Thursday, November 19, 2009

Moving Decisions / Decyzje Przeprowadzki

November 19, 2009

Moving Decisions


In about 7 months Josh will be done with his residency and the army will be moving us.  We don't get to make the decision where we will move but we can put in our preferences.  Here are our top 5:

1.    Colorado Springs, Colorado

2.    Germany

3.    Monterey, California

4.    Seattle, Washington

5.    Arizona


Yesterday we had a phone interview with the Colonel that makes the decision and when he heard our preferences he laughed.  I guess we picked the most popular places where all doctors want to go.  The only place where very few people want to move right now is Germany, so that is probably where we will end up.  But we are not giving up on Colorado just yet.


Regardless of where we move, Josh will be deploying to go to war.





Decyzje Przeprowadzki

19 Listopad 2009


Za okolo 7 miesiecy moj maz konczy praktyke, i wojsko nas przeprowadzi do innej bazy aby moj maz tam pracowal jako lekarz.  My nie wybieramy gdzie sie przeprowadzimy ale mozemy powiedziec gdzie wolimy jechac.  Tu nasze lista preferecji:

1.    Colorado Springs, Colorado

2.    Niemcy

3.    Monterey, California

4.    Seattle, Washington

5.    Arizona

Wczoraj mieslmy wywiad przez telefon z osoba ktora decyduje gdzie nas przeprowadzic.  Ten pan sie smial by my wybralismy tylko najbardziej popularne bazy.  Miesce do ktorego mamy najlepsza szanse wyjechac to Niemcy bo tam lekarze wojska teraz nie lubia sie przeprowadzac.  Wiec chyba do Niemiec pojedziemy, ale nadal mamy nadzieje ze jest szansa wyjechania do Colorado.


Bez wzgledy gdzie sie przeprowadzimy, moj maz bedzie musial jechac na wojne.






Miranda said...

Good Luck in getting what you want! I know we never got anywhere near where we wanted to go. I have a theory about who picks where we go. They let us make a list and dream of where we want us to go and then they give us somewhere unexpected and laugh. I think that is what our guy did... but enough of my complaining. I am happy to see that you guys are having fun and are doing well! =0)

Sarah said...

Lovely photos and nice to hear the update.
Where were the boys dressed up as store clerks?
I love Gracie's outfit!

Staci said...

When will you find out where you are going?