day.  It's nice to brush my teeth three times per day. The other day I kept busy by collecting and pouring all my urine into a jug.  And I didn't even mind.  It's also nice not to feel guilty about chatting on the phone or on facebook all day.  I love reconnecting with my friends.  So I decided to enjoy it.  Soon enough I'll be busier than I'll be able to handle…

By the way, I'm staying in the biggest room I have ever seen in a hospital.  It's almost a suite.  I'm sending some pictures.  There is my bed, a large bath with a shower big enough for three, there is a table and five chairs, a six person sofa, a recliner and a fringe, and lots of space to walk around in, maybe even jog.  Too bad I'm not allowed to get off the bed…


…After all the boring pictures I just had to include one cute one of Gracie and her friend Aiden, my friend Rachel's son, dancing at the fourth of July concert where my home teacher brother Pyne was playing the trumpet in the army band.  Throughout the whole night Gracie was only interested in dancing, even during the fireworks.  Also a of couple days later, when we set off our own fireworks at home Grace had no interest in pyromania like the boys.  She did not even want to hold a sparkler, instead she just danced in the driveway to the patriotic music I played from a CD.




9 Lipiec 2009

W Szpitalu


Mam nadzieje ze za dlugo nie bede pisac, bo jestem w szpitalu mam komputer minaturkowy ze soba.  Troche trudno mi na nim  jest pisac i ja tez nie lubie tej malej myszy.


Jestem w szpitalu bo mam chorobe ciazy ktora nazywa sie "preeclampsia" po anglielsku.  We tej chorobie ciaza powduje bardzo wysokie cisnienie u matki.  Tez jest bardzo duzo bialka w moczu bo nerki zle funkcjonuja.  Nieraz lozysko sie odrywa od macicy i dziecko umiera, a nieraz matka ma wylew do muzgu od wysokiego cisnienia. 


Tydzien temu moj maz wyjechal do stanu Kentucky bo mial zadanie wojskowe aby tam pracowac przez miesiac jako poloznik-ginekolog.  Moje starsze dzieci ktore mi duzo pomagaja pojechaly w poniedzialek na oboz na caly tydzien.  W ten sam poniedzialek okolo  14stej  godziny zeczela mnie glowa bolec.  Sprawdzilam sobie cisnienie i bylo wysokie 150/100.  Wzielam cos na bol glowy ale nie pomoglo i cisnienie nadal mi roslo od 150 do 160 do 170 do 180.  Wzielam 2 tabletki na cisnienie i na godzine cisnienie mi spadlo do 140, ale potem odrazu znowu skoczylo az do 185.  Zdecydowalam sie pojsc do szpitala.  Moja sasiadka kolezanka i jej maz przyszli odberac moje male spiace dzieci do ich domu.  Kolerzanka wtedy mnie zawiozla do szpitala. 


W szpitalu moje cisnienie bylo 210.  Lekarz i pielengniarki panikowaly.  Dali mi kroplowke takiego lekarswa abym nie dostala wylewu.  To lekarstwo nazywa sie Magnesium Sulfate,  bardzo boli jak idzie kroplowka.  Cale reka mnie bolala. Tez chcialo od tego mi sie wymiotowac, trudno mi bylo cos powiedziec, i caly pokoj sie mi w glowie krecil.  Lekarz tez mi powiedzial ze dziecko moze bedzie musialo byc odrazu urodzone wiec ja musze byc przeniesiona karetka do wiekszego szpitlala gdzie jest opieka dla wczesnych niemowlat.  Ja na poczatku im nie wiezylam.  Powiedzialam ze ja to nie jestem az taka chora.  Ale lekarz w kolko mi mowil ze jestem strasznie chora.  On byl bardzo mily wiec sie zgodzilam na karetke. 


Jak przyjechalam do wielkiego szpitala, to odrazu pielengniarki powiedzialy mi ze ja potrzebuje cewnikowanie dróg moczowych.  Ja sie na to nie chcialam zgodzic bo czesto od tego mozna dostac infekcji drog moczowych.  Pielengniaki mi powiedzialy ze ja musze to miec, ale ja im powiedzialam ze pacjent ma zawsze prawo sie nie zgodzic na sposob leczenia.  Tak mi moj maz ktory jest lekarzem powiedzial.   No i na to wyglada ze mial racje, bo mnie nie zmusily, choc jedna pielegniarka na mnie nakrzyczala.


Jak ktos dostaje te lekarstwo Magnesium Sulfate to nigdy nie wolno mu jesc ani pic bo odrazu jest szansa ze trzeba isc na operacje.  Ale to lekarstwo takrze powoduje ze cale cialo jest bardzo gorace.  Ja bardzo chcialam troche lodu do ust.  Ale znowu pielengniarki mi nie pozwolily.  Poprosilam aby one zadzwonily do lekarza po zezwolenie.  Ale glowna pielegniarka nie chciala zadzwonic. Powiedzialam jej ze jesli lodu mi nie da do ja sama sie od maszyn odlacze i sama sobie lub przyniose.  Na szczescie lekarz byl blisko mojego pokoju i przyszedl wiec sama go poprosilam o zewolenie na lud.  Odrazu powiedzial ok.  Nie wiem dlaczego to pielegniarka byla taka uparta.


