Wednesday, June 25, 2008



December 27, 2007

One of the things that I loved about living in Iowa was how
politically active the city of Des Moines is.  Because Iowa is the
very first state that chooses the political candidates for president,
all of the politicians flock to Iowa to campaign.

I was fortunate to live in Iowa during a year of political excitement.
 Every week I got calls from different candidates asking for my
support and inviting me to a political rally.  Because I had a
favorite candidate, I decided to attend one of the meetings so that I
could get a picture with hopefully the next president of the United
States—Mitt Romney.

I was very determined to get that picture, so I wanted to sit in the
very front row.  I saw a seat in the front and I sat on it, even
though the seat had an umbrella on it.  Right as the meeting was about
to start an old lady approached me and asked me to give her, her seat
back.  I refused.  I wanted the picture too much.  When one of Mitt
Romney's campaign people heard about it, he invited the old lady to
sit on the stage right behind Mitt Romney with other distinguished
guests.  The lady was very happy by this resolution and I was happy to
keep my front row seat, though I still felt very guilty about stealing
the old lady's seat in the first place.

After the meeting I asked Mitt Romney if I could have a picture with
him and he cheerfully obliged me.  I even got to take a picture of
Josh with him.

Now that I have the pictures I feel obligated to help elect Mitt
Romney, so in Iowa I volunteered at his campaign headquarters.  My
friend Nancy Lowman and I made phone calls one afternoon encouraging
people to watch a debate on TV and to vote for Mitt Romney in the
straw poll.  I even donated 25 dollars to Mitt Romney's campaign.

I learned a bit about the political process as well.  I vaguely knew
that before the general election, there was a primary election where
one candidate was chosen to represent his party, though I have never
voted in a primary before.  This time I was ready to vote in the
primary so I asked one of the campaign workers when the Iowa primary
is held.  It turns out that Iowa does not have a primary election.
Instead, they have a caucus and it will be held on Jan 3 this year.
Voting in a caucus is much different than at the booths.  For one, it
is probably held at a different place than your regular voting
location.  Also, you have to be there right at 7pm.  The voting is
over very quickly, so one can not be late to the caucus.  If you live
in Iowa and would like to participate in the Jan 3 caucus, here is a
link to find out where your caucus is held

As for the rest of states, they hold primary elections, caucuses, or
conventions on different dates ranging from January to June.  Here is
a link to an article with all of the GOP election dates:,_2008

I hope all of you will exercise your right to vote in the next few
weeks or months, depending on where you live.  I especially hope that
my friends in Iowa(Jan 3), New Hampshire(Jan 8), Michigan(Jan 15),
South Carolina and Nevada(Jan 19) will vote because that sets the tone
for the rest of the country.  I will be voting Feb 5 here in Georgia.
If you recently moved you can pick up a voter registration pamphlet in
most libraries or post offices.

I also hope that you will vote for Mitt Romney in the primary
election.  I have read a lot of articles about him in the last year.
Almost everyday I visit a website called  It
has both negative and positive articles about him.  The more I read
the more I'm convinced that he is the best hope for America and the
best hope for me having a picture with the president!

Check out the pictures!


27 Grudzien 2007

Za pare tygodni beda wczesne wybory tu w Ameryce.  Bedziemy wybierac
kandydata ktory bedzie reprezentowa swoja partje.  W Ameryce sa 2
glowne partje.  Teraz okolo 8 roznych kandydatow w obydwoch partjach
walczy aby byc tym jednym kandydatem ze swojej partji.

Stan Iowa w ktorym nie dawno mieszkalam pierwszy glosuje trzeciego
Stycznia na kandydata.  Z tego powodu wszyscy kandydaci tam
przyjezdzaja i organizuja spotkania wyborcze.  Kadzego tygodnia ktos
do mnie dzwonil zebym poszla na takie spotkanie.

Tym razem ja mam ulubionego kandydata--Mitt Romney, wiec poszlam na
takie spotkanie bo chcialam sobie z nim zdjecie zrobic.  Chcialam
siedziec z przodu zebym miala lepsza szanse poprosic o zdjecie.
Zobaczylam wolne siedzienie z przodu wiec tam usiadlam choc na krzesle
lezala parasolka.  Jak sie spokanie mialo zaczac to starsza pani do
mnie podesza i poprosila abym jej oddala siedzenie.  Ja nie chcialam
jej oddac siedzenia bo za bardzo chcialam to zdjecie.  Jeden czlowiek
co zorganizowal to spotkanie o tym sie dowiedzial wiec poprosil ta
pania aby usiadla na podium zaraz obok kandydata i obok innych waznych
gosci.  Jej to sie bardzo podobalo wiec bardzo sie ta rezolucja
cieszyla.  Mnie tez to ucieszylo ze moglam nadal siedziec z przodu,
ale nadal zle sie czulam bo nie powinnam byla jej zabrac tego

Po spotkaniu Mitt Romney dal mi zrobic z nim zdjecie i nawet zrobilam
mojemu mezowi kilka zdjec z nim.

Po otrzymaniu zdjecia zmobilizowalam sie pomoc temu kandytatowi
wygrac wybory.  Raz poszlam z kolezanka dzwonic do ludzi i prosic ich
aby na niego glosowali, i nawet dalam 25 dolarow tej kampanji.  Duzo
czytam ostanio o polityce i o procesie wyborow tu w ameryce.  W tym
pierwszym konkursie kazdy stan glosluje w innym dniu od Stycznia do
Czerwca.  Nawazniejsze sa wyniki ze stanow Iowa, New Hampshire,
Michigan, South Carolina i Nevada, bo te stany sa pierwsze i reszta
kraju idzie w ich kroki.  W stanie Iowa glosowanie odbywa sie innaczej
niz w innych stanach.  Trzeba przyjsc glosowac dokladnie o 7 wieczorem
i glosowanie bardzo szybko sie konczy, wiec nie mozna sie spoznic.  W
innych stanach mozna glosowac caly dzien.  Ja bede glosowac 5 Lutego
tu w stanie Georgia.

Mam nadzieje ze moj kandydat wygra bo duzo o nim czytalam i bardzo mi
on sie podoba.  Tez mam nadzieje ze wygra bo wtedy beda miala zdjecie
z prezydentem Stanow Zjednoczonych!

Zalanczam zdjecia.
