Friday, July 17, 2009

The Sneaky Patient Gets the Gift Basket/Pacjent Ktory Ucieka Dostaje Koszek Slodyczy

The Sneaky Patient Gets the Gift Basket

July 17, 2009

I'm still in the hospital and I'm feeling just fine.  My blood pressure is slowly creeping up as is the protein in my urine, but I'm still considered stable.  I'm planning to have the baby August 10th if I continue to be stable.  The doctor wants to take the baby out in a week, at 34 weeks, but so far I'm refusing.  The baby looks very healthy, so, so far my condition is not affecting him.


The food is the hospital is excellent.  I get to order from a menu and there are lots of fresh fruit and veggies to choose from.  I was also informed that I can order from the cafeteria as well as from food services.  So I got two menus, but I wanted to go and look at the food.  So I asked my doctor permission to take walks.  He granted me a 10 min hall walk.  Then I asked the nurse if during my walk I could go to the cafeteria.  She told me she does not know where I go during my walk.   So I sneaked downstairs to check out the food for myself.  I must have looked like an escapee in my gown and the cashier immediately started yelling at me telling me to get out of there.  Another lady came up and tried to get my name, but I quickly escaped.  I did not want to get my nurse in trouble.


Well, the next day a lady from guest services shows up in my room and tells me that she found out that I was in the cafeteria and she wanted to apologize for the cashier.  She wanted to let me know I can visit the cafeteria any time.  And to show me just how sorry she was, she brought me a "little" gift basket.  It was anything but little, and it contained copious amounts of high quality chocolate, (which i mostly picked out before I took the picture). If the guest service director thinks bribing me like this will win my loyalty to University Hospital of Augusta, she is right!


My father and his wife Shirley also came to visit me all the way from Virginia.  He brought me a fancy gumbo lunch, took the kids to Ice Age 3D and bought us a 400 dollar fuss ball table.  The kids can't leave it alone.  It's not only fun, but it's a beautiful piece of furniture. 


My wonderfully generous friend Denise came over and played nanny at my house most of the week.  She cooked cleaned and make sure my kids did their chores.  My wonderful friend Naila also cleaned my house, took my kids again to her home where she fed then delicious Yemeni food.  I wish I could have been there, eating.  Gracie was very happy there today, which made my heart rejoice.  Dresden again helped at the beginning of the week, and April is coming tomorrow.  I am so blessed with these Women of God who follow His charge to care for my little ones.   


Enjoy the pictures of "little" gift basket, and one of the kids being entertained by the showering toilet.   Picture of my dad in the hospital, the fuss ball table and of Denise our "nanny".







Pacjent Ktory Ucieka Dostaje Koszek Slodyczy

17 Luty 2009


Nadal jestem w szpitalu i bardzo dobrze sie czuje.  Moje cisnienie pomalu rosnie, tez mam coraz wiecej bialka w moczu, wiec sie powoli moja choroba pogarsza ale dziecko jest nadal bardzo zdrowe.  Chce miec cesarkie ciecie 10 Sierpnia, ale lekarz chce dziecko wyjac juz za tydzien okolo 23 Lipca.  Mi to nie odpowiada, bo nie chce niemowlecia w szpitalu.  Narazie moja choroba nie ma nad nim zadnego wplywu.


Jedzenie tu szpitalu jest naprawde dobre.  Jest wiele swierzych warzyw i owocow i ja sama wybieram wszystko co chce jesc z menu.  Tez bylam powiadomiona ze moge zamawiac jedziecie ze stolowki dla lekrzary i pielegniarek, nie tylko ze stolowki dla pacjentow.  Ja wiec chcialam codziennie pojsc do stolowki popatrzec na jedzenie przed zamamwianiem.  Poprosilam lekarza o zezwolenie spacerowania po szpitalu.  Dal mi 10 minut.  Zapytalam pielgniarki czy w czasie spaceru moge isc do stolowki.  Ona powiedzialam ze ona "nie wie" gdzie ja chodze na spacer.  Wiec ucieklam na stolowke poparzec na jedzenie ktore bede zamawiac.  Byjac ubrana w fartuch szpitalowy, wygladalam jakbym uciekla z pokoju, i odrazu pani kasjerka kazala mi wrocic do pokoju i nie przychodzic na stolowke.  Inna pani poprosila mnie  o moje imie, ale ja szybko ucieklam.  Nastepnego dnia pani dyrektor stolowki przyszla mnie przeprosic.  Jakos mnie znalazla i powiedziala ze ja moge chodzic  na stolowke kiedy chce, i aby pokazac jak jej jest przykro o zachowanie kasjerki to przyniosla mi "maly" koszyk slodyczy.  To byl wielki koszyk i mial wiele bardzo dobrej czekolady ktora zjadlam przed zrobieniem zdjecia.  Jesli ta pani dyrektor mysli ze jej czyn zpowoduje to ze University Hospital bedzie moim ulubionym szpitlalem, to ona ma racje!


Moj Ojciec razaem z zona Shirley razem przyjechali mnie odwiedzic w szpitalu az ze stanu Virginia.  Na obiad ojciec mi przyniosl maja ulubiona zupe gumbo.  Wieczorem on wziol moje dzieci do kina na film Wiek Lodu 3D.  Tez Dziadek Woody kupil nam piekny stol do grania fuss ball za 400 dolarow.  Nie tylko dzieci sie naokraglo tym bawia, ale tez to wyglada jak bardzo ladny mebel w naszym domu.   


Moja kolezanka Denise byla u mnie "nianka" prze polowe tygodnia.  Bez platnie sprzatala dom, gotowala dzieciom jedzienie, i kierowala ich do ich prac w domu.  Moja wspaniala kolezanka Naila mila moje dzieci u siebie w domu i karmila je bardzo dobrym jedzeniem z kraju Yemen.  Ja bym chcialm u niej caly dzien jesc.  Tez znowu dzieci bylu u Dresden a dziaj przychodzi do nas kolerzanka April.


Przeslylam zdjecia "malego" koszyka slodyczy, tez jak dzieci sie fascynuja toaleta z natryskiem, tez odwiedzin mojego ojca w szpitalu i pieknego fuss ball stolu, no i zdjecie mojej koleazanki Denise. 





Brandi said...

Maybe it's because I've only had C-sections, but I'm confused by the toilet.

I keep laughing at the mental image of you wandering the cafeteria in your gown like an escapee from the mental ward and being yelled at by the cashier. :)


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that the hospital is treating you well!

-- Ethan

Becky said...

I can't even imagine a stay that long in the hospital-- you have such a great attitude about it. It is great that you have so much help. I hope all goes well with the birth- which is in the next day or so, isn't it! Our prayers are with you!