Na nastepniej zmianie dostalam najlepsza pielegniarke.  Miala 28 lat i nazywala sie Tanya.  Byla bardzo mila i spokojna i dala mi wolnosc wyboru.   Pozwolila mi sie myc i sama chodzic do ubikacji.  Tez razem rozmawialymsy ponad cztery godziny.  Przez to ze tak milo z nia spedzilam czas, moje cisnienie sie bardzo poprawilo i ustabilizowalo.


Ale niestety lekarz mi powiedzial ze nie moge isc do domu, bo ta moja choroba bardzo szybko moze sie zmienic na gorsze.  Wiec musze byc w szpitalu az urodze dziecko, moze za 2 lub za 4 lub za 6 tygdoni.  Powiedzialam lekarzowi ze ja sama moge sobie miezyc cisnienie w domu i tez ze moj maz jest lekarzem, ale jak do teraz to go nie przekonalo aby mnie wyslac do domu. 


Na poczatku bylam bardzo zla ze musze byc tak dlugo w szpitalu i lezec w lozku.  Ale jeden z moich znajomych co odwiedzil mnie powiedzial mi abym po prostu traktowala ten czas w szpitalu jako odpoczynek i rozrywke.  Cos co on powiedzial przekonalo mnie ze on ma racje i zmnienilam swoje negatywne nastawienie.  Fajnie jest ze dwa razy na dzien moge sie powolnie kapac.  Trzy razy na dzien mam czas myc zeby, caly dzien przez telefon z rodzina i z kolerzankami rozmawiam, lub czytam od nich listy na internecie.  Ja  mam wiele przyjaciol w wielu stanach i wreszcie mam czas do nich zadzwonic i odnowic nasza przyjazn.  Wiec mi nie jest tak zle, nawet jest mi przyjemnie.


Ja takrze jestem w nawiekszym pokoju jaki kiedykolwiek widzialam w szpitalu.  Jest tu lodowka, fotel, wielka kanapa na 6 ludzi. Tez jest stol  i 5 krzesel.  Tez oczywiscie jest moje luzko i bardzo duza lazienka.  Choc tyle jest tu mebli to I tak jest bardzo duzo miejsca do biegania.  Szkoda tylko ze mi nie wolno wychodzic z lozka.  Prysznic tu jest taki wielki ze 3 osoby sie naraz by mogly tam myc.  Przeslylam zdjecia mojego pokoju. 


No bo wszytkie zdjecia sa troche nudne, to przesylam jedno zdjecie coreczki Grace jak taniczyla z swoim kolega Aiden na Dzien Niepodleglosci.  Nie intersowaly ja wcale ognie zimne tu na bazie, tyko wolala tanczyc przez dwie godziny.  Nasz znajomy z kosciola bardzo fajnie gral na trabce patyjotyczne piosenki w wojskowym zespole muzycznym.  Pare dni pozniej jak sami robilismy zimne ognie przy naszym domu to Grace tez sie nimi nie interesowala.  Znowu caly wieczor tanczyla.








J and C said...

Slywia- you are in our prayers that both you and baby will be healthy. I always believe you are better safe than sorry. Please stay put where you are so they can care for you and baby asap. You have 4 other beautiful children who need you. stay put and be safe. baby will be here safe and sound before you know it!

The Fanning's Ark said...

I am so glad that I had a chance to see you and talk to you on Thursday, and am so grateful that I had a small part in comforting you. Stay positive. You and the baby will do fine...

The Hicks of Kentucky said...

Wow, well I hope everything goes ok! I will keep you and the baby in my prayers!

The Hicks of Kentucky said...

Oh by the way, where in KY is your husband!?

Mary said...

Too bad the cranky nurse didn't recognize that her behavior was exacerbating your condition. I'm glad you've got a good one now. Nurses make all the difference in the hospital experience.

I had to laugh that you spent your time pouring your urine into jugs. I would probably use the time to catch up on reading a blogging. Glad to see you're at least keeping all of us in the blogosphere informed. We'll keep your family in our prayers.

Staci said...

Sylwia.. I am so sorry.. I hope you have plenty of good books to catch up on! I know you like to read.. not it has no guilt.. no kids to interupt.. just fabulous reading!
We will keep you in our minds and prayers!
I am so glad they let Josh come home to help calm your fears and keep you company!

Sylwia said...

thanks for everyone's support! my husband was in ft Campbell, on the Tennessee border. he is home.